Cookies Recipes

making cookies in my old prom dress | quarantine cooking time

Let’s social distance together and make some cookies mostly because I’m bored.

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hi and welcome to quarantine cookingtime on today’s episode we will bemaking paleo chocolate-chip cookiesmight be wondering what the hell ispaleo well google it because I don’tfeel like 20 right now also you might bewondering what the hell is with the fitwell I’ll tell you this is my prom dressfrom my junior year of high school whichwas like three years ago I don’t knowsomething like that and I haven’t wornit since my junior prom and you might bewondering why why you’re stuck at homeyour quarantine quarantine cooking timeso why get all dressed up well I don’tknow this is just the world we live inyou know I just do things for no reasonso let’s just get into the cookies cuzwe’re in quarantine and it’s kind of sadand what makes everyone feel betterchocolate chip cookies yes so let’s makethose so I’m gonna be using thisabsolutely disgusting recipe and Ipaired it out a really long time ago andI made it a lot like a lot which is whyit’s absolutely disgusting anyways let’sstart okay I already messed up I wasn’trecording that first part what I didthat she did not see but you definitelyshould do is add half a cup of palmshortening and half a cup of coconutsugar into your mixer thing yes that’sthe technical term to mix your thing itsays to mix for two minutesbut I’m kind of impatient and twominutes is a long time so let’s sayit’s two minutes so now that we totallymix that up for two minutesnext up add one tablespoon of vanillanow add one little egg also I have onetablespoon of coconut milk now mix themso they’re all real close real buddiedup no social distancing for these guysin here we have to get another goal andsome of you might be like I’m leaving Idon’t have to clean another bowl afterwell what else are you gonna do you’restuck at home might as well take up sometime clean another goal so this bowl isgonna be our dry ingredientand that’s what we did before with ourwet ingredientsour first dry ingredient will be one cupof almond flour next is to counter onetwo tablespoons of arrowroot flourokay so next we have to add a fourth theteaspoon of baking soda but I can onlyfind a half a teaspoon so we’re justgonna eyeball half on this halflet me get forth because yes I do knowhow to do math looked about right now weadd a quarter teaspoon salt again I knowhow about quarter teaspoon so we’lleyeball another half of a half now goget yourself a whisk and just like whiskso now we have our wet ingredients andour dry ingredients so then we put ourdry ingredients in our wet ingredientsit says to do it in parts but again I’mimpatient so I’m just gonna dump allthis right in therenow mix I’m just realized I forgot topreheat the oven so don’t forget firststep pre-heat your oven to 350 degreesFahrenheit I do not know what that isn’tCelsius google it now it’s time for themost important part of the chocolatechip cookie the chocolate chips now weadd half a cup of chocolate chipsnow mix in those little chocolate moussethat’s the net this this speck on a trayjust make them whatever size you wantjust go for itshe want to make one giant Vickie Idon’t think that I am but you can try soI’m gonna break these on a tray and thebest thing about people cookies is theyonly take ten minutesit’s the bake it’s gonna put these inthe oven 10 minutes let them cool off alittle bit and then eat all of themright awayI’m not even gonna save them for laterI’m not gonna restrain myself at all Idon’t know how much this is gonna makebut it doesn’t matter cuz I’m glitteryyou can eat them all it’s like as soonas they’re done a few moments later ourcookies are done they did kind of likemerge a bit but that’s okay because thenwhen you say you’re only eating onecookie it’s really like all of thesecookies because they’re all connected soyou can say it’s on meone cookie even if it is three but wedon’t think about that it’s one cookieso like I said I’m a little impatientand I didn’t feel like waiting for theseto cool down a lot let’s try oneamazing it tastes like a chocolate chipcookie they’re wonderful they’refantasticI don’t know what are some other likegood adjectives for these cookie makethem they’re fun what else are you gonnado you don’t have anything else to dohere just at home or I don’t know howlong so make yourself some cookies andhave your own quarantine cooking timebye

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