Cookies Recipes

How to Make Delicious, Perfect Cowboy Cookies

These are THE BEST chocolate chip cookies you will find! Trust me, I’ve tried every recipe out there! This is it. Can’t wait for you to try it out. 😊🍪

1 cup granulated sugar (200 g)
1 cup brown sugar (213 g)
1/2 cup shortening (57 g)
1/2 cup salted butter (57 g)
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla (5 g/mL)
2 cups AP flour (240 g)
1 teaspoon baking soda (5 g)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder (2.5 g)
Heaping 1/2 teaspoon salt (2.5-4 g)
2 cups oats (instant or whole) (200 g)
Chocolate chips
*additional add-ins: white chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, butterscotch chips, pecans, walnuts, chopped peanuts, dried cranberries, raisins, or any combination of these. Be creative!

350° (177°) 8-10 minutes

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Video Transcription

hi everybody thanks for being here todayin my kitchen I have the best recipethat I’m going to show you today it iswhat we call them cowboy cookies butit’s basically an oatmeal chocolate chipcookie and it’s the my favoritechocolate chip cookie of all time andI’ve tried them all trust me I have togive credit to my in-laws for this onebecause when I first married my husbandor first met my husband we went up thereand they’re like let’s make some cowboycookies in it and I was what what arethose anyway but they are good so we’llget started here I have in here one cupof granulated sugar and one cup of brownsugar and then I’m going to add half acup of shortening no let’s see yeahhalf a cup of shortening and a half acup of I like salted butter you can useunsalted butter but I like that littlebit of extra salt in there I’ve kind oftweaked this recipe just a little bit tomake it my perfect recipe okay and I’mjust gonna cream the butter shorteningand sugars together and to that oncethat’s nice and combined I have two eggsand a teaspoon of vanillathis batch makes quite a few cookies soyou can easily cut this in half I thinkit makes four dozen four dozen cookiesso yeah you could easily have this oneand just do two dozen cookies okay I’mgoing to add my eggs andvanilla that nice and combinedokay now I’m going to add two cups offlour one teaspoon of baking soda 1/2 ateaspoon of baking powder and a littlemore than half a teaspoon of salt like Isaid I kind of like that extra saltyflavor in there so it would be like aheaping 1/2 teaspoon of salt okay I’mgonna get that all mixed innow I am going to add two cups of oatsyou can either do the instant one minuteoats or the whole oats what happen halfit doesn’t matter I’m just going to dothe instant oats today oats today goahead and add the chocolate chips- I prefer milk get that mixed inokay at this point some optionalingredients that you can add in at thispoint are I really like the choppedpecans or walnutsyou can add dried cranberries you canadd raisins you can add I’ve done whitechocolate chips I’ve done butterscotchchips I’ve done it all and everyvariation is really good I’m going toadd nuts to this one today but nothingelse and one more mixperfect okay this dough is ready I havea baking sheet language parchment paperyou can use cooking spray that will worktoo I have a miniature size ice creamscoop and I just will do a nice bigscoop of dough you can also just scoopthe spoon amout bike with a couplespoons that totally works and these willgo in the oven at 350 degrees for abouteight to ten minutes you’ll know they’redone when the into the middle of thecookie is just barely barely cooked andthe outsides are just barely turningbrown the cookies will continue to cookon the sheet for another minute or twoso if they look slightly underdonethat’s okay that’s the time to take themout okay then I’ll just kind of shapethem so they’re nice and round make sureto wash your hands after handling thecookie dough and these are ready to goin the ovenokay I have my cookies out of the ovenand I let them cool on the pan for about10 minutes if you can wait that long butmy kids I’m just gonna break into one mykids will just come grab them right offthe pan no fail perfect texture so goodthanks for being here today if you wantto see more content like this make sureto subscribe to my channel you can alsocheck me out on instagram at neuroticmom[Music]you

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