Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey place oops is who Madison and todaywe’re going to be baking chocolate chipcookies that was the oven it justfinished repeating but so my sister’sbehind the camera and I’m in a new houseI’d open three and I’ll be sharing ahouse tour and a room tour ensued in thepast seven months I haven’t posted so mysister is spraying our pan we’re makingcookie cupcakedon’t tell me my sister is going to bespraying get it right the first timethree did this Duty like 10 times okaydrops to a neurotic teaspoons one inchapart into increase oh and we need toput this microwave for like five seconds[Music]they’re bolddon’t put it in their tune your songsgonna be buttermy fingers[Music]this is goodcoffee right after the fire yeah let metake over this that’s why I only got theone hurry come on really why’d you dothat you could have just grabbed it thefirst time you picked it up yes youcouldokay okay so retarded you ski down[Music]nobody’s laugh about this right now I’mmixing it really not the one we need youdon’t everything I’m possibly[Music]and I stopped listening you can’t put nomore water in it Madison you’re sounholy it says keep having until it’ssoftened it’s supposed to be ghost okayokay you keep mixing it you just hold itstop I’m gonna stop the video you’re somean rude up rude we had this allplanned out you’re not even going on aplane I didlook what you’re doing I need to dosomething did you wash your hands[Music][Music][Music]so guys the next up is this noise ourclothing it’s not recording recordingimagine you guys was a leaf doesn’t knowwhat you want something in there[Music][Music]