How to make protein pancakes – easy cookies and cream healthy pancake recipe! Pancakes are a delicious breakfast / meal you can have anytime that is super quick and easy to make. You can always buy remade pancake mix or… You honestly probably have the ingredients I use already at home. All you need to make healthy protein pancakes is raw whole grain oats, egg whites, egg, protein powder, dark chocolate chips. Once you measure out your ingredients, all you do is blend it all together in a blender to make your pancake batter. Then just get your pan nice and warm, spray it with non stick cooking spray and cook them until nice and fluffy and golden. And that is it… How to make protein pancakes, a quick and easy recipe.
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Video Transcription
what’s going on welcome to anotherepisode of Justin’s muscle meals todaywe’re going to be whipping up someprotein pancakes we’re going to bemaking cookies and cream flavoredprotein pancakes from scratch and thisrecipe will be pretty simple there’s notreally you know there’s not too manyingredients that you’ll need first namewe’ll need some oats raw oatswe’re gonna need protein and the flavoryour protein is really what’s going togive your protein or the the pancake theflavor so we have a blend right here andit’s a cookies and cream flavoredprotein good board and then some darkchocolate chips that we’re gonna add inthere just to give it a little bit ofextra flavor some goodness somesweetness and one whole egg and eggwhites and that is it right that’s howwe go yeah that’s it so first thingwe’re going to do is measure out our eggwhites I’m going to do five servingswhich is gonna be 232 gramsaround there we went a little bit overbut I’m gonna do six servings how am idoing don’t you let me pour a baby willcommit Oh got a little on the side Ohbut the egg whites you can kind of mixaround that’s just going to be ourliquidy base and that’s what’s going togive the the pancake some fluff we’regonna do one whole egg do this part onewhole egg and you want to put the liquidin the blender before yeah we’re puttingit all this stuff in the blender for myblind viewers you want to put this theliquid in the blender first that wayyour powder doesn’t get stuck to thebottom so there we go next thing we’regonna add is some oats some raw oats I’mgonna do two servings which is 80 grams[Music]and then last but not least we’re gonnado one scoop of our protein your proteinof choice we got a vitamin shot brandblend cookies-and-cream blend which isreally good it’s really good it’s likecreamy I’ve never used it in proteinpancakes so it’s gonna be a good goodlittle test to see how see how thistastes we’re just gonna do one scoop andthat’s pretty much 14 glasses or 13 butyou can do it’s 28 grams 14 grams ohyeah so we’re gonna do half a serving ofthe dark chocolate chips which is 14 14gramsI forgot that there we go there’s yourgonna are get our blender broke on thelittle here so we’re just gonnahold a paper towel over but you’re justgonna blend all those ingredients uptogether to make the batterso we just dumped all that that’s thebatter right there is the money shot nono this smell like anything so we’regonna head go ahead and get this pannice and warm you want the pan reallywarm before you uh before you put themon there so we’re gonna mix up Brookesnow cuz we’re measuring our stuff outand what makes basically Brookes justgonna do half of that just sound goodyep yes stir that you want to stir thebatter but right before you pour itbecause sometimes the oats won’t getsuper blended up another thing you coulddo is blend your oats pre like pre blendyour oats so they’re already like apowdery thing powdery substance but juststir it up and then dump it in the panhere we have it the first two Brookemade were a little thin so when you formin the pan it’s good to have a smallerpan that way when you pour them in itruns to the edges but you can pourenough you want to pour enough where itwhen the eggs cook up it’s really like afluffy cake as you can see here I gotand I’m gonna put a little bit ofzero-calorie butter spray on mine if Ihad Walden Farms the zero calorie WaldenFarms syrup I’d put that on there but Idon’t have any of that so that’s prettymuch itit’s pretty simple to make and prettyeasy as well some protein pancakes ohthe macros are 68 grams of carbs 68grams of protein and about 15 to 16grams of fat so pretty good on themacros as well thank what do you thinkyou look good I’ve tried a bitethey’re pretty dang good I’ve made I’vemade a variation of this that which wasReese’s protein pancakes pretty similarrecipe you just got to add a few morethings in there we did the powderedpeanut butter in there to make it morelike a Reese’s and the protein waschocolate protein so that’s it for thisvideo this episode of Justin’s musclemeals if you have not checked out someof the other recipes and meals that wehave whipped up somewhere on the screenright now there will be ofa little thing that pops up you canclick on that and that’s a playlist ofall of the episodes of Justin’s musclemails check that out if you have notalready on the other side there’ll besomething that YouTube picks out somesome other video on the channel checkthat out if you’d like to as well butthat’s it for this one thank you guysfor watching and keep getting stronger