Channel- Tyler Montgomery
Not for Nothing by Otis McDonald
Rock Angel by Joaklm Karud
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
my gosh my little doggies down there ohthere it is I love you Cesarhey guys good morning and welcome backto my channel Alexandra I guess or ifyou’re new welcome to my channel thankyou for popping and stopping in you knowwe’re just gonna get right into thevideo school and pick up all of my likeschool stuff that was in my locker todaycuz quarantine Cove it all that so Idon’t really think I’ll be able to filmthat but I’ll try and get a little bitof audio that’s a great date isn’t itshe was asked me I’m like I’m prettysure it is okay so we went to the middleschool and all of our supplies and thenwe actually went to my mom’s house todrop off my brother and now we are goingto go to chick-fil-a I feel like Ialways get chick-fil-a in my box but Ilove chick-fil-a so we’re gonna go okayso in this box I have school suppliesthat I’m going to be using for next yearthat I didn’t use this year and this isall the stuff that I’m going to keep[Music][Music][Music][Music]okay so I finished with my run as youcan tell because I am sweaty I showedyou and now I am going to go outside andpractice my tumbling and all those funlittle tricks this made some hotchocolatebeyond like look at that it is beautifulit is gorgeous as you can tell by thiscrazy thing going on I’ve been outsidefor about an hour I was practicing mytumbling I kind of made up a littledance combo that you might see on myInstagram I always enjoy like it’s justsaying and now I’m going to work on myguitar[Music]youI just got done with dance and I’mhaving a premiere protein these thingsare amazing I usually drink about halfof one after dance every single daybecause they really help me keep all themuscles that I just gained buddy itsAlex so it’s currently 8 o’clock Iactually woke up at 6:30 this morningand I got ready right away and Iactually just tried to paint my mayholes a little bit but it did not gowell at all so I think I might try againlater or something because my nails aredisgusting okay so I never showed youguys this in the vlog but my sister diddo my nails so this is what they looklike and they definitely look better butnow I’m going to start on my school work[Music][Music]really sweaty and tired okay after Iworked out I practice my guitar for 15minutes and now I’m gonna eat a snackand you can do a puzzle so I just sortedthese into two piles this is all likethe edges and then this is all like okayso this puzzle is really hard and I’mdefinitely gonna have to like work on itover the day is because nice how much Ilike got put together that’s all that Ijust said that’s all the puzzle pieces Ihave left so I have a lot okay so nowit’s time for lunch it’s really onlylike 11 but I really really lunches sookay guys is currently um 11:50 and atnoon I’m going to practice my ballet for30 minutes all I’ve been doing is thatate lunch and then I watched some heretoo because I’ve been watching a lot ofYouTube during quarantine um commentdown below if you’ve been watching morein YouTube or TV during workokay I’ve been watching YouTube andinstead flew and sir just came out andI’m watching the premiere for it so Ifinished with dance and now I’m eatingpizza and we’re actually in the processof making cake pops but they’re in thefridge right now so I can’t really showyou guys but you can see the little messwe made[Music][Music][Music]here’s my first biteoh really go so now I’m going to just begoing to bed because I’m tired and Idon’t want to go to bed so I’ll see youguys in my next video and Mike my hairis ratchet anyways bye okay I did itLauren stop asking me you’re in the vlognow okay