Cookies Recipes


❤️SUBSCRIBE Huge, thick, chewy and addictive is the best way to describe these epic chocolate chip cookies. I somehow managed (by the grace of God and maybe quarantine boredom) to get my husband to make AND voiceover this video. He’s been making them non-stop and today he’s sharing the recipe with you guys.

If you like Chick-fil-A chocolate chip cookies that are loaded with a variety of chocolates and oats then you are going to love what I call, The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies! These chocolate chip cookies look so simple but they have swept through my house and rocked our world! We’ve made them seven times in the last 30 days!

These cookies get better as the days go by, making them the perfect cookie to put in care packages.

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Video Transcription

hi guys today on Dimas because I have avery special guest today my husbandhello everyone and he is going to havefull control today I am giving him fullcontrol and he’s going to walk you guysstep-by-step on how to make thesechocolate chip cookies that we cannotstop making they are so good so take itaway honeyThank You Monique now I have a secretingredient that you don’t find in mostchocolate chip cookies and I have a tipfor you to make this one the best typeof chip cookie recipes that you’ll evertry so let’s get started now in ourfirst bowl we’re gonna mix our dryingredients we’re gonna combine ourflour our baking soda and our bakingpowder and the 1 get a whisk and we’regonna whisk that all together to makesure those two ingredients are wellcombined then the next item you’re gonnaadd in is dry minute those make sure youget 2 minutes not too traditional it’syou want to mix that in all together nowas you can see Monique is standing rightthere watching me like a TV to make sureI don’t mess up anything inside of herkitchen now in a second bowl you want toget 2 sticks of softened butter makesure it’s softening up melted and youwant to combine in your white sugar andyour brown sugar along with your saltyou want to mix that all together tomake sure it’s well combined now you canuse a hand mixer you can mix it by handor if you’re real fancy and you got astand-up mixer you can throw in astandard mixer and let it do its thingmake sure you scrape down the sides sothere’s no hidden ingredients down atthe bottom of the bowl next you want toadd in two room-temperature eggs and youwant to combine that into the wetingredients make sure that is also wellcombined and not forgetting to scrapedown the sides to make sure that egg iswell combined now we’re going to add inour vanilla extract I’m adding in clearvanilla extract it doesn’t matter if youuse clear or brown I just happen to haveclear on hand the day I made thesecookies now for the secret ingredienthere’s the secret ingredient lemon juicenow you’re not going to taste the lemonjuice in a cookie or what the lemonjuice does it makes the cookie a more ofa chewy type of cookie now we’re goingto combine the dry ingredient in greenand we’re going to do this in stages soadd just a little bit at a time you mixit up a hand or if you’re using astandard mixer just add it slowly intothe standard mixer or if you have ahandheld mixer it’s strong enough tohandle it you can use that as what Iended up using because I got tired ofduring it by hand but make sure you it’swell combined also now when you’re donethis better is gonna be as smooth as aTennessee whiskey now for the star ofthe show we’re gonna combine ourchocolates now here’s my baking tip Icombined semi-sweet chocolate milkchocolates and dark chocolates all tothe same cookie no put it into themixture and you want to fold this in byhand do not use distend a mixer orhandheld mixer you make sure you want dothis by hand and get all those chocolatechips folded into all that cookie doughand then I take a large ice cream scoopwhich is roughly about a quarter of acup inside I scoop that out but pack itin really well into ice cream scoop andI just put it onto the cookie sheet thissides ice cream scoops coming about 1819cookies on this recipe once I get allthe cookie scooped out I didn’t rollthem up into a ball and then I pressedhim down into the pan to kind of flattenthem out then I picked him back up and Ishaped him into like a hockey puck typesize and this will give you the nicestick side sort of cookies once you’redone with that throw him in the freezersabout two hours or you can make him upthe day before leave it in the freezerovernight and come back and pull themout throw them in the oven for about 18to 20 minutes now when you pull them outthe middle of the cookies gonna look alittle soft like it’s not finishedcooking just leave it on the warm panand they will continue to bake andfinish up and then when it’s done oh mygoodness you pull apart all three ofthose chocolates have been fused intoone another that lemon juice has madethe cookie even more chewy but it’sgonna be one of the top cookies that youprobably ever bake and if you bake themfor others I’m gonna ask you to makesome more so be prepared please like thevideo and down the comments if you havea baking tip or secret ingredient thatyou put in your chocolate chip cookiesplease share with others if you happento make this recipe please take apicture and hashtag Neves can cook onsocial media networks we’d love to seewhat you guys make and as always thankyou for watching the videos been apleasure sharing this recipe with youand we’ll see you later

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