Cookies Recipes

No bake cookies – 2nd speech

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welcome and good evening tonight we livein a world full of convenience we’reconstantly on the goa few things are cooking in fast-fooddrive-throughs microwaves anddishwashers the technology is awesomeeverywhere we own use of technology weshould look up recipes for third timeall recipes stuff though there’s gonnacome a lot such as life after we thereare just a few ingredients for no bakecookies so everyone can make them itjust takes a quick trip to Walmart andout of you’re ready to go first you needis your sugar it takes 2 cups of sugar1/4 cup of softened marginnow all of these ingredients collegestudents already have and they’re gonethey use their microwave for a multitudeof things so it shouldn’t be hard tofree a no-bake cookies even you’re bornwith then we need a teaspoon of vanillaand then at this point you just throwthem all together wait for two minutesthen we’ll stir the mixture again andput it in a microwave again for anotherminute as you can see it is quick andsimple system bold ingredients takes notime at all quick stir it when we’retrying herehe is not even this woody already andthen we have our quarter cup of peanutbuttersomewhere let me found out that theyhave what’s labeled us gluten-free putthose but are gluten-free alreadyinteresting to see what they’re tryingto sell so after you service alltogether it just takes a few minutesTendo and if you have a wax paper handyit’s just boom punch of it onto waxpaper you don’t have black paper andyou’ve got a plate or whatever you havearound you can easily put a few scoopson there and a few cool it you can enjoyso if you have five to ten minutes tosparea little bit in the boysgive them a few minutes to set and readyto go so once again no baked cookies areeasy and they’re Canadian thank you foryour time

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