Today I’m going to demonstrate how it make no bake cookies. For speech 101
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
afternoon everybody my name is Angela kuKaczynski and I’m here to teach you howto make new babies yes they are calledno bakes that is because you don’tactually bake them in the oven it’sactually a process done over the stoveand it’s a recipe that it’s handed downto me by my mother and yes there arepeople that make them but this recipesbeen in our family for quite a while andI want to show you how to make new bakesso first you want to make sure that youhave the proper utensils for me I use apot generally a medium sized pot to makesure all the ingredients can fit andonce you put it over the stove its gonnahave to boil so you want to make sureyou have a pot it’s not gonna let itover boil and like drip all over thestove now she’s gonna need a varioussize measuring cups I have one cup 3/4cup and a half a cup and I have apointed spin in this whole be usefullater on for when you actually lay thecookies out on wax paper and so one ofthe final things your utensils you willneed is wax paper it depends on the sizeyou want to use so I didn’t about thismuch this is about any big a tall andyou can basically do whatever size youwant and say them for the ingredientsyou’re gonna need milk now I am gonnause carb master milk and it’s Krogerjust because it has lower carbs in itfor me but you can use any type of milkyou are familiar with or that’s to yourtaste but I am gonna use card master forthisthey’re gonna need sugar you’re gonnaneed a stick of butterit could be Bluebonnet or any type ofregular butter but I’m gonna useBluebonnet creamy peanut butter cocoapowder vanillaand three cups of it now I went aheadand already dead do –tz–so that way they were out ready but I amgonna go ahead and pour out the rest ofthe ingredients that I need as by far sopreferably I like to put my butter infirst just in that way it is ready downthere and you also want to wash yourhands before you do this just to makesure there isn’t anything on your handswhen you do this because it’s gonna be alittle bit hands-on at the beginning andthen we need two cups of sugar which I’mgoing to measure out now you want tomake sure you don’t go over two cups ofsugar so then once you have your twocups of sugar put them in there and it’sgonna look like this it’s gonna like alittle mountain snowflake okay so nextwe’re gonna do your milk now I did thedry ingredients first just to get itlike rolling and that way when I pour mymilk in there it won’t be the sugar andstuff won’t get stuck to it one item Iforgot to mention at the beginning isthat you will need a liquid measuringcup this one is from oven basics and sothen you’re gonna want to pour one cupof milk and let’s get it up there okaylooking good oh I’m sick hey these aremy favorite cookies guysall right and then doing the buttercurry and sit here and smash it a littlebit so we put it on the stove it’s gonnastart melting okay so I’m gonna go aheadand smash up the butter a little bit toget it ready to put on the stovenow I’m going to make a double batchwhat you did forget to mention butthat’s okay so I had to double myingredients which you can do if you havelike a party or something or if you havelike friends coming over or birthdayparty or anything you can go ahead anddouble the ingredients to make a doublebatch of looks so then we’re gonna goahead and move to the stove now for mystove I have to cuz I’m making a doublebatch I’m gonna go ahead and do a half acup of cocoa put it under our mixturebefore we go ahead and turn on theburner because once it boils it’s gonnago ahead and get that chocolate in itand then before you go ahead and turn onyour mixture make sure you get yourpeanut butter and your vanilla readingwhich for me it’s gonna be 1/2 tsp andI’m gonna go ahead and set it in thiscup the two teaspoons just so that wayhas something to hold on toall right you never have that let’s cutit out I’m gonna set this over here andyou’re gonna want to get a good amountof peanut butter and so separately fatgrab a big spoon and just get as much asyou want out for me it’s about this muchokay okay so I’m go ahead and get threemore cups of oats just because I’mmaking a double bass and so this isgonna make the concoction hard and itforms the forms for cookies warm withthe nove and so now we’re going to goahead and we are going to I eat it andput it on medium heat which I put itabout right heremine’s like between six and four andthen we’re just gonna go ahead and sityou know mix the mixture until it comesto a complete boil let it boil forexactly one minute no less no more orotherwise the cookie will be destroyedand you have to get your move aboutbutter to melt and you have to make sureeverything stirred completely otherwisethe concoction is gonna be awful okay asyou can see here the mixture is startingto meltand you can see the butter going nowaccording to Food Network you canactually add a pinch of salt in herejust to give the extra saltiness if youwant it but I prefer mine without itokay so now everything’s melted isFreddie so you want to go ahead and turnit up to medium high and so now we justgotta wait you can see it’s starting tocome to a boil now once it comes to afull boil exactly do one minute I woulddo it on a regular clock with a handjust so that way you can see the timeticking because it could be like like 30seconds as you can see now it’s out afull boil so then we’re gonna say herewatch the clock from 2 so now we gottawait 1 minute and so why don’t you dothis you want to make sure you stir nowI’m switching hands cuz my hands aregetting really hot doing this as you cansee it’s at its full potential of a boilnow remember you can’t go under or overor it’s gonna make the cookies evenworse and they won’t turn out right youeither turn out mushy or too dry soyou’ve got to make sure you get it ontime left we already added the vanillaso you want to go ahead and add yourpeanut butter make sure you get it allthat in there make sure it all melts nowyou have to do this either really quickpaste otherwise it’s gonna start dryingout and the heats gonna subside and youwant to make sure you get all thatpeanut butter in there and mold it nowyou’re gonna want to go ahead and slowlyadd your oats and get them in there intothe mixture make sure you get them allcovered so that way they are fullydrenched and that way they’ll take inall the product now this is a messyproject by the way so Pete prepared andsays go ahead and do big stir make sureall the notes are generally covered andso look at this gooeyness see about thetexture here now this is perfect becausenow they’re gonna harden as quickly asthey need to be got them all mixed inthere so now we are going to sit downand carefully drip our oats on to herenow you have to be at a quick pace atthis and I normally take like a spoonfullike this gradually get it and then putmy point entry down now this is why Isaid you need a point in spoon becausethat helps direct where you want your nobigs to go ladies your final cookielet them sit for about an hour to letthem harden before you can enjoy themsadly they’re not instantly readydelicious so let’s summarize what welearned todayno big cookies are a fun enjoyabledelicious treat you can share withanybody you can use them for partiesevents and anything to the sorts andit’s a fun delectable treat so I hopeyou enjoy