Cookies Recipes

Vlog February 18, 2020 ~ Made No Bake Cookies~

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good morning everyone it is Tuesdaymorning it is 8:30 9:00 and Aubree’sbeen up since about 6:30 so I am like Isaid 8:30 9:00 my mom is coming at 9o’clock like yesterday to bring me tothe library I got a print off someshipping labels and then send out twoboxes on my friend told me yesterdaythat one wanted me my boyfriend hangingwith him on Friday that we’re gonna goto Walmart and pick up some more inkfrom my printer so then I can startdoing it here back here at the houseagain so I do that when trying to alittle bit of dishes I told her I gaveover her clothes hopefully she’s gonnaget dressedlike I said I have a little bit a bunchof dishes here to do so today is a fastday to me you guys actually I think I’mjust gonna like wash up all the cans Ihave here put them in a strainer andthen when I get home I’ll do my actualdishesyeah today is just like a lounge daybasically my mom is leaving to go awaywith her client for a couple days so shewon’t be able to come watch Aubree so Ican go to the gym but I might see if mybrother’s girlfriend can watch her likelet her play with the girls and watchher while I go today maybe big maybe ifnot then it’s not a big deal like Iunderstand it school vacation week sobutokay guys I’m gonna tilt these pans andI will see you guys the flemeth eat heyguys is 1053 now so um what would my momdid what I had to docame back and one of Sue’s and I grabbedmy 90s horror movies oh because um yeahSunday started 90s high weekso last night I watched the cat Walkerjust Stephen King movie I was only ableto watch like one yesterday because myfriend came over and he we stay late wewatched Pulp Fiction so I wasn’t able towatch like two movies last night but ourbeasts home all week so it’s gonna belike kind of hard for me to watch moviesunless like I combined some on YouTubeto watch on my phone but other than thatmight have to like wait for her to go tobed at night then I can watch at leasttwo movies everyday I’m gonna try and dolike two movies a day two or three a dayso that’s my goal to do for this week490 tyre week but you never know youguys you never know um it’s like I toldyou guys earlier today is a fasting dayfor me but I have this 75 ounce bigthing I have a bunch of ice in here Ihad two water bottles and then someCrystal Light so it’s more water tastingthan crystallite but it’s still in therea little bit so in there so I’ve beenlike sipping at this and I’m making abriher Mac and Chee it’s it y know welldone okay guys well I’m gonna get hurtno on the table your mirrors on thetableyour princess mirror your princessmirrors on the table behind your carseat okay guys well I’m gonna get herhair mac and cheese I have like I’mgonna show you guys real quick but Ihave like a load of laundry that Ijust like fold it up in our hat okayI’ll get it for youyou got it right there yeah and now Igotta like bring it upstairs and put itaway oh my god you guys and anotherthing you guys so um before I forgetAmazon was doing this this deal with thefire stick so I have a fire stick in myliving room because my friend got me onefor Christmas because my Roku justsucked it sucked too guys if it was justhorrible I’m gonna do some dishesactually whoa I’m talking to you guysand then I’ll show you guys my mylaundry over here uh but um so my Rokuwas just like not working anymore atfirst I thought it was my brother’sWi-Fi and then we realize it wasn’t likeit was the Roku and I I realized thatbecause um I gave the Roku to mybrother’s girlfriend his sister to haveand she was havingthe same problems with it so I knew itwas the whirlpool it wasn’t my brother’sWi-Fi so um like I said my friend got methe fire stick for Christmas so I’vebeen using the fire stick I love itand Amazon was doing a steal where youlike putting this code and it was like25 dollars off so I got it for 25 I meanwe say 25 I was so that’s was becomingtoday not only I think I told you guysthis but normally I don’t really sleepin my bed I think I said only time Ireally suit my bed is when myboyfriend’s here but when he’s not hereI mean I usually fall asleep on my ownrecliner like I’ll push it out and I’llsit on my recliner but um now that I’mgetting my fire stick I think I’m gonnamake it I think I’m gonna like reallypush myself to sleep in my bed morebecause I’ll have the fire stick upthere so there’s no reason for me tostay down here and watch my TV shows Ican watch it upstairs and it’ll bebetter for Audrey because she like givesme a problem going to bed at nightbecause she doesn’t like being up thereby herself and she doesn’t like to be upthere alone so if I I one of my othergoals you guys is is I want to try andget all my stuff done before I have toput Audrey to bed so like all mycleaning done like make sure the livingrooms put done for the night cleaned updishes are done I want to make sure thatI have everything done before I have tobring her up to bed so that I can juststay in my room for the rest of thenight and I’ll be down here that’s likea goal I’m gonna work on doing where myboyfriend’s here we do that like I’llfeed the fish will shut the lights offwhen we go to we go up to bed alrightwhen we’re putting our Marie to bedthat’s what we do we watch movies and sowe both fall asleep so however I alreadydo that when my boyfriend’s hereI just don’t do that when I’m heremyself with Aubree because I just likesit on my recenter and watch movies orwatch TV so now that I’m gonna begetting the fire stick another firestick I can watch TV upstairs so maybeI’ll like go to bed at a decent time cuzyou guys I could meet my boyfriend ofthe same land we do not go to bed at agood timebut my boyfriend he he’s different thanme he doesn’t really have to get upearly in the morning like I do just cuzI have Aubree obviously so I have to getup but it’s like during the summer timewhen I re goes to Maine with my mom whenmy parents I sleep inI sleep in Aubree here you go oh you’rehome alone on which one because I am isit was it rewinded let me see it youhave to print we meant wait let me seelet me see you’re not putting it rightAubrey’s not in right it’s not in rightno no no no let me see I’m sorry Ishould I see if it’s rewinded oh no lookAubrey it’s not rewinded go for theother ones in the back go for those onesin the back over there I Bri yeah it hasto be all that has to be up here go forthose ones back there those other willhome alone movies back there I gottacome in here and rewind all her moviessee that one you can put in that one isreminded you can put that one in ourbrief let me just take it out show melet me see no I’m truckin hold on guys Imight put you right oh right here for asecond no this one’s not rewinded okayso you want to watch the third one fornow well let me see another one wellNavi you me show you okay uh wait aminute take it you take the cover pleaseyeah this one’s rewinding you want towatch this one okay home alone twolet me make sure there’s nothing in heremommy oh my goodness you guys go aheadand put it in there go ahead go aheadno no just push it throughgentle gentle okay there you go eat yourmac and cheese okay try not to step onme no try not to step on the Containerboxes oh my goodness you guys trying tohelp her with the VHS tapes I am I needto read I need to like plug in my thingand rewind tapes for her but but yeahguys so now I’m gonna have my fire stickso I can seep upstairs again andeverything so that should be comingtodayI said between three sixes should becoming so then once I get out medicalfacilities and like to set it up andthen maybe tonight when I’m waiting forour B to fall asleep I’ll put on mylaundry away while I’m watching TVthat’s tonight I’m thinking that’s whatI’m gonna do tonight while I’m in myroom Oh watch some TV and put all mylaundry away so okay guys well it’seight minutes me jibber jabber with youguys so I am gonna do these dishes and Iwill see you guys afterwards okay guysso I’m back here is our breeze clothesthis is my sheet here my clothes rightthere so yeah guys like I have a lot oflaundry to put away so what I’ve beendoing since I last updated you guys okayso I got some laundry switched so I’mofficially done with laundry officiallydone with laundry’s got to put them awaynow I made some no Bank cookies nowthese are definitely not like low-carbketo approvedI know these you could have on WeightWatchers but they’re basically I’m gonnahave them on my feast days like I’llhave one or two on my feast daysbecause it’s oatmeal so it’s 1/2 a cupof unsweetened cocoa 1 stick of butter1/2 a cup of milk or like I use almondmilk and then what else did you putinside of itOh 1/2 a cup of like sugar so I use myTruvia packets and you mix it togethertill it boils and then you take it offthe heat and you add in half a cup ofpeanut butter and 3 cups of rolled oatsor any type of oatmeal and I’ll turnaround and show you guys how they looksorry about that guys my phone died buthere they areI took a tablespoon and scooped it andthen put it on there so these are the nobig cookies I probably could have madehim like a little bit bigger but Iwanted to make them like bite-sized I’mlike I said I’ll probably have like oneor two of these on my eating days sothat’s what they look like they areactually really good you guys when I wasdoing Weight Watchers back in 2014/15 Ibelieve is when I did like actuallystuck to eat watches and lost like 30pounds I would make these things all thetime but I’d make them a little bitbigger and thicker but these ones I tookthe tablespoon thing and scooped it andthen dr. on the thing pushed it down andit’s perfect so I’m gonna let these sitfor like a little bit longer and thenI’m gonna put them in one of mycontainers I want to make sure thatthey’re completely good so that theywon’t stick together in the container soyou’re gonna have them sit for a couplemore minutes but I can’t wait to havelike one or two of them tomorrow hoo Ican’t wait you guys I can’t wait I can’twait I can’t wait so the rest of thenight um I promised Audrey that I’d godownstairs and grab her a little minitrampolinefor her to jump a little bit if it getstoo much and my house starts likeshaking like crazy then I’m gonna we’regonna have to stop it but I promised herthat and then it’s because it’s alreadythree so then we have a couple morehours until she goes to bed which Icannot wait to go to bed tonight youguys just because I cannot wait to getup in the morning and have a cup ofcoffee and I shouldn’t check my mail andsee if my fire stick is here I’m gonnaunplug that real quickOh update on my water I might I told youguys I was drinking this like look atthis you guys it’s like it is like goneI know you can’t see it but it is likegone not all the way gone but almostwhat are you doing what are you doingwhat were you doing you burning yourtrampolineyou better be good remembers no see it’sthe Mail’s herewhathold on abri oh it is raining a littlebit out here oh come on and I must notbe getting my I must not be getting myum I was gonna say I must not be gettingmy fire stick from the from the mailmanI must be getting it from like UPS orsomething oh no like Warner that lightsa truck or something oh I’m such afreakin idiot the Amazon people deliverit I am such a freakin idiot you guys Iam such an idiot the Amazon people willdeliver it so it said between 3:30 and6:30 that it should be here so then youdidn’t earn it then it’s maybe tomorrowok guys well I am gonna finish up myhousework here and I’ll see you guysafterwardsyou

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