Cookies Recipes


Watch me turn store bought cookies into yummy easter tray treats.

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[Music]hello my partiers it is your girl it’syour girl it’s me y’all it’s your girlback at you again with another Zyo and today you guys I just want tothank all my subscribers out there Ithank you guys so much for subscribingto my channel you guys are a blessingyou guys are a blessing to me that youguys would even take time out to clickon my channel I just thank you guys andyou guys stick around and you will seemore great creations from me so let’sjump into this video so you guys today Iam going to be heading out to my helpershouse if you guys watch my videos youknow definitely who my helper is but foryou guys who are new to my channel myhelper is my niece Amaya you guys I havebeen teaching her little by little howto fool crafts and how to paper craftsand how to basically do it all you guysso I’m headed out to my helpers houseand today you guys we are going to bemaking some Easter some DIY Eastertreats you guys easy to do Easter treatsif you’re having an Easter gatheringsomething simple you can put togetherand I’m gonna show you how to make itlook great and your guests won’t evenknow that hey it was that easy to do solet’s jump into this video hey you guysI have made it to my helpers house thisis my helper my my so I subscribers himy Maya’s waiting the hired you guys soyou guys what we’re gonna be doing todayis we’re going to be making peace peacecookies so you guys to make these peepscookies which is an easy DIY project umoh what am I talking my project a easyDIY treat you can um make to have thatyour Easter gathering and people won’teven know that you did it because it’sgonna look so professional you guys youlistening to me so let’s jump into thisvideo this is what you’re going to needto make these Pete cookies so well Iwent and found me was some shortbreadcookies I’ll show you guys see you guysso regular old well they’re lemonshortbread cookies and I got these frommy local grocery store and I bought somechocolate chip cookies so you’re goingto need your cookies we’re going to putfrosting on the cookies am i where arewe putting this frosting on the cookiesshe’s right so we got our frostingEaster grass we’re going to be using thedecorate our tree we got some dyebecause we’re going to be dying some ofour frosting what are these my screenokay we got our sprinkles we’re going tobe using we got some Easter color onesand lasting Shawna my peeps show themwhat kind of peeps we got show them whatcolors pink okaygive me that one what’s the next onewhat color purple peeps let me see thosecotton candy peeps and the last oneyellow piece so you guys let’s set upfor this oh one more thingand we got our little tray you guys solet’s set up for this videookay you guys so me and Amaya have gotour cookies on our wax paper and we dyedour frosting you guys see we got greenwe got yellow and we did blue so nowwhat we’re going to do is we’re gonnafrost our cookies and Amaya what colordo you want to use green okay Maya isgonna use green and I’m going to useblue you guys and like I said what’stelling you guys this is a easy DIY youcan do and um you can make it lookprofessional looking and this is a greattreat to have at your your own Eastergathering you guys you guys you guys seeam i eatingam i you’re supposed to be decoratingthe cookie you’re eating you know yoursubscribers do you eat not decoratingthey’re watching youAmaya yeah you guys can see I’m justfrosting the cookie and remember this isa shortbread cookie that I’m usingI’m just gonna flash this cook cookieand see here okay I got one frostedright here you guys and I think I’mgonna use yellow my next picky do yo ami are you getting your frosting on areyou are you still eating you need to putsome more on there what’s the morning acookie so I’m just writing this oneyellow you guyswhy I say as easy is because um theseare just store-bought cookies you canjust take in decorate them yourselfinstead of going to the bakery buyingthe expensive cookies okaylet’s see what you got going on Amayalet me see yours okay let me just grabyou some out there now put it on herespread it around on your could see howmy cookie is look it okay do yours justlike that okay guys and I’m gonna do ablue chocolate-chip cookieright here you guysbut there are so many things you can dofor Easter for Easter treat you guysthere are tons of DIY ideas out herethat you can do you don’t have to spenda whole lot of money on doing this stuffokay this one almost right okay so I gotfrost it and I think I’m gonna do ayellow one might you’re still working onyour one cookie let’s see let’s seeokay that’s finenow you want to do another color okayyou do a blue you give me the green okayso I’m gonna do a yellow chocolate chipyou guys and the Meijer do another lookhow are you doing my blue one okayand we both like peeps don’t we am Ilove marshmallows see I know you eatmarshmallows all the time you don’t careif they’re big marshmallows littlemarshmallows do you yeah you guys amighty eats a lot of marshmallowsokay so I got my yellow chocolate chipsmy blue chocolate chip oh let me do thisone green you just eaten every color huhso how does it taste good okay long asyou say it’s good you just like thatfrosting okayso you think camera can get one of hiscookies on my yeah okayokayso I got my green when you guys my housethe blue hole is your blue cookie goingyou almost got your frosting on thereyeah okay do another greenchocolate-chip cookie looks like you’regetting tired my helper can’t begintiredokayyeah you guys this is something Ithought of because I know I’m wrong sosorry we have a gathering and we’re justlooking for like a little simple stuffto be me especially when you have a lotof people coming and with the storelike with this store-bought cookies youget a lot more in a pack versus yougoing to the bakery and buying a dozenand spending a lot of money on just thatdoes it doesn’t know cookies okay so ami you’re on your last cookieokay you guys like I said we are gonnatake these peepsand I think I open up the kind of can’tyou wantso what color I think I’m gonna put iton the blue one you have oh you knowwhat AmayaI’m gonna use some sprinkles I know Ithink I’m just gonna sprinkle and I’mgonna take my peopleokay so I use a cotton candy beep nowlet me open[Music]and I think I’m gonna put the purplewine on the yellow okay why are youstill eating that frosting it must bevery good that is not fair okay so guysI got some rainbow sprinkles then I’mgonna be using on this and I’m justgonna take them you use the side therewe goin Miah Miah is gonna keep decoratingthese and we will be back[Music]

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