Miss Shanna makes sugar cookies
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Video Transcription
hi guys hope you guys are enjoying yourfun Friday and hopefully getting outsidein this beautiful weather um get yourexercise in and do a little school workmaybe even do a fun activity with yourparents or a brother or sister today myfun Friday activity is going to bebaking cookies nothing crazy just thepolar part one so I have confetti theseare my favorite I call it funfetti butit’s really simple because you don’thave to mix all the ingredients like wedo in home shows you just kind of pullapart and put on the pan but let’s gothrough the steps so maybe that’ssomething you guys can do at home sofirst we are going to make sure we turnour oven on 304 is it there is 350degrees just like that and we’re gonnalet the oven heat up so that we can cookour bake our cookies first let me readyou guys the directions on the backyou’ll see little directions over hereit’s as baking directionsso first is to heat the oven to 350degrees which is what we just didsecond you need to place the cookiedough rounds about two inches apart onan ungreased cookie sheet and then itsays to bake for 14 to 18 minutes oruntil it’s that golden brown color thatyou like and to cool for three minutesI actually spray my my baking sheetbecause it’s not really that good butall right so that’s what we’re gonna dofirst things first you’re going to wantto open up your cookie doughI have these your bit okay here’s mycookie dough rounds and I have here abaking tray with the baking tray that’swhere we’re gonna put our cookie doughbefore we put it in the oven I also dohave Pam even though it says not tospray I am going to spray the sheet okaylet’s see if we can move this alrightfirst I’m going to take the pan mycooking sheet we put this on so that thecookies don’t stick to our pan when weare you know ready to eat them thenwe’re gonna make sure we wash our handsas you guys can see here’s my Walter andmyself are you washing my hands but letme just wash them really quick rememberwe want to do it for about 20 secondsboth sides make sure it’s nice and cleanbefore we touch any of our feetnow that our hands are nice and cleanyou take our paper towel dry your handsoff now it is safe to touch the cookiedough okay so what we’re gonna doand this working before better it’s whatwe’re gonna do is we’re gonna take ourcookie dough they’re already cut so youdon’t need to cut them and we’re gonnaput them on our baking sheet and if youremember in our instructions it saysplace the cookie dough about two inchesapart so if you want to guess I wouldsay that’s about three fingers apartfrom each other so we continue to putthese on we’re going to make sure thatthey’re spread out spread it hard enoughjust like thisnow when I put my cookies on a sheet Ido it like this so that you have threeand then two and then three to me onlyenough for two at the end but that wayif they’re like this they’re a littlebit too close here they can kind ofspread out a little bit more now I knowwe just turned the oven on but secret isthat I turn my oven on a little bitearlier so it’s already hot and readyfor us to do the next stepso the ovens get very very hot so it’svery important we use an oven mitt andthat way we can’t we won’t burn ourfingers put my oven mitt on I’m going topick up my trayopen the oven and very carefully I’mgonna put it on the top rack just likethat and we’re gonna close the oven andnow we wait and if you remember in ourdirections these cookies say that theyneed about 14 to 18 minutes to cook sonow we’re going to wait it is gotta putthe timer on let’s see kitchen timer allright so if you see I can do my kitchentimer start no our timer is working andthen once that beeps means it’s time totake the cookies out and then we’ll letthem coolall right my timer just went off I’msorry I didn’t catch it for you guys tohear itafter 14 minutes my microwave went dingding ding so it’s time to take thecookies out I have my oven mitt againremember we have to be safe and we haveto make sure that we don’t get burnt I’mgonna open up the oven look so good theylook like some people like them crispy Ido not so I am going to say that theyare ready I’m going to put them down onmy oven here they are now it’s veryimportant this is something that wealways have to do is turn the oven offsometimes I forget so it’s veryimportant that we remember to turn theoven off now the directions say that weneed to cool for three minutes and thenwe can take them off the sheet put themon a plate and they’re ready to eat allright I hope you guys make some cookiesat home I’m sure some of you are reallygood bakers and I’m sure some of you caneven make cookies from scratch where youmix up the flour and the eggs andchocolate chips or whatever else but Iam NOT that baking savvy so hopefullyyou guys will send some pictures in andvideos of you baking or doing somethingelse for fun Friday miss you guys bye