1 c. peanut butter (or nut butter of your choice)
1 c. brown sugar
1 egg
1 t. baking soda
1/2 c. chocolate chips (optional, but very VERY good)
Mix the ingredients. Scoop into balls and freeze for at least 10 minutes. Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
okay so what is this whole businessabout the three ingredient fiveingredient peanut butter cookie I wantto check it out and I want to see ifthey’re actually good so you need a cupof brown sugar an egg a cup of peanutbutter a teaspoon of baking soda andsome chocolate chips now then I’m givingup some chocolate chips a very big dealbut I might as well do it this is to mixit in a ham by hand I don’t trust thatI’m going to use my ridiculous highspeed blender I’m supposed to do all thethings and then like mix itoh but less than a minutemixing these chocolate chips now from myresearch that I’ve done on this topic Iguess this cookie craze you’re supposedto freeze them like scoop them intoballs and then freeze them for betterresults so I’m gonna go ahead and dothat oh my gosh it’s really it smellsgreat so we’re gonna use our cookiescoop now a super good at cooking storea long time ago and so I have threedifferent cookie scoops this is would bea great sized one to use but then mykids take it’s too small this would bethe one that they would want to use andI’d say that’s too big so we always dothe Goldilocks middle size one so I’mgonna scoop these up onto a pan andfreeze them before I pop them in theoven now supposedly it’s like eighteight to ten minutes I read so we’rejust gonna like check them every minutefrom eight minutes and again baking itto match number 350 okay so they justcame out and they’ve been cooling for alittle bit ended up cooking them fornine minutes at 350 just so the tops gota little bit brown and there’s they’relike that right so there’s amyloseso I’m gonna move on off the tray to letthem cool a little bit more and I’lltell you what I think let’s see whatit’s all about here um well you shoulddefinitely make these ah I feel urge ik- peanut butter maybe with almond butteror assembler or C better but these realgood I