Hey Guyz! My kids are taking over in this vlog, let me introduced my aspiring vloggers. Hope you enjoy watching and please comment down below if you have any questions, suggestions and request for our next video. Thanks and God bless
#lisaiverypinsan #cookiesandcream #grahamdessert
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]I’m uncomfortable ah so the thing we’regonna wait for houseonions or any of which the alchemistsscissors[Music]so kids be careful cause the scissorsare very sharpafter parents and cutting for you[Music][Music]you’re in evolution what you decide[Music]like what then[Music][Music]oh no get some Oreos[Music]lookshe will walk it okay that’s a good idea[Music][Music][Music]Fiona what is your favorite color is[Music]your favorite food Roger hi how old areyou do you love to cook yesyou knowmy wish for the corona butterfish I hopeif I go away soon and I hope everyonehad piranha bars within nobody gets sickand different of the minors and take itfor half of us from the virus thank youvery much[Music]thank you for watching don’t forget tosubscribe hit the like button andcomment and bring that deprecation thereby[Music][Music][Music]