Cookies Recipes

We make peanut butter cookies 🤍🧸


Instagram: @kaya.herndon99 + @_nataliejasmin_

tik tok: @kaya.herndonn + @_nataliejasmin_

snap: Kaya_herndon99 + @nataliejasmin09 🤍

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Video Transcription

make um what is this called we’re goingto makepeanut butter chocolate cookies what shesaidum how do you start it this is how theylook previouslyokay and so the first timeyeah because that’s the first steppreheat oven to three timestwo point two five pounds okay so twocups and one fourth cupand then what knees are getting a bubblei hope you fall no capokay oh sorrywe’re gonna have to touch an assholebabyhurry upmeasure the sugar one and one fourth cupuse the dutchthis[Music]fourth cup i’m gonna need one cupyou can use the mason jar okayguys as you can see we’re pro bakers andwe know exactly how to do thisyep go check us out non-existenttwo two endsi thinkno you can just wash your hands afterit’s gonna literally get all did we washour hands the first time yesi did well i went to thebathroom and washed them againokay run them with thatnext enough i guess how many is that howmany do i have to dofive of them oh like iceberg lookwhat you have on your fingerokay so um no one else is eating themexceptus and so we’re making 24.and that’s why we’re licking our sonot washing our handslike a spatula or somethingdo i need a spatulaoh[Applause]should i mix it how do you do one in onefourth eggokay that’s why i give it to megive me the other egg yeah the frenchgive it to me it’s in the fridge get ityou can get it that’s why you’re anassholewhere even is ithow do you do one-fourth of an egg canyou do it in a different bowl oh my godbecause this you said this was you saidget my phone get it out my pocket rightnow why getout my pocketas you can see she’s really attached toherphone no because she’s charging me[Music]that’s good right now what stir it noshamedon’t whisk it because the whiskeya mixing forkit’s a fancy term for forks[Music]peanut butterytell me that does not fit it fitsthere’s justwater on it i think this is how it’ssupposed to bedon’t mind my counter i kindagoodi think it’s good in my cup okay roll upmy sleevesokay gotta make some ballsshe’s still inappropriate oh this isactually luckyit doesn’t even stick i know but it’salso like kind of like floppy looknone of that stuck on me ohcommunication can release it yeahit’s my version it’s family i don’tcare whati think it is that’s what it is i knowbut i like the other onereally yeahyeah kind of but better than could belike fearno one would neverone of my friends that’s younger than mei’m in sixth grade i’m 12. he’s fifthno he’s in six but he’s eleven oh soyou’ve turnedwhen’s his birthdayprobably find out on social media butanyway she’s ninth grade she’s 14 15this yearso she’s like three years older fouryears older than himthree years three yearsand he like yeah gonna get himhe tried to get at me and then irejected thenlet’s cut this all out that’s kind ofneat we’re not trying to come at himno just his name you’re just kind of outof his name but he’lloh he won’t even watch the video yeah hewill no you don’t yes he willhe’s a doctor on social media he followsher on top of me on tick tock her ownsnapchat not on snapchatyoutube when we make one of these videoswhen this postthough so it’s easier to roll a plate aplatei think that’s one cup this is one onethirdi should do two of them because thatmakes itjust not one halfsmells like peanut butter no we’remaking the peanut butter chocolate[Music]i like one if you were a viewer momwhat would you want to see us do whilewe wait 13 minutes11 minutes do you random stuff then cutthe videoand then be back and invest it what the what thewhy don’t you put it up there you didn’tlook at allit’s like this then why is it just[Music]thickness thatisthat’s how it’s supposed to be if youfollow the picturesso keep it for two minutes[Music]okay three two one audio cooling so nowwe have to put it on aplate to make it look fancy oh my godso she looks depressed okay let’s trythese twonow this is this isso our final score is a lot ofconsiderationis it eight and a halfthank you for watching i hope youenjoyed make sure to like and subscribefor some more videos like this

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