In this video, we’re going to learn how to read a recipe. After watching the video, follow your own recipe to cook something in the kitchen. You can cook whatever you want!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi I hope you enjoyed the first part ofour video where we read the recipe abouthow to make vegetable soup in the secondpart of our video I’m going to show youhow I make a recipe and then I’m gonnaask you to make your own recipe at homewith your parents and then send me apicture of whatever you make I can’twait to hear back from you so let’s getstarted here I’ve gathered all of thematerials that I’m going to need to makechocolate chip cookies here is my recipeso here I can leg it see my list ofingredients and then my instructions soright now we’re looking at theingredients so I have sugarflowervanillaa bowl a cup chocolate and butter thoughnow I look at the instructions theinstructions tell me that I need to mixtogether the ingredients in a bowl soI’m going to measure and mix thosetogether[Music][Laughter][Music][Music][Music]so that was my recipe that I use to makechocolate chip cookies now your job isto read a recipe with your family andmake something in your kitchen you canmake whatever you want to commitvegetable soup cookies ham and cheesesandwich pizza whatever works for youjust let me know what you make I can’twait to hearyou