Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
good morning it’s Maddy I’m back it iscurrently day 11 of our quarantine andhonestly I’m tired of being at home I’mtired of being alone I’m tired of myparents I’m just tired of it so I neededsomething to bring up my mood spirit allaround make my date better 10:30 in themorning and we’re gonna make somechocolate chip cookies step-by-step soyou can make them at home too duringyour quarantine everyone needs thecookie to make their day better so let’sget into it I realized I wasn’t in framethan entire time so we’re gonna do itagain okay to make these cookies youneed to know what’s gonna be in themhere are the ingredients baking soda ortwo bars and I’ve softened butter whichwe will soften later vanilla extractsalt flour or two large eggs brown sugarreal sugar and then last but not leasttwo cup bowl of chocolate chips youmight be wondering daddy why are youmaking a cooking show right nowthe answer that is very simple didn’tjust start during this coronavirus timebut I’ve always really loved the YouTube channel Bon Appetit I don’t know ifyou guys have ever seen but uppity butthere is this growing and Claire whodoes brought up a team and she makesgourmet mix so she makes like cheez-itsat home and they’re like gourmet I don’treally know all I know is that I watchher every morning i watch her everynight and I watch her throughout my dayI love watching her cook on these thingsI wanted to make a video to be likeclearI want to be clear and I just saw her Iget me falling so much way the gist ofwhy I am making it cooking so now we’regonna try because I really think I cando this I think I can handle itso the first thing we’re gonna do to getstarted on our baking adventure preheatoven supersize the 375 degreesdonenext up we were gonna combine our dryingredients in a mixing bowl I want toget into an area or you can like seewhat I’m doing cuz that’s what clearedus a little bit so you can see what I’mdoing because how are you gonna learn itcan’t see medry ingredients so Clower boom bakingsoda boom it’s all dry 2 and 1/4 cup offlour I have these 1 cup cups that arefor dry ingredients because there’s adifference between your dry ingredientsand your wet ingredient cups crazy startspooning some of our ingredients in asyou can see it’s not really levelcompletely on the top and you want tohave so much to exact measurementsgranted it’s just cookies but we like tobe precise here now we’re just gonnakind of move it all over it so that it’sall you know filled up you’re going totake our knife with this straight edgeand we’re gonna go all the way acrossthe top boom one cup[Music]boom take our knife 2 and 1/4 cup doneme the fattest mess with this flowernext up is going to be adding oneteaspoon of salt and one teaspoon ofbaking soda and that’s okay let that gono it’s our dry ingredients are donehere the hot oven is done nice so nextI’m gonna take my whisk to my dryingredients and we’re just gonna mix theflour salt and baking soda all togetherafter this we are going to move on toour wet ingredients that’s when themagic really happens you might bewondering to yourself honeyhow are you so good at cooking andbaking it all the stuff I did takeculinary for two years no I don’tnecessarily like sweets and buychocolate chip cookies with side a glassof milk to get so nice we’re going toget a bowl for our wet ingredients boomso prepared so first step we need tosoften our butter but we’re gonna emptyour two sticks of butter I can get one Idon’t quite know if I am supposed tomelt it completely or just soften it butI’m not going to try not to melt themcompletely because I don’t think that’swhat you’re supposed to do but I do knowthat they’re so hard I’m not gonna beable to make someoh wait we can get started on the restof our wet ingredients 103 points cupright here oh my godoh you’re kidding I think I might havehad the perfect little mess the perfectamount but you know what maggiore fullcool next we’re gonna need 3/4 cup ofpacked brown sugar brown sugars a littlebit more mushy if that makes sense whereyou can compact it we’re gonna take ourbrown sugar and we’re just gonna youknow compact it with the spoon down intothe cup I’ve known their brown sugar sonow I’m just gonna plop that in thereboom 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract now Ilike mine to be a little bit sweeter soI’m just gonna add a teeny bit more sowe’re just gonna send it okayyeah we’re 2 sticks of butter pop thosein if says we need to beat buttergranulated sugar brown sugar and vanillaextract in a large mixture Bowl untilcreamy so we have our little things Idon’t know what they’re called but thisis themhey we’re set I’m kind of scared we’regoing to start off really easy and youguys can just watch me struggle[Music]so for the most part this is lookingpretty promising I think I’m gonna moveour contents into a smaller bowl justbecause I wanted to get that creamytexture that I feel like it’s not goingto be able to get in that huge bowlbecause it might be questioning myabilities I am too but you know what youjust got to keep goingbecause it will happen boom okay in theback with this bowl no I beat thispretty well so that was another eggs oneat a time next one-handed times prettysmooth you don’t tell me so as I’mgradually supposed to add in my flourmixture and the thing is I don’t thinkmy flours gonna do we ever like youtransport it back to this bowl becauseit’s all mixed together now so we can dothatnow the key here is to gradually mix inyour flour and so what I’m gonna do wehave our flour mixture right here wehave our wet ingredients we’re gonna addjust a little bit and then we’re goingto keep goingoh I don’t think I still died deliciousonly thing is that I don’t want there tobe any weird little flower like pocketsbecause if you don’t mix your flour andthoroughly enough you might getsomething not good I’m going to add inour chocolate chips now require sort ofa and a regular set – get it add in ateeny tiny bit of these mini chocolatechips we’re just like mini chocolatepockets okay and now we mix it alltogetherI would say that goes pretty good movethis party over so we’re gonna beplacing two like so I’m sort of like theshape that I want them to be in[Music]using the rest of the cookie dough I’mjust gonna say for later I can eat itmake an odd turn um this was a bake for20 to 25 minutes so I’m gonna pop themin and I’ll see you then I did it foreveryone who doubted me saying that Icouldn’t do a cooking show while I didit and here my cookies they smellamazing they look pretty good you knowthey’re nice and that crispy on theoutside but they are nice and gooey inthe center you can see the chocolatechips on the bottom all of them reallystayed together none of them fell apartin between the baking process they didexpand a little more than I was wantingbut there was still a good you knowcookie size and shape which I’m happyabout the only thing to do now is totest it so don’t you worry folks Ibrought myself a cup of milk and I havea cookie set aside right here for me andwe’re just gonna try it out and see ifit tastes as well as I think I did okayso I just pushed my cookies over alittle bit so I could sit down and enjoymy cookie that I worked so hard to makeso we’re gonna just give it a try firstI’m just gonna try by without any of themilk I say they’re good I mean I’m notthat picky about my cookies but in mynext test to make sure these are goodcookies is I like to actually dip mycookies in my milk without them fallingapart and crumbling to the bottom of mymilk so we’re gonna try thatstability still there and this is justme maybe my preference but I like how itsaturates the dough around the chocolatechips and makes it more mushy make somechips milky and I just think it’s areally nice accent to the chocolatesweetness having a nice cup of milk so Idon’t want to sleep I don’t get thesecookies at eight out of ten you know arethey the best if you have ever made noalready the best cookie they’ve ever hadno but are they gonna get the job doneyes so I’m happy with the cookies howthey turned out I think that if you wereto use this recipe just as satisfactoryfor you as it was for me try make theseat home during their quarantine you knowtry to be clear from Bon Appetit see howit worksI think Claire would be proud of me andI tried not I you know is in my MB TestKitchen because I do not have a BA TestKitchen because I am sadly not aproducer on Bon Appetit but I will soontry so until next time enjoy yourcookies wash your handsPark their social distancing and youknow just have fun on this quarantinebecause it’s not very many times thatyou get locked inside your house and youget to try new things so well you’ve alldo got a parting messageit’s really my J I hope you guys enjoyedwatching my video make sure to staytuned for the next cooking with Maddie Ihonestly I’m gonna make some spaghettibecause I didn’t speak a lot better thatmight give me some cookies so stay tunedfor that secret at-home recipe but untilthen stay safe