Cookies Recipes

How to make the perfect chocolate chip cookies 👌🏾

Pancakes next!!! Ion know why I was acting so weird more energy next time 🤣🤣 promise

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what’s up Chris little 105 here let’seach out how to make the perfectchocolate chip cookies so first oneclear a space like you see I have theywhispers nothing with the ingredientsspeaking of ingredients the ingredientsare eggs chocolate chipsof course brown sugar vanilla extractDomino sugar white sugar for anotheractually it can be invitation row itdoesn’t matter it still can taste thesame and then butter baking soda saltand those are the ingredients then thisis just personal preference you can usea spoon to mix it or a blender I preferin blender it’s more comfortable for meso clean workspace that’s number onenaturally no bad number two number oneit’s in 365 I see 365 because as you cansee I got the butter in the microwavethat’s nothing let your eggs about twohours prior so they can be verytemperature because the cookies aregonna come out with it okay and now setthe oven to 365 because normally peopletell you to put it won’t either forcookies three 350 or 375 and I just wassomewhere in the middle with 365 so youknow to kind of get that perfect blendof each temperature all right switchmaybe air you clean oh you have to get abaking sheet a cookie sheet it’s acookie specifically a cookie sheet andthis up at Walmart alright so once youdo that of course you want to mix yourdry ingredients which are flour salt andbaking soda as you can see I’ve alreadydone that and they are mix them up andadd these little spoons and I use thatcoming you know each size 1/2 teaspoonperhaps I was wrongand so yeah once you do that you knowyou pretty much good and I got to do thewet ingredients so for the way you needbutter butter and both sugars and thenthe vanilla lecture so but to mix thatnowI thought the butter why are you gonnamelt it like a little bit so it can cuzyou don’t want to melt it completely tothe point where it’s liquid because it’snot gonna stick together the ingredientsaren’t going to stick the wetingredients I’m going to stick togethercompletely let this supposed toimmediately you don’t want it too hardbecause they’re not gonna stick togetherat all the butters gonna go down rightit’s gonna probably bust up my bloodsugar doesn’t matter which one firstjust make sure – all right and then withthe brown sugar you want to pack it downso cuz when you pack it down that alsohelps the cookies cook better see whenthis pack down which should come outlike this perfect but we have those noput the eggs in yet you put the eggs inone at a time you need to put them inone at a time so you see it’s gonna mixbetteryou better be like you know this kind ofthing the best of us the point thoughit’s two types of things when you’re youknow cooking and bakingit’s batter and there’s the battery isthe more liquid type like pancakes andyou know thank him bad dough is morelike biscuits and cookies pastries likethat[Music]soon to be truealright now we want to do is we have toput it on the pants we can actuallybacon out all right now since I have the1 teaspoon things you know cups so I canuse them we use the 1 teaspoon I’m justgonna place that you know these cookiedown with that okay now will you haveany more don’t date or nine and the CITdo after thatthat’s another place where you know yourpersonal preference how you like yourcookiesin the middle mediator I’d like to do alot of you know what in there yeah comeback check them out as soon as the overbeeps because I was really saying whatearly as possible absolutely the bestcookies all right all right all rightthey wonder why the wouldn’t far left iskind of wait for this whole thing butbesides that one you know if they haveto retain the shape and everythingeverything that you put in them so yeahthose are the cookies and I know youlike Christopher where’d the chocolatechips this is just a test run to makesure they wouldn’t uh you know I don’tknow why I’m a guy so I didn’t have totest myself hard adorable but yeah sodon’t forget put your chocolate chipcookies in there and that’s how you makecookiesas you can see oh this one it’s awesomeno if I know they’re hard soft as can beI told you I’m the best at this but I’llsee on the next video subscribe likecomment if you want more cooking videosand making videos you know next I’llprobably do pancakes like I likesubscribe smash that like buttonsubscribe comment when I’m using andwishing on the next video stay safesix feet apart wash your hands and peace

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