Cookies Recipes

Tangerine Quarantine – Lesson 2 – Cookie Making

Make cookies at home during lockdown!

Utensils needed:

Mixing bowl
Wooden spoon
Cookie cutter
Baking tray
Scales to weigh ingredients
Cooling rack


225g Butter
110g Sugar
275g Plain Flour


1. Weigh out all ingredients
2. Mix all ingredients into a mixing bowl
3. Roll out and cut the cookies
4. Place onto a baking tray
5. Cook in the oven at 170’c for 10-12 minutes
6. Allow to cool
7. Eat and enjoy!

This activity counts towards the following badges:

Chef – Cooking

Chef – Cooking
Skills Challenge – Cooking

Chef – Cooking
Skills Challenge – Make Biscuits

Cook – Cooking
Skills Challenge – Creative Activity

Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription

[Music]Tom heads over here you have a reallysimple cookie recipe that you guys canmake at home all you needed butter sugarand flour let’s get started and thefirst thing to do when cooking anythingis to make sure you wash your handsfirst so we’ll do that so we’re going tobegin by adding 225 grams of butter toour mixture now to add in small bitsbecause it’s easier to add a little bitmore than it’s trying take some awayonce your butter has been weighed outgrab yourself a big bowl and a woodenspoon and put all your butter in so whatwe’re going to do now is cream thebutter so it’s light and fluffy meaningthat it will not be a big block anymorethis may take some time he’s given foodprocessor I can recommend one of thoseas well because that will do the jobmuch quicker so I’ll call the sugar tothe mix and then stir it all in okaylet’s head on back over to the scalesand add 275 grams of plain flour okaywe’re gonna add our flour to the mixturenow the flour has been added we canstart to mix it all in together now thisstage of your mixture you can addoptional ingredients of whatever elseyou’d like to if you have chocolatechips raisins spices so cinnamon as wellall these sort things you can add in andtry I don’t have any extra greatingredients herehowever you may have some lying aroundthe Cohutta hunt see what you can findnow the dough threads to be cut andcooked we’re gonna preheat our oven to170 degrees C on the fan setting now ifyou’re a younger one please ask yourparents to help you whilst doing thisokay we’re gonna take cookies put theminto the ovenand then set a timer for ten minutes sonow that our cookies are done using anoven glove or something from itsomething similar grab them out the ovenyounger ones if you can ask your parentsto help you and then we’ll put them overoff the off there just give it a quickcheck yeah see that see how that hard onthe top we’ve got this light brown cutaround the base this means that they’reready so grabbing a utensil just shifton over I’m just gonna leave them tocool now if yours weren’t quite readyafter the extra two minutes then justleave them in for another minute or sothen just keep repeating this processuntil they are properly cooked but theywill be cooked you just need to givethem time because the bigger you makeyour cookie the longer it will take tocook so if you make a massive one youhave to need that thing in the oven forhalf an hour again we’re just gonnaleave these to cool for 10 to 15 minutesand they’re ready to eat the good thingto do whilst you’re waiting for yourcookies to bake is to step outside forfive minutes and enjoy the weatherI hope you guys enjoyed that video nowcookies ready to eat so let’s enjoy mmmreally good[Music]let me know in the comments what youguys made and put in your cookies anywayfrom shining off[Music]

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