Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
okay so I have something new for youtoday and for the next couple the nextcouple of shows we’ll see how it goes Ihope that you enjoy this I have I amgoing to be including a little triviathere is a language on this island thatsome people know about some people don’tbut the thing is that it’s very veryunique and I think that you’ll enjoygetting to know some of it so I’m gonnaput a question on the site and then youtake a look at it see what you think itis put it in put the answer in that youthink it is in the comments and then onthe next episode I will give you theanswer let’s see how this goes I thinkit’ll be funhi everybody this is Zack and as youknow today is Mother’s Day so I thoughtit’d be nice if I could show them how tomake these awesome chocolate chipcookies but they all do a white boy theydon’t thing that babybut anyway so the thing about thesechocolate chip cookies on is that I usepart first of all I do gluten free so Iuse part coats and part gluten-freeflour instead of using regular enrichedwhite flour or even wholly that’s what Iuseso we have two cups of mini chocolatechips one and a half cups of oats andone and a half cups of blueberries ourone cup of sugar supposed to be whitesugar but this is the raw sugar andinstead of another cup which normally isnormally what’s doneI only use a half a cup of the brownsugar light brown sugar not dark brownand then we have a half a teaspoon ofsalt sea salt and a teaspoon of bakingsoda okay so now what that’s gonna do ishe’s gonna put all the ingredients aretwith oh I’m sorry and a cup of butterokay and don’t forget two teaspoons ofvanilla so we’re good in order to getthe old flour what I did was I put itinto my nutribullet whole oats into thenutribullet and just ground it and therewe haveoh crap okay so I didn’t want to spendany time doing that but everything elseis here oh and two eggs two organicwhole eggs okay medium sized they don’thave to be launched so what we starteddoing is we start off with the buttersugar and the eggsand that if we get that into a creamyconsistency so you gotta put the butterin Iraq the butter put that and I guessit really helps that is room temperatureyeahand then what’s next shake that bottleoh yeah[Music][Music]Nowell that’s nothing need any milk at all[Music]besidewhat do I do with thiswellthe eggs are gonna draw your neck and[Music]besides you will yeah just make surelike get all mixed upif you can get the Madagascar so basic[Music][Music][Laughter]not anybody livestock eyelid sometimes Ilike to put a mixture the whole videoshould have a thought bubble justoutputs a picture of the cookies out whythat’s all well done I mean still – sowe’re not gonna do out with that but umthey are definitely[Music][Music][Music]okay like I told you this batch ofcookies to me one oh you know I’vealready taken them out and put them onthe if you notice the edges are brownthe bottom is brown the top is somewhatbrown as well and then nice this is acrispy cookie this is not a short chewycookie okay so what I did was I put insome more holes and if you notice it isdefinitely a thicker consistency thanthe one of me okay so you see it so weget a better cookie it won’t spread outas fast and it’ll still be a nice crispycookie dough so that’s it yeah so thanksfor you guys want so thanks again forwatchingI hope that you enjoyed this episodeplease like us share and if you have anyquestions about the cookies just writeit in the comments below we’re lookingforward to you subscribing so that youcan see more of us on Saturday we aretrying our best to get a show out everySaturday so stay tuned and see what’shappening on at draya’s in the caymansgrace and peace guys