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50 facts about me:
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello guys welcome back to my channeltoday we’re going to making cookies thisis Grayson and my boyfriend and say hihi okay so first we’re making cookiesthey’re your favorite[Music]I’ll have the recipe in the descriptionbox below its the easiest recipe everand it’s your favorite right it is myfavorite I made him a whole bunch I’musing the hospitalso wait today even while he was in thehospital because he broke his spine Ithought it was personal yeah he brokehis spine he’s all better now yeah hewas not supposed to be okay we give Godall the glory[Music]now we’re adding in the chocolate chipsin my closet okay yes okay now we eachget a bite of the doughoh you okay a toastI just watched my hands what you shoulddo because we’re in quarantine and it’sthe first time I’ve seen Grayson andwell I’ve seen him twice in 60 days attwice in 60 days so sometimes it’s gottabe like thatyou make them like super super bitch arethey looking good like balls of dung I’mso thirsty now I should have gotten somewater before I I see what’s me okayyou’re not needed water I dotry put a straw in it this draws theirstars the doctorThanks we could perform surgery togetherat this point if you break your spineagain I’ll be there to fix it how manypeople are in their family seven we’rebringing cookies to our friends oh sevenand then for chicken burger things Ilove though like some extra options thatare great and you should so the the WHAkale and mozzarella chicken burgers fromcostco are so good I’m just confused whyit’s like chickenyeah go on and go watch my 50 factsabout me video it’s the first video Iever uploaded publicly on to YouTube gowatch it link in the description butwhat Zondra do we want this fun fact tobe yeah what kind of fun[Music]okay you’re recording you wanna say hito the flog grace is asking me fun funfun fun okay go aheadfun fun fact huhwhy is your favorite TV show my favoriteTV show right now like know like whenyou were growing up what about right nowwell right now Wizards of WaverlyPhilippeI’ve been watching a Disney what that’sthe one I was gonna say even likegrowing up I was still gonna say thatone that was the one yeah it was and italways will be my favorite show what’syour favorite show it’s it’s a bleep onewatch was just a fluke pleased to meetya okay we’re going to our friends housewell not like their house like theirdriveway social distance yeahtalk to your quarantine comment downbelow did you wanna lick any of thesespoons yeah so here are the cookies wehave here set 3 wait 9 9 plus 9 is 18 wehave here 18 cookies so we’re gonna cookthem now the cookies areare you hungry I’m okay thank you okayso we’re switching it cuz wait thoselook kind of done though rightcloserI’m Viking hey we left at 4:30 and nowwe’re back it is 8 o’clock now I’m veryhungrywe’re gonna go eat some bootyou