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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
everyone says die I’m going to be doingtwo tools so I’m gonna be like oh if youwant to I made it nowjust hanging aroundyeah I don’t know[Music]and milk also you need a bowl or tightwhatever just[Music]next up is the mail and the mail guysmake sure you’re pouring the milk overyour things so look at that you can seeway back get teaspoonhey guys[Music]ideally like half a teaspoon with eachwhen I stretch this one out themhuhthat work and oursthe milk slopes up anyway so I just putit in the mouthwell little bits in the milkI’m just gonna see how this my mouthI have these on toast so nicewho else does thisI’ll put it on this little one hammer soyou’ll still need the spoon it mightlook disgusting at the end but it tastesthe amount of time is usually there’s notelling some of the ballit’s usually one minute 30 seconds butmy kitchen microwave it’s kind of morepowerful no we burned a few things soI’m just gonna put it in for 50 secondsbut you guys you will have to put it input oneyou see[Music]youof course I want to talkI was gonna do this when the my browsinclude a few tricks withso your eyesreally like below the place without thislockdownOh[Music]it does look disgustingmm you guys need to try this only houseit was digested so chocolate chipcookies can you tell hernope and pancake gave us a few weeks agoI don’t think you used all these Nutellaso why don’t you go back guys the tastetest is the best part by making it turnwhen is it mushed up you can taste thereal metallic and you can taste the youcould taste the digestive our choco chipcookies is subscribe