Cookies Recipes

Making chocolate chip cookies Ft: My sister

Hey guys this is one of first videos, I’ve had multiple. Today we are making chocolate chip cookies with my little sister. Follow along for the recipe. Make sure to like this video and hit that big red subscribe button. See you soon in my next video!

My Tic Tok: @nataliewillenborg

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and today I’m joined with I love you allover my little sister and we’re makingcookies so the first thing we need thenwe need one more fourth cup sugar onemore oh my gosh we’re not gonna do thebaking part though we’re not allowed toeat seven when we’re home alone yeah canyou go get one more of theseanyway getting the vanilla pudding twoboxes so open that place now why is ityellow cup worn just looking it’svanilla pudding okay stop getting iteverywhere just pour it in like a normalpersonshaking it are you supposed to get upnow we need our brown sugar so we’regonna use up this stuff I mean eitheryou please stopyou need six oh yeah putting you put ityeah it’s pudding mix that’s so weird2006 of these little ones so oh no Idon’t know how to count this way but OhNolook that means more don’t pour that in[Applause]my left on camera oh gee that’s notscissors but a night where you haveadult supervision when you have scissorsor nights in your bakery if you’re oldenough you can use scissors without anin adults like that oh sure rules weremade for me to break no that was me unodos tres tres that was my third gradeteacher I never got her a nice bad unodos tres cuatrowatch out watch out singsong go okaythat’s all the roundsalways clean up as you go like we havedone obviously cleaned up go get thatbig blue jar this stuff tastes terribleI advise you not to eat itspatulaall right so it’s just this isshortening and while you’re it’sbasically butter I get one of those yes[Music]yes just put both sticks unwrap itsalted butter fingers anyway motherfingers anyway I was giving out thisshortening[Music]and put that 4:30 that was the McCoy weare very uncoordinated bakersand it’s it’s quarantine we’re inquarantine so we’re gonna bake okay sothis is our don’t lick it it’sdisgustingand this is our shortening its its waythen all right Venus I got butter handsreal slip should be here soonyour butter should look like this whenit’s heard that everywhere my but anywayyour mother she look like this and youshould mash it no you shouldn’t it atall let’s get that out there and yousign off there but here’s the recipebasically you peed on it cuz it’s calledthe recipe so you know I’m going yes I’mjust anyway so Olivia’s gonna clean upwhen I get the stand mixer out and thenwe’re going to mix it up so that so youdon’t make another disaster yeah okayI’m gonna go behind jeans and get themixer table I advise you again adultsupervision while using mixers yeah shedidn’t lock it be funny story so shedidn’t lock this and it’s kept doingdoing doing doing doing doing cuz hedidn’t have it locked and holding itinto this and then I had Olivia orwhoever was there with me I rememberstop it no girls in hereit was mom okay so we’re gonna votebehind scenes and she’s gonna put thisand mix it you’re gonna follow us to themixing at the mixing station so youcan’tI need your propped up on food let’sjust say next up called you have tounlock it and then place it on I’mgiving my sister a little baking lessonas this is going lock ithe’s on alright now you’re going to usethis mixer oh oh we add the chocolatechips to wall no we don’t we don’t havethe flour in alright so if you would getthe recipe we need eggs yes don’t getthe recipe this she has eatI’m the recipe terrible it’s butteryeah and I got stuff on my glasses no goyou’re gonna get the recipe even morewet if you close it Oliviaso get two eggs which are right behindit we have laid eggsI mean oh homegirl whatever you callthem yeah you boiled eggs I guess wedon’t even know our special ingredientwe will not show unseen because it’sspecial we need for its so we are makinga double batch so we need four look atthis cool spec okayyeah that’s got poop on it enoughshowing the eggs okay and then you’regoing to wash the ones I poop on them[Music]then you’re going to I was figuring outwhich one was a teaspoons two teaspoonsof vanillayou’re gonna put two teaspoons ofvanilla in 100 one’s going to it’salways scares me when an egg startsrolling can you crack the egg roommm-hmmso we’re not gonna show cracking thesecret ingredient and why did you saycracking it’s not cut it doesn’t involvecracking and involved as it goes okay weshow distributed amp but they didn’tguess you’ll never guess we’re justgonna see our secret ingredient I’mthree two one green eggs because we havea chicken that lays greens and shelledeggs and we also got pink shelled eggsand blue and you say that’s impossibleit’s not well they’re lightly temptedblueyes look it up so get lost yes well thisis mixing we need the flour which youare propped up on the phoneso we’re just going to let this sitoutside – John no we’re gonna mix thisand you’re gonna mix it on like a mediumspeed which is four or sixwhatever oneit’s kind of wind nice windowand it’s not the listand it should be good and your hair andeverything is in my excuse me let meshow you that is this a consistency itshould be oh so delicious now you’ve gotto take off don’t eat this raw stuffflour pinch because of the eggs nowyou’re gonna take your whisk and you’rejust gonna kind of gently beat it onthis side until all the mixture comesoff can I like that and give it to yourlittle sister to look there for don’tlet her lick all of it it’s a lollipopand then you’re going to take yourmixing bowl off and add the remainingingredients and then you’re gonna putthis one on this hook on and that’sgoing to be it for when it becomes Joeso now since we are doing a doublerecipe we’re going to need double thetime of flour double the thing of flouryeah of course so we’re going to put twoteaspoons of baking soda and thisterrible we don’t have any baking sodathat’s a shame let me go get moreentertain themI can’t really talk because I’m eatingthis this is really good guys alright ifthis video ends up being long and a lotof excess stuff in it that should it bein it it’s because I can’t do like coolediting effects because I am Stefan bookokay adult supervision but I’m gonna cutlong the little dotted outline becauseyou’re basically an adult because you’re13 going to be 30 I’m only 10 so nowthat we have this little flap open tenpeople if you’re in the ten group wellit sucks you’re lucky that wasn’t openshe just drop the vanilla and she’s somuch that was out them so now we’regoing to take our teaspoon and itdoesn’t fit wow this is great I need tocut a bigger hole or just open italtogether I’m just gonna open itremember slice away from you don’t slicetowards yourself that can result in aterrible accident that will go to thehospital because you don’t want toaccidentally like poke your eye out orlike hurts let’s go so always have adultsupervision I know I’m cutting into acardboard box with a knife yeah I’mgonna take that knife away from you likebingodon’t want it to like that’s plainthat’s the I don’t worry hand up rightnow I’m going to get this baking soda sotheseweird shaped spatula so you can alrightyou don’t have to scrape the ends herebecause there’s raw hell oh my goodnessyou grabbed the wrong spatula though theother spatula was gone and this is mythis is double that’s a knife spatulahere this is right nice spatula oh Ihave the two teaspoons of baking mix letit in yeah and now I’m going to get thesalt and I’m really scared about doingmissile sorry about that yeah you putbaking soda yeah and now I have me saltlook I can’t even see your face I canonly see the bomb I know that’s one twothree four and two and you flip this wayshe’s such a great sister when shelistens so this is actually drawing okaydoing some quick math okay four and ahalf cups of flourokay so our low coastal is idea but Ichanged it to Kirby foods so they thatand it’s low code on there things and itsays Kirby foods but on there are movingit subsides ideas and we don’t have anIG anymore we have a curtain suit andyou knocked over our measuring cup Heyand it wasn’t glass alright so also adrinking I didn’t actually put my mouthon it good because yeah why is it weaponit’s not alright now we’re going to do aquick transition moveall right you’re in same spot yes butthis flower we need it and you wereleaning on the flower you you wereblocked by this so they didn’t have tobe that she slapped meWow cut here I said bubble all right sogo get that you’re blocking the videoput that somewhere else okay whoa shethinks she’s magical making dots aretiga and Barney and me like that boomshe’s not the tic-tock because I’m noteven hardly on tick-tockbut I do have tick-tock I’m going tomaybe put her at the top of thedescription just depends on if she wantsit to be there I do and what more likesborrowers[Music]go outside and then go through the frontdoor someone’s back there and they don’twant to be on camera it’s their camerashyno just because her hand looks one smokeI’m making smoke no you take baby okaykids you have baby powderyou know we unscrew it away from thedon’t sneeze moms of the flower thatwere caught that’s not even ready to bepoured hits if I don’t pick now we needone more we are putting four and a halfcups on and that’s not even near fullyeahlet’s rip open this bad boy you mightnot even need that yeah we’re gonna needto refill this so yeah we can do thatI’ll do it behind see you can do itbehind things while I’m mixing this[Music]which I would never do without my sisteryou love chocolate chips but mostly justeating them so that is now we need onemore cup okay no this Cup where you’regonna put a half cup in between four anda half cups can you not do that pleasebefore it goes to learn shatters I’mdoing I’m filling this filling you don’tneed itoh you’re filling this so say you don’tneed that so while she’s filling thisit’s not like your imagine if we had ourdaughter Natalie yes that’s all cleanedup and the flowers and I’m gonna gobehind seen some go bus by our tub Idon’t trust you carrying a glassful Idon’t trust her carrying both of thosethings all right so so happy school’sout and now we’re just in corn handlearrested summer and summers been prettyboring it’s already June like where didmay go and so we are going to I’m justgonna do this on a really low speedsand it is lockedit’s flat for the flowers goingeverywhere you can see it on camera likeit’s goingbold you know normal we made a doublebatch and there it was bulging outchocolate chips andI’m going to actually get scissors forthisand now I’m going to cut open thechocolate chips and I’m just gonna addit’s bulging out it keeps bulging out -me you see either swallowed the flowerwhy she ate that or she just swallowedthe chocolate chips hole yeah I chose awallets mixI startperhaps mastersmaybe these are look how muchokay I totally missed that first timeI’m going to push this down and thenwe’re just going to mix it till all themouth pooped on my hand it’s justso obviously we are not showing you whatbut our cookie dough is done that’sgonna fall out standing right here soyou don’t have to see Haleyfun fact I’m almost assholes or I’m justtaller Heidi can see this are you hardbefore you wanna try the cookie dough uhI’m good anyway here is the cookie doughall mixed upand now I’m going to try some yeah don’tworry we’ve washed your hands so manytimes there’s no germs be good I wouldsay it’s not the best but it’s prettygood soI hope you enjoyed this video the reasonI came very message is you don’t evenbuy yeah I hope you guys enjoyed thisvideo and if you want to try this recipejust watch the video multiple times totry to follow itum anyways goodbye and I hope you have agreat weekend and don’t get a virusdon’t get all right mmm bye bye

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