Cookies Recipes


I got bored so I started recording😐…

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Video Transcription

[Music][Music]no I don’t yet know I’m gonna make someno there are some at home workoutsright well that’s so it’s still creating[Music]new stick those extra cookiemm yeah you can put the whole rap inthis onehey I was gonna I’m gonna see how longit said to leave it in there no I meanlike how how many minutes all right soit’s 104 how long do we leave it inthere forall right bake cookies twelve so it’s104 big brain mass and yeah so twelveminutessixteen someone sixteen is is way overhere I was eating noodles in guys notdrink liquor this is it’s it’s bad Ohlittle bar yeah this is where peoplecome in oh yeah I forgot to mention thehouse got upgraded see look look at theupgrade you see all the upgrades look wegot a little family room dirty littlesection right here random bathroom so ifour deal didn’t work I was covering theside of the tab wait so we got we gotmore stuff to put it’s still notcompletely done we just have like twoand a half out of the three fours donethe basement floors still not donebecausethey have to add carpet and like acarpet and stuff yeah oh yes you alreadyknow what time it is I do not play onyour xboxwait oh good my grandpa has a scufcontroller I didn’t know he had a stuffguitar there’s like grippy stuff on theback that’s cool the seizure sectionprobably cut your fingers off if you wasyou don’t have supervision say hello toour very dirty room all right just aboutlike 12 more minutes and maybe eight Ihonestly don’t know what to do right nowyou like a minute before I thinkwhat is this guy doing all right wellanyway these people wonder for I knowit’s growing a virus season but come onlike you can’t always fun so yeah I atesome noodles and I was checking on youoh yestime is flying by look at this ifthey’re turning secular minutes for fourminutes three raining and these cookieswill be here that shit’ll bow all rightguys I I don’t really cut my nails allright do not judge me you’re gonna bethe reflection hey how’s it goingfinally done good I’m okaysafety safety first[Music][Music]look at how thick the size of my palmthat is but that is the size of my palmthere’s like three really huge onesdang something even combined togetheralrightthese two were a shame look at how is itfinally ready okay alright guys bad newsI just pooped on the cookies they arenot done at least one of them cookedfinally right I’m gonna try to face thesee howdyall right herereally soft really really sharpmeasuring just bopping me you’re reallysoft touch like this like look at itI’ve been trying to tap it that hardbro it’s just tearing apart is he evendone yeah dude is not cooking[Applause][Music]

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