Cookies Recipes

Making Cookies Challenge!

Hi guys today we will be making chocolate chip cookies but we will be making it into a challange so make sure to say who you think won and enjoy!

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Video Transcription

[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]see ya guys we got our goal right yetenjoy that and you guys know who isgoing to so there’s a tablespoon ofwater right here I don’t know if youguys[Music]fourth of a cupthis is a measuring up so guys we haveour measuring cup[Music]there’s the buddy[Music]she has look guys will she yeah well shemixes it we are going to go turn on ouroven right there make sure to LIKE andsubscribe yes so guys there areinstructions on the back and you can getthis from Safeway or other place to youor no-frills[Music][Music][Music]so guys while they are mixing I’m gonnato show you guys how to prepare thecooking again so it’s pretty simplereally you just take your pan and youget your straight out which is righthere some spray for it and then all youneed to do is you just need to sprayyour pan everywhere not too much[Music]you guys like thatvery much and now back over here[Music][Music]would be much easierwe started five minutes ago[Music][Music][Music][Music]be careful with hot[Music]it’s roll them in the balls well we’regonna drop the dough by teaspoon so theyneed to be[Music][Music]okaythis is what your parent should looklike and oil leakingwatery yeah[Music][Music]and we’ll come back when it is all mixedso guys the cookie stuff is all donewell like the mixing part of it I’vebeen is heated up we are now going totea spoon two spoons and[Music][Music]and you don’t know if you need to dragthem all the same size[Music]adding this[Music]okay guys we’re almost done hereoh yeah[Music]okay so one ancient okay and then yepand we’re gonna put them in the ovenfrom eight to 12 minutes yes[Music]so guys we have an Alexis so it does ourtime is for us but really you can useany time that you want any time to workand so yeah this is my kitchen[Music]so we are just waiting for you things tobe done so we will get you those backwhen they’re done actually we’ll beshowing you some pictures so come overhere guys and I will show you what theylook like in the other that is them soyou guys will also be seeing somepictures of them while they are socooking so you will see them starting toform Sonyano gun and we are going to show you themlike they’re not wholly done but they’redone cooking so we are gonna lift themoff the pan in two minutes I willactually but here they are our littlecookies so it’ll be decorating them verysoon hey don’t pick them up so they haveto sit on the pan for two minutes andthen we can lift them up again so thenwe can start decorating them what I meanby that is putting sprinkles and allthat other fun stuff on so guys ourcookies are now all done well they’recooled down enough so that we can nowdecorate them so that is what we aregoing to be doing yes okay let’s go sowe’re each three cookies todayyes No – – no we will do rock paperscissors we’ll do rock paper scissors tosee who gets to pick to see who gets topick first and then we’ll pick a okayRock Paper Scissors shootRock Paper Scissors shootRock Paper Scissors shoot okay so eightvideos for our ally those very send them[Music]last so the big fat one I picked thebiggest one no bigI’m gonna have this itty-bitty one I’mgonna have the second biggest one andnow it’s my turn and I’m going to havekind of a video I’m going to haveanother small one but it’s bigger than Iam I’m gonna have this one what do I getspeaker yes so guys we’re gonna beleaving these last year cookies playingso you can go over them if you want toobtain cookies right into commenting orso guys let’s get started decorating Ihave no clue where everyone brings aniceso guys so for my cookie looks like thisbeautifulthis is caramel so I’m going to usingthese three colors pink purple and blueI really know what I’m doing this isthis finished cookie cookie alley cookieor allah cookie boat eat cookie a cookieas eco – hashtag eat cookie if you think[Music]my mom listen my one cookiehashtag Bloody Mary if you think minewins maybe just don’t do that hashtagBloody Mary this is mine guys then theseare mine if you think I want to puthashtag Rimbaud – hashtag e cookie yesguys would be choosing lucky and somewhite I chose my small one she’s stillnot done good yes you’re going on a dayand you’re leaning on the cookies yourlame little crunchy for Thursday crunchyokay I do not recommend color no Ireally[Music]do not use your color Camden hashed asoil family Freddy just have one crunchtime so your hashtag Brittanyno I’m hashtag Bloody Mary Bloody Maryokay guys Mary not guys we hope youenjoy this video if you did make sure toLIKE and subscribe and we’ll see you inour next video goodbye[Music]

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