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Video Transcription
merci and today we are going to be do aspecial dissing cos wasteful new makingwith yell as always women to LIKE andsubscribe for more abuse pancake pasa umthe first thing we’re going to add isthat’s good coconuts new lick lickthat’s good and they ain’t going to addthe salt we so here’s Brownlee and we’repulling it over so wonderful to Morganin my hand again so easy some work youknow it see what’s not some oh it is sowe thought missing that’s probably goodthis yeah now I’m gonna put it in thislovely to mix and once is good not mixwelcome back to it yes I believe that weare making this so awkward and we’recookingit’s doing on me pleaseokay what’s the next another nextbillboard absolutely of a multi yes yeslast celiac okay yes it’s our Vassiliouthat’s that’s a place I don’t so muchvomit sorryno wonder the our there’s a full-on cakemixokay so now we are going to be stuffing[Music]so and I am like checking on us I don’tyou mean some other like I want to knowabout it and it and then we have somebutter so we have us gonna write alittle quickly and we attract lots ofgood that’s nice and wet see to dissolveasifa’s and men de Adal a tremendoustool icon so far I’m on duty videos andslowly was so late but we really have toeat this yeah