This video is about how to make homemade no bake cookies. You don’t want to miss out on this full tutorial on how to make chocolate cocoa and peanut butter no bake cookies. You will find a huge delight in making these cookies for any event, party, gathering, holiday, for friends, coworkers, or just for the kids! This delicious dessert makes the best snack during anytime of the year. These cookies are easy to make and the ingredients are simple. Everyone will enjoy this tasty treat and plus it is fun to make. These chocolate cocoa cookies only take minutes to prepare and just a few seconds to make!
Ingredients :
-1/2 cup of whole milk
-1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
-1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
-3 cups of original oats
-1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter
-1 stick of butter
-2 cups of granulated sugar
Things you will need:
-wax paper
-1 medium size sauce pan
-measuring cups
-kitchen spoon
-kitchen stir
-stove top
INSTAGRAM: @chadagifford
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys welcome to my youtube channeland if you’re new welcome and if you endup licking this video please don’t havethe tickets give me a thumbs up commentdown below and subscribe to my channeland if you want to keep up with thevideos that I’m putting out please don’tforget to click on the notification billso today I’m gonna show you guys how Imake my famous chocolate and no bakecookies so to get started I just want togo over some of the things that you’regonna need so you want to go ahead andpull out two strips of long wax paperyou want to need three cups of regularoats one stick of butter two cups ofsugar 1/2 a cup of peanut butter oneteaspoon of vanilla extract 1/4 of a cupof unsweetened cocoa powder and 1/2 acup of vitamin D or whole milk becausethat makes the cookies a lot better so Ijust want to stress the importancebefore we get started that it’s best toprepare and measure all of youringredients and lay out your wax paperbefore you even get started because thetrick to making the best no bake cookiesif it’s gonna happen really fast andonce we get the chocolate and everythingand all the ingredients boiling on thestove that you only have 60 seconds togo ahead and remove everything from thefire and get everything started get allthe mixtures mixed in that’s the key solet’s go ahead and get started and getall of our ingredients mixed okay sofirst I’m going to pull out my sheets ofwax paper and I would say make it abouttwo and a half feet long because younever know how much you’re gonna needand I’m just gonna lay it on mycountertop just like that but I’m gonnado two just in case we need to roll overinto the other sheetsusually if we do this right we measureeverything out properly it usually willmake about 25 to 30 cookies next I’mjust gonna go ahead and measure out mythree cups of regular old-fashioned oatsnext I measured out two cups of mygranulated sugar and then I’m just gonnago ahead and remove one stick for thebutter next I’m gonna measure out myfourth cup of unsweetened cocoa powderlastly I’m going to measure out my halfcup of vitamin D whole milk so nextwe’re going to just use a regular mediumsized saucepan and we’re gonna put thefire on medium heat and the first thingyou want to put in the pot is one stickof butter so that can start gettingmelted down so once your butter is inyou want to actually mix all fouringredients together on the saucepan soit’s gonna be the butter the two cups ofsugar cocoa powder and your half a cupof milk so while you’re waiting for yoursaucepan and all those four ingredientsto warm up on the stove you can go aheadand use your same a half a cup measuringcup for that you use for the milk andmeasure out your half a cup of regularcreamy peanut butter so it’s importantthat you kind of condense all this downand you’re constantly watching all ofthis and you kind of just mix it alltogether as it’s heating up because likeI said in the beginning of the videoit’s important that once this comes to arolling boil you’re gonna start your 60seconds so it’s been about 3-4 minuteshere on the stove it doesn’t take longbut you can see all that 2 cups of sugaryour 1/2 a cup of milkyour fourth cup of unsweetened cocoapowder and your butter it’s reallystarted condensed down and it’s reallystarted to melt and so we’re just gonnaleave it here just a few more minutesuntil it starts getting that rollingboil and then then we’llgo ahead and take it off the stove ortake it off the fire and then we’ll beadding our extra ingredients I’d like toadd to that it’s very important that youkeep constantly monitoring and you keepconstantly stirring because you don’twant it to burn you can see that it’sstarting to boil but it’s not quiterolling so this is the most crucial partbecause if it starts to roll and youdon’t time it just right then if you letit boil for too long then your cookiesare gonna come out really dry andcrumbly and if you don’t let it boillong enough then they’re gonna come outreally mushy so it started to boil soI’m going to go ahead and start my timerhere for exactly 60 secondsalright so we have 5 seconds left andrate at 60 seconds I’m going to removethe fire take the saucepan off the hotpart of the stove remove it and put itover here on the other side and this iswhen I’m going to go ahead and add in myoats I’m going to add my 1 teaspoon ofvanilla extract and I want to startstirring this around it’s a little bitand you also want to go ahead and add inyour half a cup of creamy peanut butterall at the same time and you want to dothis pretty quickly and then so you canstart stirring pretty quickly as welland so you just want to keep stirringthis all around until you get all theoats completely intermixed with thechocolate that we just created you cansee how that’s all mixing pretty welltogetheralright next I’m just gonna bring thesaucepan over to my wax paper and I’mjust going to take like a regular-sizedspoon and I’m just gonna start dippingall this cookie down onto the wax paperand you can make them as big as yourliking so if you prefer them a littlebit bigger you can or you can just makethem regular-sized smaller however youprefer and I just face them out on thewax paper maybe like an inch and a halfaway from each other these cookies arealways fun to make you can always makethem for parties gatherings eventsfamily events for your co-workers atwork[Music]so I use my first sheet of wax paperalready so I’m going to go ahead andstart on the second partso I’ve made about 22 know–but cookieshere and after I’ve laid them all downon the wax paper I just like to go backa little bit just to form them up alittle bit make them more circular withyour spoon so after we’ve laid all thecookies down we’re gonna give them about20 to 25 minutes just to cool and thenwe’ll come back and try them so it’sbeen 20 to 25 minutes some of these arecold and so what you can do is get likea really nice cookie tray or some typeof glassware or container whatever youwant to put your cookies down on but Ichose this and so you can just use likea simple spoon to transfer the cookiesbut I just wanted to show you how youcan just like scoop the cookie up offthe wax paper like this and you canreally see the consistency you can seethat like they’ve formed a really nicecookie it’s not dry and it’s not mushyit’s perfect so I’m just going to goahead and put these all on my cookietrayso now I’m gonna go ahead and do mysecond piecesee how nicely they just scooped rightoff the wax paper like thatit’s always best to use that wax paperbecause it makes it a lot easier in theend and so after this you’re alreadyready for your event you’re alreadyready for your party you’re alreadyready for your bake sale or however youwant to use these cookies but no matterwhat they will always end up being asuccessful treat for anybody and thereyou go they’re doneso now it’s time to try them here we goalright someone pick one up and justshow you guys how it just breaks apartlike that it looks so good don’t they ohwow you guys are gonna love these andanybody you make these for they’reabsolutely delicious I cannot wait foreveryone to try them alright guys i’m ifyou really enjoyed my tutorial and myvideo on how i make chocolate and nobake cookies and if you did please don’thesitate to give this video a thumbs upcomment down below let me know what youall thought about the video and pleasesubscribe and please don’t forget toturn on the notification bells so I’llsee you guys the back next time takecareso next I’m just gonna measure out threecups of regular oatsif you’re going to use two and a halffeet worth of waxed paper next I’m goingto measure out my two cups of regularsugar my gosh pletely out of sugar[Music]