In just 10 minutes and a couple of pantry staples, you’ll have perfect No-Bake Cookies ready to devour! And I’ll share with you my #1 tip for getting them to turn out perfectly every single time!
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3 Cups Old Fashion Oatmeal
1/2 Cup Creamy Peanut Butter*
2 Cups Sugar
1/2 Cup Cocoa Powder
1 Stick of Butter
1/2 Cup Milk
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1. In a large bowl combine oatmeal and peanut butter.
Combine sugar, cocoa, butter, milk, and vanilla in a medium saucepan on the stove.
2. Turn stove on medium heat. Stir to combine everything.
3. As the butter melts, the chocolate mixture will start to combine. Keep string to make sure it doesn’t burn or scorch on the bottom of the pan. This will take around 5-7 minutes before the next step begins.
4. Once you see a couple bubbles in the middle of the pan, start the timer for ONE full minute (exactly). You do not have to stir during this time.
5. Remove from heat immediately after the timer goes off and pour the hot cocoa mixture in the oatmeal bowl and mix well until peanut butter is melted and all ingredients are mixed well.
6. Spoon quickly onto wax or parchment paper (ice cream scoop works best) and let cool for 10 minutes to set up.
– *Natural peanut butter should not be used in this recipe
– The secret is to wait for those first couple bubbles in the middle of the pan, then start your timer for one minute. Remove from the heat immediately after the one minute is up. This will result is perfect, shiny, set up no bake cookies every single time.
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
hello welcome back to my kitchen I am soexcited about today’s recipe we aremaking one of my all-time most favoritecookies ever no bake cookies this is mymom’s recipe she made us all the timegrowing up and as a tried and truerecipe no bake cookies are easy to makeis minimal ingredients and everybodyloves them but they can be a little bitfinicky so today I’m going to share withyou my number one of your tips that willhave these nobodies turning out for youevery single time we’re going to goahead and prep all of the ingredientsbecause once this recipe gets started itgoes really really quickly and it’shelpful to have everything prepped andready to go so in a large bowl you’regoing to add three cups of old-fashionedoats and a half a cup of creamy peanutbutter next we’re gonna head on over tothe stove and in a medium pot you’regonna add one stick of butter 2 cups ofsugar 1/2 cup of the milk 1/2 a cup ofcocoa powder and a teaspoon of vanillaturn the stove on medium and what therubber spatula start to combine and stireverything together as the pot heats upit will slowly melt the stick of butterand it will become a rich chocolatydelicious sauce now this is theimportant part you don’t want to leavethe stove from this point on out youwant to continuously stir this chocolatemixture to make sure it doesn’t burn andscorch on the bottom but also to watchfor when it starts boiling this is mysecret tip no big cookies can be kind offinickyif you overcook them by even 10 secondsyou’re gonna end up with a really drycrumbly dull cookie but if you undercookthem they’ll never set up properly sothe key is to boil it for exactly oneminute now what do I mean when I sayfoil as you stir to make sure everythingis together and not burning andscorching on the bottom you want towatch out for when it starts bubbling inthe middle that first one or two bubblesright in the middle of the pot you’regonna turn on your timer at that pointexactly for one minute if you wait tillthe whole mixture is at a rapid boil orfull boil you’ve waited too late if youstart it too soon when the edges juststart to bubble then you started tooearly so right in the middle of the potstir in a little bit waitstir a little bit wait as you see thosefirst one or two bubbles pop up that’s asign that it’s getting ready to startboiling you want to set your timer forone minute exactly from that point outthen leave it let it do its thing andwait for the minute to be up after thetimer goes off turn off the stove andremove the mixture immediately from theheat and you’re gonna bring it over andpour it over your oatmeal and peanutbutter the heat from the chocolatemixture is gonna melt the peanut butterso it’s gonna be really easy to stir andyou’re gonna want to work fast from thispoint out because cookies are gonnastart to set up in a couple of minutesso with that same spatula you’re justgonna stir until everything is combinedthe peanut butter is melted and it’sjust a big bowl of nobodies goodnessthen you’re gonna line your countertopsor cookie sheet whatever you have with aparchment paper or wax paper and usingjust your regular cookie scoop or a bigspoon here to scoop out the cookies ontothe parchmentafter you scooped all the cookies outyou’re gonna let them cool and set forabout ten minutes after that pointthey’ll set up beautifully and they’llbe ready to enjoy and you’ll probablyeat the whole back to the citythese moment cookies are a classic and afamily staple in our house my husbandloves them my track team has loved themevery single friend that I bring them tolove them you cannot go wrong with achocolate peanut butter combo plus theycome together in less than 10 minutesthey only use a couple staple pantryingredients that you have right now whatmore could you want from a simple sweettreat for the full recipe head on overto the blog at feeling of southern soulcalm you’ll find it there with many manymore recipes I hope you all have awonderful day and I will see you all inthe kitchen next time very soon bye bye