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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
have you ever been relaxing at home andsuddenly crave freshly warm baked treatlike a choco chip cookie for example butchances are you don’t feel like going tothe store a bakery to buy one and youprobably don’t feel like making a wholebatch of cookies I have a serious sweettooth so this happens to me a littlemore often than usual one night I wasreally craving a freshly baked chocolatechip cookie but I was about to startwatching a movie so I definitely didn’thave time to bake all back two cookies Igot curious and quickly searched for thequickest possible way that I could bakeone that is when I stumbled on thisrecipe from Mel’s kitchen cafe for aone-minute chocolate chip mug cookiewith just a few minor adjustments hasquickly become one of my all-timefavorite recipessince baking has been one of my favoritehobbies over the past few years it was alittle bit hesitant at baking achocolate chip in a microwave but Idecided to go ahead and give it a trysince it would only take a few minutesanyways and I already had all theingredients I definitely was notdisappointed by this recipe I’mconfident that you love this recipe asmuch as I do so I’ll quickly explain therecipe plus one minute chocolate chipmug cookie and then you can try it outfor yourself not only is this recipequick and easy but you likely alreadyhave all the ingredients at home firstyou’ll need to ensure that you do haveall the ingredients you will need buttergranulated sugar brown sugar 1 eggall-purpose flour and of coursechocolate chips for step 1 you lightlycoat the inside of a coffee mug with alittle bit of cooking spray I like touse olive oil cooking spray but youcould also use melted butter or coconutoil I just find that the cooking sprayis the easiest method then you’ll add 1tbsp of melted butter 1 egg yolka half a tablespoon of packed brownsugar and a half a tablespoon of regulargranulated sugar and then you’ll justwant to stir this well if you don’t havebutter or prefer a healthier version youcan also use coconut oil in place of thebutter and if you prefer a sweeterchocolate chip cookie then you may wantto add a tablespoon of brown sugar and atablespoon of the regular sugar insteadof just 1/2 tablespoon but I have foundthat I prefer my chocolate chip cookiethis way next you’ll want to add 1/4 cupof all-purpose flour gradually so I justadd about half of it in and then we’llstir it and then add the other half inand then you want to make sure that youstir this well when you measure theflour it’s important that you scoop theflour from the bag with a spoon and thenpour it into the measuring cup insteadof scooping it out of the bag with ameasuring cup directly if you scoop itdirectly with a measuring cup you maypack in too much flour and then yourcookie will be dryalso by gradually adding the flour youcan ensure that your batter does notbecome crumbly and it just makes it alot easier to stir next you’ll add intwo tablespoons of chocolate chips Iprefer to use semi-sweet chocolate chipsbut you can use any of that you have orany that you like also if you don’t likechop it at all then you could completelyskip this step and it will just turn outlike a sugar cookie lastly you’re gonnapop this into the microwave for oneminute at 80 percent power I have athousand watt microwave so you may needto adjust the cooking time depending onyour microwave when you take the mug outof the microwave it should be lightyellow in color and it will probablylook a little undercookedbut if you press gently on the mugcookiewith a spoon and it springs back thenyou know that it’s cooked perfectlyyou don’t want to overcook it or else itwill definitely be tough in spots myfavorite way to serve this is with ascoop of vanilla ice cream on top but itis also great alone and I recommendeating it while it’s warm as it cannotbe reheated and it’s best brush out ofthe microwave I hope you will enjoy thisrecipe as much as I do which is likelysince according to Epicurious thechocolate chip cookie is America’sfavorite even though it was actuallycreated by accident in the 1930s RuthWakefield the owner of Toll House Innwas making cookie batter and she addedbits of chocolate bar pieces into thebatter thinking that it would create achocolate cookie but instead thechocolate pieces did not melt so that ishow the chocolate chip cookie wascreated thanks for watching and I hopeyou enjoyed this