Cookies Recipes

Making Chocolate Chip Cookies with Mrs. Brown.


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hi you guys I am in my kitchenhey you my kitchen okay we are going tomake poops so I have my recipe it isbackwards but I’ll show you it is areally good one so it’s a cooking stop Iget it from all recipes so we’re gonnaget started I first thing you need to dowhen you’re cooking get everything outbecause I learned when you cook andyou’re in the middle of eating somethingyou’re out of something you’re introuble so first thing I need to do is Ineed to get softened butter which I haveso butter is the most important thing soit needs to be where if you push on itif you make it too hard too hard or toorunny it’s on my camera it’s too hard ortoo runny you’re gonna have a yuckyyucky um cookie so also make sure youkitchens clean because it’s gross if youyou’re cooking foods dissident if you’recooking then you’re in its own a dirtycounter that’s gross yeah so let’s getstarted that little piece of hair isbugging me sorry stupid anyway I havethis fancy dancy one because mymother-in-law gave it to me so we’regonna move over here because this iswhere my plug is so I need to first asthe directions enter this is perfectmath you need to turn the oven on to 350then I need to cream my butter butter inthe portokay get my attachment on you might havea different one and it’s totally fineI do not make my cookies and have tostart by hand I can’t do that okay letme get another these are your bestfriends when they when you’re cookingbecause they’re do slides off all rightcut so it’s two of these guys there’s alittle to stop okay I will post thisrecipe for you if you want to do it withyour mom and dad were surprised your momand dad can make it for them like rentgraceful okay that is done it’s notrushedwait so I’m going to cream in that alongwith the white sugar and the brown sugarI also need to get my okay there you gowe need to put in a cup white sugar andthen I have to get some ground sugar ifyour brown sugar is hard oh boy becauseit doesn’t break down Brian is pushingit well still soft if it’s hard it’sbest the brown sugar I need another cupwhat I like about the brown sugar is onegets pop it out of the misery carpetcold sleep pack it down rightit’s like that hey just hold this shakebook and then okay we’re gonna cream ittogether here we go it’s gonna feel alittle loud[Music]this is my excitement for the day will be coming home soon and theWalker peace Jacob in the down yet he’son a Google meeting with this teacherokaybeat until smoothbetter watch your breath until smoothand then we’re gonna beat that’s not -no that’ll do why clean the butter aboutsugarOhit’s treatment[Music]hey hey don’t get the shells in there[Music]tothat’s done piggy into the eggs one at atime this turn the vanilla but myvanilla two teaspoonsstir it a little bit all about hormonesstir it I’m sure he knows I’m video -hey cutie spin[Music]this is fraction fraction third part inhis weapondid I put too much in there okay okaysir those dissolve baking sodawe’re crazy dozens of butter white sugarbrown sugar to squeeze in the eggs oneat a time sir and vanilla does I’ll bakesome catch the batter okay so the thingis they want hot water that is key forthese cookies because it makes it superduper stuff so two teaspoons of hotwater so I need to get this all this Iuse this wall to make it flatand then she[Music]she don’t[Music]stir it upto stir it up let it dissolve[Music]or add to batter along with the salt andflour we have a big old clown okayokay also what I like to do to make iteither I get a knife and I love ityou don’t want it like that you get theknife okay so you do this[Music]do you gradual things or else it’s goingto be and then it’s gonna get harder tostir so you’re going to turn it up justattack[Music][Music]and three[Music]and I’ll forget some of this to myneighbors because you’re done so I don’tnot stopping okay so I don’t need thisanymore i don’t need this to help me dothat[Music][Music]let’s go I just like it mixed up well[Music]okay half teaspoon teaspoon one time formy birthday I was like 12 I mean mygrandfather’s birthday cake and I thinkthe agents office it was the mostdisgusting or thinking ever it is sosalty approach okay now I’m gonna stirup the sides to get all thoseingredients and casing in it you didn’tget mixed push it into the bottom that’sgood don’t let your fingers either it’sgross do it afterwards all right I don’teat I dookay that it’s done another thing Ialways do is I double-check my recipe tomake sure I’ve done everything so I’vedone the butter the white sugar thebrown sugar the eggs vanilla the flourbaking soda hot water salt now we’regoing to put in two cups of the of thechocolate chips and then I answer thatone because it doesn’t like it when youI do tell you that I wash my hands toobefore I do this right because if I didbecause I Burkham function and putmotion in your cookies it’s gross youknow how I get with my lotion okay doneokay I don’t need this okaystaple bag I get generic everything Idon’t care no need to have an expensive[Music]so looks like that right here so when Istir it doesn’t move around now this iskind of hurt mmm is this kind of hardbecause it’s thick but you want to getall of those chocolate chips within thedough you’re fine you’re fine if youbought that way you won’t be in thevideo Jakob’s hereokay now you got to get the pan likethis so now you’re going to get yourpants spray them again I get a big spoon[Music]I do three across just so they’re notokay these are ready for the oven andthen I’m gonna pause this and we’ll beback in about eight to ten minutes

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