Nahla & Zoey with guidance make no-bake cookies!! Hope they are edible! #coronicationsnacks #teachingmath #teachingpublicspeaking #teachingteamwork
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
okay guys we’re going to be maybe nobodycooking and we already added theingredients because we did it on YouTubeand we couldn’t pause it so big fail atlike right now so what you put in thereso we play go-stop powderyup butter all right there’s only thatis only had trouble with the butterdidn’t she yeah little slimy and you’rean atom all up together in this bigsaucer pan what are we going to do withit after that toad and after afters Nalaalready poured of waterfall of sugar yeshow much sugar was in there one day andforce right no more than 3/4 cups yeahwhat was I thinking we get a sugar rushdon’t blame us okay do you guys hereokayso right there it’s a bubble and Ireally two five so what you said youhave to push down okay and we’re playingthis on medium heat and then we’ll beback we’re back still stirring yes okaynot a better light in my face lookssmoother you don’t want to focus ontrying to break the butter because it’llmelt on you christos and morning if youdon’t have a lot of patience don’t dothis yes and you might need adultsupervision so my mom is there to helpushey guys it’s looking really good but Ihave not melted there’s still one yeahbut like big stick you can’t there’sgood you want some helpyou can no swap tag-team okay guys we’rejust gonna move my dad okay if you talkyou have to disturb frequently duringfrequently yeah right now I’m gonna talkabout it knowing I like organized Elstonwe’re gonna stir until it reaches up forreal yep I think it’s starting to boilit look like it’s getting okay guys itlooks really good and like super kind ofenough let’s go next to look like okaywe’ll be backwe’re trying to bring it to the boilbecause there are no bubbles not at allit looks like a chocolate soup it looksgood it looks like something here no Ican’t wait to try it[Music]they’re staring chokolate disgustingnessin some cases and I’m not weirdno say I’m weird guy okay see you offthis camera me good sirdon’t comment good because I’m not guidelet’s just take a close-up action backof this she really just like matter soplump right there it’s now boiling yousaid I’m not gonna what’s that supposedto be themyes I don’t wanna beat the bad out ofyou and then I mostly okay guys and Ithink it might be a burning so we’redoesn’t going to take it off and whatdoes this say to do it says remove forme immediately add vanilla peanut butterin quick oats so go ahead and get onyour other side we’ll be right back okayI’ll drop the vanilla get that atechnical difficulty enough okay pour itin hurry up pour it in okay no Ninabutter next you go aheadpeanut butter she looking it better not[Music]get it in there hurry up okaythat’s next gotta get all the edges justturn wonderful and that pans off so becareful y’all yeah peanut butter on myfinger alright yep it’s what a lot oftime with a lot of time is Meister foryouNixie maximexi you gonna mix it so iishe’s gonna mix it keep mixing youcannot stop mixing mix faster I got itsilly she’s trying to help you this isteamwork makes dream work it’s lookingvery loose okayit literally looks like oops – yeahthere we goI’ll get my million stick it looks likewe just melted like Nutella and then wejust pour a bunch of oats on it yeahlook at thatoh there she mixed it hey Olli youcouldn’t mix there I’m just going tointer put this in the bowl mm-hmm I pickup all the ocean looking sick wait yougotta mix it all up make sure you havedogs warm reason guys look one of themcame out so I’m gonna toast oh it’s agood review zero to ten um I’m gonna dostuffing good like okay it’s clumpy yeahwell not all your oats went in yeah asyou can tell half your oats are on theground so it looks to me that you mightneed some more oats since you reallydidn’t know yes but it’s not going topick it up if you don’t have enoughfolks mix it’s got peanut butter inthere[Music]I’m excited to taste this it’s got acool but you guys should check out ournext video which is the dances or anyother sure you want to feel the hardnessconsidering the fact you’re just duringthe tough levels the way you’re notdoing much inching up the mix they’revery thick turning my arm airy so here’syou gotta have muscles like these okaywhat do we doskip it out and you put them on blocksright here blah blah blah blah blah allright it’s time for the finest movesnot that one okay after we do that thenwe allow we’ll be right back with ourand you can see our spin work check outour blogOh baby look a stick thoughhi there a dog just came up here and didtheir business okay guys we’re gonna trythis because it seems real good it lookslike okay okay plug your nose okaythat’s good so we’ll be back with thefinal product after they cool down yeahwe will and if and meanwhile they willmake a tick tock welcome back with areview once they’re all cooled we’llmake another video where they can try itwe’ll have everybody try alright have agreat day so what else we gonna say[Music]