Executive Pastry Chef Christophe Joly teaches Junior Chefs how to prepare delicious chocolate chip cookies at home.
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
[Music]hi there I’m Christoph I’m the executivepastry chef here a book and soundCountry Club and today we’re gonna dosomething very very easy that you caneasily do with your kid at home and ourfirst recipe is going to be thechocolate chip cookies we have preparedfor you a package with all theingredients that you’re going to need tomake that recipe so you don’t need to goto the grocery stores you don’t haveleftovers nothing is gonna waste in yourpantry everything that you need will beright here in that package that can bepurchased from a marketplace here at theclub so let me show you what’s insidethe box for chocolate chip cookiesrecipe we have all the ingredients prescaled separated everything that youneed so we have a chocolate chipswe have a flower with a baking soda wehave an egg or butter and both brownsugar and regular sugarnow before you want to get started youwant to leave all those ingredients atroom temperature it will be the mixingmuch easier especially with the butterso today’s recipe is actually extremelyeasy to make it’s just the basicingredients all you’re going to need isa bowl and a spoon or words but withoutanything that you have at hand readywould work so the way to start you wantto start with the butter[Music]so if your butter is a little bit toohard you can always put it in microwavefor like five or ten seconds at a timeyou don’t really want to melt it youjust want to soften it up so I put thebutter then I’m gonna put my sugar justput everything all at once it’s like soand I’m gonna start incorporating thesugar and butter together[Music]just like that you want to make thosereally really well just like that untileverything comes together[Music]there you go just like so then our nextingredients that’s gonna be your eggs[Music]break the whole eggs and we’re gonnastart mixing it up as well you wanna mixand so everything it’s perfectlyincorporated just like so as in creamythen our next ingredients will be ourflour salt and baking sodaall together[Music]they come and then slowly you wanna makethese ingredients very slowly[Music][Music]same thing we mix them till the flowerson that lay cooperated is the rest ofthe ingredientsthere we go now final ingredientschocolate chips[Music]now what you gonna need is a bakingsheet in which I put some baking paperand just with the regular spoon justgonna spoon a generous amount just leaveitI’m a fans so you want to try tomake the cookie the same size more orless otherwise they won’t bake all thesame[Music]so you wanna make sure you space them upevenly so when they bake and they spraythat they don’t touch one another nowfor the baking parts you can preset youroven at 375 degrees and you can bakethose for about 12 to 15 minutesdepending on the house from your oven isup in the other 375 degrees the recipewe just didapproximately makes but I would say 15to 20 cookies depending on the size thatyou’re scooping them so what I like todo at home with my kidswe just bake whatever we need for todaybut the rest of the batter we canactually save it for later we can saveit in the refrigerator or we can save itin the freezer okay so what I like to dois take a little piece of paper andwe’re gonna scoop the rest of a cookienow we don’t need to separate them wecan put them next to one another that’sgonna be easier to store and again I tryto make them all the same size[Music][Music]and now we can take a ziplock bag and[Music]what I like to do it just you can freezethem for up to a week or two weeks withno problem whatsoever and whenever youneed some you take whatever you need youlet them thaw on the baking sheet in apaper and bake them the same way we didthe one we just made at 375 for like 1215 minutes all right so this is whatwe’re looking at there perfect okaywe’re looking for a brown color allaround slightly less in the center thereperfect so we have it off firstchocolate chip cookies let’s go take alook inside[Music]oh look at that beautiful all right whatI was out first today I hope you enjoyedthe video or free mode to come and Iwill see you next time thank you verymuchyouyou