Cookies Recipes

Make Cookies with What’s in Your Pantry!

We’re all trying to stay home and practice social distancing, so what can we make without having to go to the grocery store? We’re going to raid our pantry to make this batch of cookies, and you can throw in whatever you have at home — chocolate chips, dried fruit, nuts, even potato chips and pretzels! See the written recipe at

My favorite way to make cannabutter
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Life Above the Clouds is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Be advised that possessing and consuming cannabis is not sanctioned by US federal law.

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Video Transcription

this is why I don’t like to have Derrickas a special guest but because in LosAngeles we are on a lockdownself-quarantine aim for the provirusDerrick was my only guest option rightnow I’m thinking that perhaps this wouldhave been a better guest option but youknow we’re gonna work with it thank youfor joining us today my name is LorenGhana this is Derrick Shelby Jones andtoday we are gonna make pantry cookies Iraided our pantry and our refrigeratorfor every single possible ingredientthat we could possibly put in cookies ofcourse we are going to use our basicslike butter and sugar and flour and eggsbut all the mix-ins are totallycustomizable I cut the recipe in halfbecause we’re trying to see you oningredients like eggs because because weonly are using one egg today and we’reout of it we have 3/4 cups of flour wehave 3/4 cups of rolled old-fashionedoats I have half a teaspoon of salt and1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda 1 egg andthen 1/2 a cup of packed brown sugar inhalf a cup of granulated sugaryou also have butter we have butter it’s1/2 a cup of melted butter total and inhere I have 1 tablespoon of cannabisbutter I like to melt the buttersbecause it’s easier to stir in thecannabis butter and because you thinkmelted butter and cookies is gonna makethem chewy or if you want like a cakeyor fluffier cookie then you would useroom-temperature butter for our optionalmix-ins we can add up to a cup and ahalf or if you’re doing the full recipe3 cups but we’re gonna obviously addchocolate chips because that’s probablythe only thing that Derrick one whitechocolate chips these I used for ourpink box recipe I have leftover Chex Mix2that was from my Chex Mix episode I havesome kettle corn crumbs because kettlecorn is delicious and this is what wasat the bottom of the bag I have tortillachips probably regular potato chipswould be better but we are all out ofregular potato chips so this is prettymuch you know you’re gonna eat all theingredients before we use them driedcranberries I have chocolate this is achocolate bar thing but you could use acandy bar and cut it up into pieces andput them into the cookie I also haveraisinswe have pistachios yeah toasted coconutsliced all the ashes like chocolate barsand even granola so I have a mediumsized mixing bowl we’re gonna startwhisking together our dry ingredientswhich means we’re gonna add our flourour rolled oats our salt and our bakingsoda so we’re just combining our dryingredients and we’re gonna set theseaside so now we are going to combine oursugars and our butters just put that inthere brown sugar and our granulatedsugar so then we also add in our vanillaextract and then we’re just going to mixitone-handed so now I’m gonna graduallyadd in these dry ingredients and now wecan add in our mix-inswe are skirting with chocolate chips I’mgonna let Derek do do all this becausehe’s gonna be more particular will youadded a little bit of our driedcranberries in herethis is kettle corn we love kettle cornalso here is my one and a half cup bowlfull of toppings we have kettle corn wehave dry perry’s chocolate chips andgranola so I’ve just added it to my basecookie dough batter I’m gonna fold it inby hand I have got a baking sheet thatyou can line the parchment paper I amusing my silicone baking Maps and then Ialso have this scoop that I love to useso that all my cookies will end up beingthe same size and we are going to scoopout our cookie dough balls my oven isalready preheated at 350 degrees I’mgonna spread these out onto twodifferent baking sheets because they arepretty big and they’re pretty closetogether and I don’t want them to runinto each other we’re gonna make thesefor about 1215 minutes until that I juststart to get brown don’t they look greatand they smell good I suppose you cansee all of our like this piece ofpopcorn you can see here chocolate chipsguys isn’t really good mm-hmm I did goodjob you did a great jobWow our dog didn’t even look rats nodon’t want to eat that thank you guysfor tuning in and thank you to myspecial guest Derek you can catch up Iwill have a linkdescription section for the writtenrecipe they are slaves to my socialmedia if you want to follow that onethere’s links to his social mediathere’s links to my patreon page don’tforget to like this video and subscribeto my channel if you haven’t already andshare with all your friends and do allthat cool stuff bye bye[Music]

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