2 sticks/1 cup of butter
3/4 cups of brown sugar
3/4 cups of white sugar
3/4 tsp. salt
1 tbs. vanilla
2 eggs
3/4 tsp. baking soda
2 3/4 cups of flour
1 1/2 cups of chocolate chips
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Applause][Music]so before you get onto the video thechannel so right now I’m sharing andthat’s why we have a new intro and a newname and any picture and like everythingnew so yeah so well I’m at what we’regonna be doing is every other week we’regonna be doing a video so this week I’mdoing the video and then next week she’sgonna be sorry she’s gonna be doing thevideo this week I made chocolate chipcookies and I had to do a voiceoverbecause my brothers were playing a videogame in the next room and they are beingjust severe enjoyable I’m just going todo tea again so today we’re makingchocolate chip cookies and you buy a cupor two six of butter make sure that theylike room temperature or temperaturelike soften the middle so that you couldeasily create because I would put it inthe microwave for 20 seconds because Ijust sink it out of the fridge so Iwould suggest that you can you would Imake sure it wasn’t this often so youcould easily commit to you there andthen after you done coming it together Imean a 3/4 cup of white sugar and 3/4cup of brown sugar and the bowl andyou’re getting creamed out all togetherand mix it all together and then whatyou’re gonna do after that is you’regoing to add salt like a pinch of salt 2eggs and tablespoon of vanilla I knowthat I’m going like really far here butI’m probably just gonna repeat myselfgonna do 2 and 3/4 cup of flour and thenafter that you’re gonna do a cup and ahalf of semi-sweet chocolate chips I usejust the normal size but you could useminis or just you can chop up somechocolate if you want here’s a greatmontage my sister aid and I’m Ellierealized that I only added 1 cup ofwhite sugar instead of two I mean step 3so I’m just adding 2 more cups of 2 morefourth cups of white sugar and 3 cups or3 3 1/4 cups of brown sugar so after youI’m not oh shoot I forgot to say to heatyour oven to 350 degrees and yeah so I’mjust right now I’m just adding my brownsugar and mixing it up until it’s niceand all well combined now I’m adding mysalt my eggs and my vanilla and I did[Music]yeah so I added my mother and then I mixit all together and made sure it wasnice and combined and then I added my my2 cups and 3/4 2 cups and 3/4 cups offlour I use made from flour because mybrother has celiac you could justsubstitute it with normal but I justused C not celiac I’m going good andfree flour for my brother so afteryou’re gonna do that this and mix alltogether you’re going to roll them intoballs and well grease your pan firstyou’re gonna rollinto bars and then put them on thecookie sheet and bake them for I didwait what’s nine plus five for I didthat for 14 minutes I also got to go getmorning Taco tips because I didn’trealize how much it cause for so I hadto I had to use an extra thing becauseit was I didn’t have enough I also usemy hair I also use my hand because I didnot want to take all this stuff out ofthe beaters again and then I tried itand it was so good like it was so goodthat I made my sister’s right to use mypen and I put them in bras on a oh yeahand then right here wait it’s coming upwhy do my sister opens the fridge Iwanna be seen closes pop them in theoven for about 14 minutes and I tookthem out and they’re so good they’re sofluffy thank you guys so so much forwatching please subscribe and turn onthe bail notification and give thisvideo a thumbs up and share so that Iget more views also comment down belowwho you want on it to do for her for anext week’s video or me for it to do intwo weeks we will probably do thembecause honor doesn’t really know whatto do for our next video so please giveher recommendations and yeah see youguys next well not I want to you I willsee you guys next thing you can’t