Cookies Recipes


I have a crazy relationship with macarons. If you have seen me on MasterChef Junior Season 6, I got eliminated in the Quarterfinals because of these cookies. However, due to that elimination I had a fire and a quest to perfect these cookies. They’re truly the toughest cookies to make in the world. Heck, they’re one of the toughest recipes to make in the WHOLE WORLD!

I’m VERY HAPPY with how these turned out! I think that Gordon Ramsay would be proud of me. Well I hope. 🙂

I want to see YOU GUYS make these macarons! Let’s see how YOU do! I think you will do a great job! 🙂

Let me know what other things you want me to cook or do in my next videos in the comments!! (It doesn’t have to be related to cooking. It can be ANYTHING!!)

Be nice in the comment though! Spread love, not hate.

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Video Transcription

so excellent I’m going to challengemyself to make the most difficult cookiein the world hi guys welcome to anothervideo today we are in the kitchen I’vebeen saying that a lot lately becausethat’s some of the only videos that I’mable to do I can’t do any travel videosbecause of quarantine but it’s okaybecause I have a delicious recipe inmind so I got a question for some of youguys you guys watched the chocolatepasta recipe and that call for a lot ofegg yolks and not really using a lot ofegg whites so did you do what I askedinstead keep the egg whites becausethat’s what we’re gonna be using to inthis recipeyes today we are going to be makingtheir mock off from false a none of youspeaks French that is a French MackerI have a very good relationship with bedFrench macarons well now I knew I was insixth grade in the year 2016 I wasfilming MasterChef junior season six inthe United States of America with GordonRamsay and it was a challenge if youdon’t recall it was a pressure test onmaking French macarons and the personthat made the best macarons safe fromelimination would go to the semi-finalsof season six oh man that was a roughchallenge I didn’t go down without afight though I got eliminated yes seasonsix still hurts but you know we move onlife goes onand ever since that day I’ve been tryingto make French macarons perfect likeperfect perfect perfect perfect perfectperfectso I’m going to show you guys now how Imake my peppers and I’m going to makethem I look like I’ve been sleeping allday so I need to get my apron apron ahperfectokay so we’ve got all of our ingredientsjust to make the cookie Justin to makethe macaron shell we’re gonna make amatcha cookie and it’s gonna be greatI’m excited let’s go we got our almondflour and we’ve got powdered sugar creamof tarter egg whites granulated sugarsalt and matcha guy these are known tobe the most difficult cookies to make inthe entire world all right so what youneed to do you need to get out 65 gramsof almond flour sackI’m a 66what okay yeah 65 I’m at 65I’m a 65 now I measure out 50 grams ofpowdered sugar 15 grams of matcha powderso we have 130 grams of our powder weneed to make sure that is as fine aspossible don’t forget to mix up thepowders together okay so now we’re gonnaget my powder and just put it through asieve make sure it’s fine because that’swhat you want in French macarons thendiscard the leftover almond bits thatare no fun to go through see you nowcool so we got our powder then you’reright okay I gotta my pen use my standmixer because now we got to work on theegg whites if he grams of egg whites Iwas perfectly exactly 50 gramslittle bit of salt okaynow you measure out 45 grams of sugargranulated sugar or caster sugar you canuse either one whisk attachment[Music]it’s stiff peaks and the way to see ifit’s not stiff peaks just to put themeringue over your head okay we’re gonnaI’m gonna try it if it’s not readyGreg’s gonna fall yeah this stage iscalled the I believe in the match ouralmond powdered sugar mixture in withthis is one of the most make-or-breakstages will make you French macaronsbecause if you do it wrong then yourwhole batter is gonna go bad and thenyou’re gonna have to restart yes it’svery important that you fold in themacaron the meringue into the powdervery well but not too much there’s afine line between perfect and not somuch when it comes to macarons yes thisbatter is almost done you should be ableto do a figure eight in the bowl of thebatter good yeah that’s goodall right now we’re done with this andthen we’ll get to start piping it on atraywe’ll be on ok so now our batter isready and we’re going to start pipingtip that’s about 1/2 to 1 centimeter big[Music]it’s going to be okay we got our batter[Music]always put a little bit of macaronbatter at the corners just so theparchment paper doesn’t stick nice andsteady[Music]okay one of the most important things todo that could make your break yourmacarons just dangle on your worksurface so you want to go the other sidethe main reason why we’re doing this isjust get all the air bubbles out of thecookie perfect now we’re going to letthese rest for 30 minutes and then justto let them dry and after they dry for30 minutes we’re gonna put them in theoven for 12 to 14 okay so our macaronsfinished dressing for 30 minutes andwe’re gonna put them to bake at 300degrees Fahrenheit that’s about 150Celsius for 12 minutes Alexa set a timerfor 12 minutes please[Music]always got to use those manners whileyour macarons are baking now we start toget some cream cheese okay so basicallywe’re just making the cream cheesefrosting I love cream cheese frostingsome I honestly prefer it over buttercream that’s just my personal preferencebut if you would like to make abuttercream go for it you totally cannow you’re gonna want to chill yourfilling in the fridge for about 10minutes we have our cream cheese fillingwe’re going to put it in a piping bagokayused to get[Music]is a mecca for sandwich 10 matchaflavored macaronsvanilla creme filling and yeah you lookpretty good and that my friend are somemuch of vanilla French macarons let’skeep a combination of a matchup with thesweetness of the vanilla creme ties ittogether just the right amount of thebeachthat macro very delicious okay guysthank you so much for watching this isthe end of the video and I feel like Idid a pretty good job with my Frenchmacarons I’m pretty happy with how theyturned out they have a great flavor andI love it’s a good combination and goodbalance from vanilla and matcha so I’mhappy with how they turned outthank you for watching see you guys nexttime so guys do you see these Frenchmacarons these macarons and are stayingthat’s their home they are staying homeand they’re not going anywhere andthey’re staying healthy and they’reprotecting themselves so guys be likethe macarons just a quick thing I justwant to say thank you all the all thedoctors and nurses who are working theirbutts off during these times andhospitals and just around the worldthank you you guys are true heroestrying to work with this virus it’spretty awesome and we and I can speak ofthe American people we appreciate youguys I’m Evan Estrada and if you like myvideos please like and subscribe to seemore of my content thank you stay safeciao ciao

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