This weeks recipe is Snickerdoodle No Bake Cookies. These are a delicious keto low carb recipe that ran across in a Keto cookbook that we were giving for Christmas. These are really easy to make, and as the name implies requires no baking, it’s also made with a lot of ingredients that you may already have in your pantry. These turned out great and even our kids enjoyed them.
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Recipe from “Keto for Life” cookbook:
Intro and Outro Music from video:
Song: The Thief in Marrakesh
by “Arc De Soleil”
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Video Transcription
hi guys welcome back to CJ’s Kitokitchen we hope that you are all doingwell the thing about social distancingas you can get a lot of cooking downthis particular recipe is going to be ano-bake recipe and it is going toutilize things that you probably alreadyhave in your pantry we are making no bigsnickerdoodle cookies so come along withme and let’s get started[Music]so these cookies only have a coupleingredients you do not need to bake themand they utilized ingredients that thoseof us practising the ketogenic lifestylemore than likely already have in ourpantry it only takes a couple of minutesyou just need to use your hand mixer forjust a second and then you just showthem in the refrigerator and they’reready to eat so let’s go ahead and getstarted making our snickerdoodles[Music]so in our medium-sized bowl we want fourounces of softened cream cheese I’musing Philadelphia brand because I havefound that it is the lowest in carbs ifyou’re going to use a grocery storebrand definitely check your macros onthe label – our cream cheese we aregoing to be adding one stick of softenedbutter[Music]to our fats we want to add a little bitof seasoning in this case it’s a spiceand because these are snickerdoodle nobake cookies we are going to be addingsome cinnamon and I’m going to be addingtwo teaspoons of cinnamon we also wantto add some vanilla extract I am alsogoing to be adding two teaspoons of thisI’m going to begin mixing this up alittle bit before we add our other twoingredients just to make sure that ourfats are well incorporatedokay we’ve got our fats and they’re allsmooth and creamy and that’s what we’relooking for now we are going to addsweetener and I am using a powderedsweetener in this step if you do nothave access to powdered sweetener youcan grind up natural sweetener that isgranular in your coffee grinder or foodprocessor and bring it to a powderedform but if you can find theconfectioner’s brand or confectioner’sstyle of the natural sweetener that youuse that is what is needed for thisrecipe and I have 2/3 of a cup here thatwe are going to add but before I do thatwe need a little bit of baking soda weneed 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda I’mjust going to put that right on top ofmy sweetener and I’m going to stir itaround a little bit that way our soda isdistributed evenly through our sweetenerand that’s going to help make sure thatit gets distributed evenly into ourcookies so I’m going to begin combiningthis sweetener with our fats andconfectioner’s sweetener has a lot oflumps in it so you want to make surethat you try and get out your lumps whenyou’re combining it with your hand mixera little at a time about 1/2[Music]okay so that was half of our sweetenernow I’m going to take the remaining halfand then break it up just like I did andthat just helps when we’re blending itin you’re still going to have to blendit well to get the lumps out with justdoing it a little bit before you put itin is helpful so here’s the other halfso for our family personally I’m goingto add just one or two squeezes ofsqueezy liquid sweetener just because Ifind that that assists in offsetting acooling taste that your throat all cansometimes provide so I’m just going todo a couple squirts of squeezy sweethere and thats totally an optional stepI’m going to take my spatula and I’mjust gonna go ahead and bring everythingaway from the sides and just give itanother good stir to make sureeverything has come away from the bottomof the bowl okay so our final ingredientin our no bake snickerdoodles is coconutand I’m going to be using quite a goodamount of coconut because that is goingto provide the body of our cookie sincethis is a no bake and it is alsoflourless so you need four cups ofshredded coconut unsweetened and that iswhat I have here and I’m going to mix itinto our fats and our sweeteners by handso I am going to be again using mycookie baller and I’m going to startplacing these on my silicon lined bakingsheet and I’m hoping to get about 20with my cookie baller so here I have mysilicon lined baking sheet and I’m justgoing to start using my cookie ballerand start putting down our no bakedsnickerdoodles and then we’re going tolet these chill[Music]so CJ predicted that we would get morethan 20 snickerdoodles out of our batchand he’s correct so I’m going to keepballing them on a smaller 1/4 bakingsheet also with the silicon mat youcould have this recipe if you wanted butof course these can be frozen if youwanted to make extra and save them forlaterso I ended up with 20 on this sheet andI ended up with nine more so almost 30so we are going to pop these into therefrigerator for about a half hour makesure that they’re nice and solid andthen we’re going to let CJ taste them[Music]hi baby hi you are going to be tastingsome no bake snickerdoodles tonight okayall right well they look like they wereeasy to makehmmand speak to this now actually so whatthe reason I’m taking so long is whatthis is because I’m not a super hugecoconut fan but again this is anotherone of those cookies where although ithas a lot of coconut in itthe coconut is important for it to havethe texture that it needs and it’s notreally that coconut e is chewy which isgonna be interesting but it’s got areally good snicker snicker dual flavorwhich I don’t even know whatsnickerdoodle how you make that but Iguess it does I guess it’s kind ofcinnamon and vanilla yeah I didn’t thinkthey were really coconutty either Ienjoy coconut but to me it’s moretexture yeah it’s more textureit’s not really though I’m not reallygetting a lot of coconut flavor it’smore the coconut is chewy and it’s ittruly is giving it the texture for thecooking right and these are essentiallya fat bomb so you could use these as afat bomb if that was part of your ketolifestyle yeah so it’ll be interestingto see how they last and how they youknow over time especially as you mayboatload of them how they do you knowtomorrow and getting you know outfurther back I like them they’re good Ilike I’m surprisingly that they tastereally good and they don’t really tastethat much like coconut I hardly tastethe coconut at all okay good job babythank you okay we hope that you enjoyedthe cookies you guys we hope that youwill also consider subscribing andhitting the notification bell we wouldlike you to be a part of our ketogenicfamily and come back inagain if you need any recipe ingredientsmacros any other recipes that we havemade all of those things can be found onour blog and that is CJ’s keto kitchencomm also we’re on social media we areon Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterestwe also post a lot of photographs theirrecipes that we have made in the pastteaser recipes for things that we havecoming up and also other people who arepart of this lifestyle will also go onthere and put their photographs and thesuccess they’ve had making these recipesso definitely consider joining us therewe hope that you’ll come back and see usagain[Music][Music]