Miss Walls show her class how she makes chocolate chip cookies
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
hello fourth-graders first of all I justwanted to tell you that I miss all ofyou and I can’t wait to see you againhopefully it will be soon and the secondthing is you all did such an awesome jobon your step by step procedures today inyour writing activity so I wanted toshow you how to make my favorite dessertchocolate chip cookies and show you thestep by step direction for that thethird thing is mr. strong has reallybeen showing me up with his videos so Ineeded to do something to catch upalright so the first thing that I didwas I melted butter and shortening intoa bowl and that was one third of buttera stick of butter and then one third astick of shortening shortening is kindof like vegetable oil okay so now weneed to crack an eggusually I’m crack an egg in a separatebowl just to make sure I don’t get anyshell or anything alright so that looksgood so I am going to get rid of myshelf and wash my hands because you needto wash your hands after you touch raweggsokay but I didn’t want to waste a lot oftime in our video so I once put our egginto the hole and cap full of vanillathat will give us a measurement we needso vanilla is like a play burning andthen I’m going to okay alright so I’mjust gonna mix this together and oncethe brown sugar has been mixed so thatyou don’t see any little clumps of brownsugar anymore we are good to go okay nowa lot of people mix the wet ingredientsand our dry ingredients separately andthen they mix them all together thiswolf does not that’s probably not thebest baking technique but the cookiesstill turn out so okay now what we needis a half a teaspoon of baking soda andnow we need 1/4 of a teaspoon of saltyou might think it’s funny to put saltin there supposed to be sweet but itactually does make them taste a littlebit better okay so now I’ll mix that inand another thing you should know aboutmiss Lola and her baking I usually makea mess when I’m baking look at all thisstuff and you know that I don’t likemesses all right so now I need a cup anda halfokay so there’s one okay the last stepwill be adding the chocolate chips floureverywhere you can do this in a mixerbut I like to just do it in a bowl theother thing is make sure you ask yourparents before you start clicking orbaking make sure you have theirpermission and you might even need theirhelpokay now that I have that all mixed init’s time for the chocolate chips allright so I use half a bag of chocolateand I’ve already used this part of thebag but I’m just gonna dump the rest inthere I mean he always tries to eat butokay the last thing we need to do is putthese on a cookie sheet and then bakethem all right so I have this cookiescooper that are going to use that youcould also just use a regular spoon toget your cookies out of the bowl andthen you need to place them a little bitapart I would say about an inch or aninch and a half apart so that when theybake they don’t melt together becausethey will spread out a little bit whenthey bake so once I get all of thesecookies put on the tray the baking sheetI am going to bake them for about 12minutes at 350 degrees and then I showyou a picture when they’re finished allright thank you guys for tuning in tocooking with MS balls let’s see if mr.straw has any cooking videos for us