If you struggle to make Insta worthy 🍪Chocolate Chip Cookies 🍪, check out this toubleshooting video!
We teach you what to do if your cookies are
💦 Too runny
🏜️ Too dry
🦆 Or just straight up ugly ducklings
The best part about the techniques we show you, is that they are universal to most cookie recipes!
Do you have baking struggles that we can help you with? If so, let us know! 😊
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Video Transcription
if you don’t want to switch over thebutter-flavored crook up krista babagirl black up hi I’m Jenny with Dennysweet ELISA thank you so much forjoining me today as I’m really excitedto get to teach you how to modify yourvery own chocolate chip cookie recipesin order to get the results that youwant the tips and tricks that I’m goingto share with you are the tricks that Iuse to modify my recipes in order to getthe looks the flavor and the consistencythat I like so first and foremostwhether you’re using your own recipe orif you’re looking one up online one ofthe first things you’re going to want tomake sure of is that they contain notonly granulated sugar but the recipealso calls for brown sugar and secondlyyou’re going to want to make sure thatthe recipe calls for salt becausesaltiness is the key to sweetness notsugar so those are just the basicingredients that I do it for in my facecookie recipes such as monster cookieschocolate chip cookiesand many others so first and foremost Ihave all of my ingredients laid out infront of me already and I’m just goingto go ahead and I’m going to add them tomy bowl and then I’ll let you see whatthat what that gets us a look[Music]you[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]as you can see the dough it’s stickingnot sticking to the thighs it’s forminga nice ball in the center of the bowlbut to touch it is still has lots ofmoisture to it you know the consistencyshould be about like you know that youbuy at the store like the Toll Houselogs that’s about the consistency thatwe are going for if your video comes outdry or wet or if your cookieshistorically come out like really flator they’re super dry then I’m gonna goover some different tips that you canuse in order to remedy that cookies arehistorically coming out of the ovenreally flat and almost running a lookingthey just lack structure then there’s afew different things that you can do totry to negate this the first one is youcan switch your butter or margarine ifthat’s what you’re using you can switchthat to using butter flavored Crisco theCrisco helps to give the cookies alittle bit more structure and allowsthem to loose a little more in the ovenif you don’t want to switch over tobutter flavored cricket Crisco or ifyou’re just trying to make at home andyou don’t have that all you have isbutter or margarine then you can alwaysjust add cold fat to your ingredientsit’s just a little bit harder to mix inand you’re gonna want to work morequickly so that it doesn’t come to thetemperature before you get the cookiedough in the oven that will help it’llslow the baking process a little bit andallow the oventhe last thing that I would try eventhough it does add a little bit moretime to look at you is you can go aheadand prepare your dough and then stick itin the refrigerator either overnight orat least one to three hours until thedough is chilled to touch this willagain the same furious adding cold fatto the recipe it will make the doughcolder and it will slow down the bakingprocess to enable the cookies to sleepup a little bit more that is a littlebit more difficult to implement ifyou’re trying to make the cookies in ahurry though because it does add to thepress time if that doesn’t work for yourcookies and the next thing that you cantry is you can increase the flour in thecookies I wouldn’t increase it any morethan 1/4 of a cup each time that you tryif they’re super runny then you can goahead and increase it by a half a cupbut if you get too much flour in therethen the cookies will begin to come outdry and we don’t want that if yourrecipe isn’t calling for baking sodathen I would go ahead and I would addthat before you add any flour or beforeyou switch your fat out the baking sodaallows the it will help with the raisingof the cookieI wouldn’t add any more than a teaspoonof baking soda though or you’re probablygonna start to get a little that bakingsoda flavor also after you’ve tried allof these you can always try adding anextra egg that can help out a little bitmore to drop the share because a littlemore egg adds a little more fat to thecookies so that may helpI would definitely try that last if yourcookies or your dough are coming out todry and you want to add a little bit ofmoisture to them or you just want themto be a little bit more gooey thenthere’s a couple different options thatyou have first and foremost I would add1/2 1/2 of a teaspoon to a teaspoon ofwater to the dough that should help youexponentially even though it’s not muchit does definitely help that dough thenext thing that you can do if yourrecipe is not already calling forvanilla is go ahead and add that vanillato the recipe I would add about ateaspoon of vanilla and that will notonly help with some moisture but it willawesome give you a better flavor to thecookies so that is the tips and tricksthat I use in order to get theconsistency that I like of the dough sonow I’m going to go ahead and I’m goingto show you how to make the presentationof the dough look a little bit moresales worthy or just make it lookprettier instagram-worthyso that you can take pictures of it andshow it off to your friends or so thatyou can take it to a party and reallywow them so there are a few differentmethods that you can use to roll outyour cookie doughpersonally I don’t necessarily like touse the cookie scoop so I just like tofeel the dough that I’m working with andI like to measure the size and theweight of it by hand because I just knowwhat it should feel like I struggle withthesometimes getting them to be similarbecause the chocolate chips in the doughcan throw off the amount of actual doughthat are in the scoops and then you’vegot this small eye cookies with lots ofchocolate chips and you have largercookies with not as many chocolate chipsso but if you’d like to use the scoopsthat’s perfectly fine you can go aheadand you can measure it out you’re gonnawanna just get them a cycle as uniformas possible then you’re going to want tokind of push it against the side makesure you’ve got it filled and flatten itoff and then you’ll just squeeze andit’ll shoot right out on the counter orin your hand if you’re prepared this iskind of a small scoop right because Idon’t like to use the scoops I don’thave the larger scoops so if you havethose larger skips or if you just wantsmaller cookies then you can go aheadand use that this is a tablespoon scoopbut for me I like to use just my handsso I’ll reach in and then I just kind ofsqueeze the dough together and I roll itthis is a little smallso I will add a little bit more doughinto my hand and then I can also weaveit together and I’ll roll it I like topull it out because I think that itgives it a nice smooth texture when itcomes out it’s more rounded when itcomes out of the oven so I go ahead andyou about the size of a walnut like thethe walnut not the green on it’s thebrown well this is what I ate beforewe’re a little bit biggerwhichever however I’m feeling and youcan really make them any size that youwant it doesn’t matter you can make thatas individual as you are it reallydoesn’t matter especially if you’remaking it just for you and your familyor your friends then that’s entirely upto you so I’m going to go ahead and I’mgonna roll all of these out now that wehave all the doughfold out and put on our cookie sheets Ilike to put 12 per cookie sheet and Ijust have the basic size cookie sheetand I prefer the air baked ones becauseI think that the air baked cookie sheetsgive the cookies not nice glue thatwe’ve been talking about it just kind ofhelps get you there and it makes themmuch more evenly the bottoms don’t getover base when the tops are still alittle raw so it just gives them alittle bit more of uniformity as itbakes but one of the other options thatwe have and I do do this sometimes ifI’m not satisfied with how the you lookonce I get them rolled out is even takesome extra chocolate chips and you canjust put them on the rolled out cookiesyou can also do this after you cookiescome out of the oven if you like I thinkthat this looks a little lessintentional and makes them look likethey just kind of came out of the oventhat way because they do whereas if youput it on afterwards sometimes it canlook like you come on afterwards whichisn’t necessarily a bad thing but I likethem this way a little bit better so ifyou just have some that you weren’tsatisfied that theyenough chocolate chips on the top oraesthetically pleasing to you Luna’s goahead and put them in there I like tostick them in with the Queen hurt downand then you get that amazing flatchocolate chip look to them but you cando them however you like whatever yourfavorite way is so I just added a few tosome of the ones that were there andthen I’m going to go ahead and I’m goingto stick him in the oven[Music][Music][Music][Music]after making about eight to twelveminutes then your cookies should be alldone depending on your oven and therecipe that you’re using the cookiesshould have a little bit of a cold andrain around the edge of them and someboldness to the tops if you don’t wantthem to look brown or they’re going tobe over paint over baking cookies isprobably the most common mistake thatpeople make and that will make yourcookies dry and become penci instead ofgiving in that nice chewiness to thecenter we’re gonna make them look alittle bit more aestheticallypresentable and make them a little bitmore finished one of the things that Ilove to do is to take a flat bottom cupnot a flat bottomed garlic lime I cutand you will just gently kind of pressthe cookies down a little bit sometimesthe chocolate chips will stick to ityou can just kind of smear them onto thecookie or sometimes I won’t even a papertowel and I will dry that off or justwake it off it just kinda depends onwhat chocolate chips you’re using and itdepends on how cool they are but thishelps give you keep a little bit more ofa uniform look and it just makes them alittle bit more presentable[Music]after your cookies have set and cool onthe baking sheet for about five to sixminutes then you should be good totransfer them to the counter coolingrack or to a parchment paperI prefer parchment paper because I thinkit just makes cleanup so much easier butreally it’s up to you and whateveryou’re most comfortable with and whatyou have available to you the reasonthat you’ll need to let em sit for aboutfive to six minutes is to allow them tohave a little bit of stability so thatthey don’t fall apart when you’re tryingto transfer them to the cooling rack orparchment paperthank you for watching our video if youlearn something then be sure to like andshare and if you want to stay up to dateand see all of our latest informationand tutorials then be sure to like ourpage on Instagram and Facebook