Cookies Recipes

No bake chocolate peanut oat cookies (first video)

Sorry for the dysfunctional mess that we call a cooking show:)

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Video Transcription

hey guys this is our YouTube channel
it’s called be regular cooking show yeah
we also have another partner with us
well not with us but that’s going to be
co-founded been chilling yes co-founding
this channel does I’m Jarek he’s a
crackhead but it’s okay yeah so like I
said it’s called the regular cooking
show and there’s an M but it’s ready to
M by the district of Guerra Colombia
okay so this is Alyssa this is Isabel
and yeah so let’s get started today
we’re going to be making no-bake peanut
butter chocolate cookies first off we
need to start by getting our ingredients
because ingredients is the most
important part so quick update there’s a
serial killer outside of the house okay
so here you have the ingredients and we
have 2 cups of sugar 1/2 cup of milk 1
stick of butter 1/4 cup of cocoa and
this isn’t 3 cups but it will eventually
be 3 cups of oats we’re gonna triple
this yes and then Wow we’re gonna put
some vanilla – vanilla I’m also gonna
throw an extra ingredient it’s gonna be
cocaine um no that’s false this isn’t
not looking for child of God ok we’re
gonna cook ooh boy okay so that’s our
ingredients um let’s get the baking so
first it’s a bowl we do to do bowl okay
actually we don’t eat a bowl first we
need a pan
a pot we’ve offices big enough so
basically anything that’s not the size
of D cup should work if they could fit
new stuff so just use your regular you
hand it just I measure up like yeah I
think this will work so yeah we’re gonna
get a pot and remember kids don’t do
this unless your parents are home and
ask your parents that we’re doing this
we’re going to use the stove okay okay
so we traveled over to so and like I
said clear it off okay bigger pot make
sure you have your recipe on hands you
know what to do so for one minute one
minute 60 seconds we are going to boil 2
cups sugar 1/2 a cup of milk watch a oh
my god that looks so disgusting wait
hold up one stick of butter
I’m so sorry for my co-star who’s
handicapped what single butter
or mix it around with the toothbrush and
1/4 cup of cocoa powder yeah we’re just
gonna get that in there okay shut up
okay we are going to turn the stove on
yeah that’s really flattering okay oh
yeah we don’t have a tripod to
imbalancing and that’s just my face now
we don’t want that okay just hold it
the birds work for the booze Ozzy okay
so microblog now comment down below if
you guys watch Channel okay so sister
this forget the whisk okay just whisk it
all together now I first the butter it
will be a little hard because it hasn’t
melted all the way yet but don’t worry
it look at that
I’m worried you know you basically want
to get a consistency of like a pop like
a batter no no no okay like not about it
but like watery water so um let’s just
let the butter man we warned it okay I’m
side note we tried to tell you guys make
sure you wash your hands and clean your
surfaces before you cook keep clean
if you’re cooking for other very cooking
for other hole this is hot oh my hey
Chum I didn’t say but keep it on like a
low to medium but no this is our first
time we’ve ever found the cooking and we
never have to tell people how to
corrections or anything so these are
gonna be things we’re gonna get better
at this bear with us
so now it’s all yes okay so you really
just have to stir it until the butter
melts and everything and the sugar kind
of like helps yeah and it’s all voiced
together just like a really runny
consistency don’t worry it’ll be much
much better
don’t weren’t this might look gross now
book hairdryer okay now for one minute
we’re gonna let that boil you want to
let it boil for 1 minute so it’s all
bubbly and stuff just let it go for one
minute on love so let it do that for one
Micra turn down low so you don’t burn it
yeah put it on a low setting on your
okay sorry okay
so as you could tell a drop it’s fine a
drop round on the thing is that it
burning we’re good though
or watch us to make our that you have
something on him to put out a fire if
such were to happen yeah
okay so instead I manage we’re gonna
roll off
alright so now make sure you clean up
your work great – oh my god you guys can
see if the bubbles were doing really
cool things okay place please alright so
next rebel wait what am i doing okay so
service first we’re going to add two
cups three cups of oats and my co-star
will mix that in now she’s just gonna
mix that in and while she’s mixing that
we’re gonna come over here
and next on our thing okay so basically
after you boil the stuff you put all the
other ingredients in we remove from heat
then putting for Tintin so we put in the
oats now we’re going to put the half a
cup of peanut butter which we really
don’t have like a bowl of peanut butter
but it’s okay here you really have
yeah Jarek would have the whole
container in there yes jerk oh my god
Eric freak so we have about a spoonful
in there now that’s me oh my god yeah I
feel like it’s fine okay so there’s our
peanut butter next step you guys yeah
yes we get it
our 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
never measure like you can see holds it
then don’t say that word okay just can’t
use any of them hold it I can’t hold it
I can’t just hold it but I have
something on my face okay
so never me never mix your four things
are ingredients take a cup no just over
something I can sink maybe and not
overthink those it going your thing
so this is 1 tablespoon of vanilla
extract pour it in and party tonight
Bessie’s birthday him doing he’s pretty
cool he might make it guest starring on
this probably yeah they probably all
well at some point in time if make us go
famous k guys yeah you want to be an
Ellen or Oprah oh my god to be sick or
the talk or the view it’s just the thing
I think it’s a thing I forget the music
Gordon show okay Late Show so it kind of
gets stuck or can be Fallon okay yes oh
my god could you imagine okay
so if I get stuck just kind of double
whatever yeah okay you see keep your
area clean guys okay oh yeah give that a
good mix now pinch of salt so a pinch of
salt really isn’t a measurement but what
I do is I guess oh those are very big
salt cuts this is kosher salt doesn’t
really matter what salt i probably grind
in here this is a bit big it’s okay just
finger and their index and thumb and
just pinch sprinkle that oh it’s not
seeing it spread it out all over yeah
alright and then throw the rest behind
you that was luck that wasn’t fun of you
all right okay and you really just want
to firms house down because you did
throw I mean yeah it’s efficient it’s
efficient it’s up to you that I mean how
many dishes you want me
preferably me none time dishes all right
okay so now that that is all stirred
you’re going to get the self out of the
whisk and then we’re gonna shove the
whisk no we’re not
I’m second to the same okay just really
stir that up I thought this is going
okay now for the next step
so you’re supposed to use parchment
paper or wax paper what is a lot about
it’s just um so now we’re using foil and
you can use remember kids no supervision
just be careful in that pear sauce oh my
god she’s not very good with cutting
with the box or scissors there you go
our yummy scrumptious cookie stuff it’s
not dough it’s just like Oh mix we’ll
just we’ll just call it mix use whatever
you want
we’re gonna get a good scoop of that you
can make them as big or as little as you
would like make them about Jesus
oh my god okay okay
so put one there you can’t see it and
then you just continue to do that until
you run out of this
okay so now we have them all on the
thing what happens kind of big but it’s
see check it many times you want if
you’re in shape them spaced them out
just get them nice and good like that
all right empty and watch your hot pants
guys okay so now we wait into their
heart and there is not really in a
specific time it just has been cut off
just come and check up on them yeah
every now and again does like the heart
in um and then they’ve become pretty
good so okay princess be the body’s own
but you know no wait no pulse we’ll see
you guys when so our pastime while we
wait for them to dry is watching shark
tales and she’s having pasta salad which
hopefully because it’s so darn good will
be featured in a later video
okay so we’re back and our cookies are
pardoned so now if you wanna you should
probably just back to though but it’s
okay cuz I clean my hands
alright let’s take them and yeah so um
thank your coming here for YouTube
channel um like and subscribe leave a
comment comment what you want us to cook
next make it famous by showing us to
Eleanor you know give a shout or you
have a famous family yeah um also
comment some questions for us so we can
answer them while we cook next time okay
hasta luego muchachos

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