Cookies Recipes

how to make chocolate chip cookie PART 1

hi I will be making a chocolate chip cookie

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hey guys it’s me right here sorryI swear it’s not different in here I’marea like I just said and so today weare doing the baking video so we todaywe’re gonna be baking chocolate chipcookies this is for one cookie and sowhat you will need for this is twotablespoons of unsalted butter it has tobe softened softened softened and youneed more for greasing you also need 1/4of a cup of light brown sugar lightlypacked and you also need 1/2 of ateaspoon of vanilla extract you willalso need 2 tablespoons of egg beat endsso basically what you do is put one egginto a bowl you do beat the egg and thenyou get 2 tablespoons and then put it inyour mixture we also need 6 tablespoonsof all-purpose flour um you also need1/8 of a tape teaspoon of salt and Idon’t have that so I’m just thinking geta pinch of Scott salt and do that andthen last but not least you need 5 cupsand 1/2 of the cup of a tablespoon ofsemi-sweet chocolate chips divide it Icannot have so my sweet chocolate chipsso I’m gonna be using milk chocolatechips you can use whatever kind ofchocolate chips you are but I’m thesethese onestasty because the I’m copying the recipebasically basically I’m testing outtheir recipe and yeah some salt and it’scultural kosher salt yep but I’m justusing regular salt so I’m gonna startoff with my two tablespoons of unsaltedbutter okay next I’m gonna have 1/4 oflight brown sugar so basically it’ssupposed to be packed like this lightbrown sugarum I need 1/4 of cup and find our cups1/4 of a cup right here I absolutelylove baking so I’m so excited to do thiswith you I don’t really remember thecrappy drill I’m also Marianas the Bakergirl so right this is not working outokay I think that’s goodready so this is my one let’s put thatin there and smells like soy sauce okaynext we need 1/2 of a teaspoon use thatmyself I’m a baker here and whenfollowing instructions Bria oh I’msupposed to mix this right nowwhere’s my whispergot it okay now I’m just gonna mix thismixture together and sky them alright atfirst because it’s like it’s kind ofhard to mix a solid with like burntsugar I don’t know what I’m talkingabout I’m just talking and it has been 4minutes and 15 seconds 15 seconds 16 1718 okay so I’m just gonna mix thistogetherumm I am basically just like whiskingthis I don’t think it’s working out verywellmy mom’s birthday’s coming March believeit so get ready for that huge video it’sgonna be a surprise my mom is right nowwatching this video so this what I’m nottelling you what I’m doing for herbirthday I would tell you but she’sdoing watching this video so get readyfor that big video because this can beamazing so in the meantime I’m stillwhisking this together it’s gettingbetter not all of the butter has beenincorporated yet and he wants us to beincorporated very well so it’s myallergies it’s like so annoying and Ihave not posted a video okay guys makesure you subscribe like the video hitthat Bell post notification so you get anotification when we tell me to post abrand new video and this is amazing nowit’s perfect this is like theconsistency you want if you wantconsistency so I guess we’ve done andmake sure you always wash your handsjust prone the virus okay next okay momdon’t worry I’m using my clean handsomeone clean don’t eat school now okaynext I need yep one half of a teaspoonof vanilla extractI have no idea how I’m gonna open this Iguess I’m gonna use this and I’m justgonna have like one two three and if youlike that and this is a two-minutecookie so alright so this is what myconsistency looks like right now[Music]all-purpose flour this come I think nextor whatever I don’t know wow this islike super soft and butter okaynext we need the one that’s beacon okayjust wipe it on that my hands clean outoMG okay next we need one egg that justbeat in lets go rinse this rule bookokay it’s all washed i rinsed it samething whatever seriously but don’t trythis at home kids actually will ask yourparent for help when you’re washing itdid you just eat to do okay lookssomewhat clean around that can go to thetrash okay next we’re gonna beat our eggoh shoot that’s like dying okay wellthat’s just greatokay okay next when you whisk it a longtime it is because it’s been nineminutes and 10 secondsokay and I gave lots of subscribers sobig shout out to you guys I’m verythankful okay now I don’t ask we need toget hopefully maybe you’re just not cuton me you know what no I justokay next we are going to have sixtablespoons of all-purpose flour sowe’re going to start off with 1tablespoon don’t worry mom your phone’sclean have no fear Marianas here okay Imean six tablespoons one two three fourfive six okay six tablespoons it is alldone we can close this up now and we’regonna whisk it whisk whisk whisk whiskmix so this is what my consistencieswill be you’re like right now yepthey’re this so I’ve you guys cannot seebecause of the ye-qingit’s looking pretty good I have madethese cookies before my mom loves themshe absolutely loves them because whodoesn’t like chocolate chip cookies thepeople who’s allergic duh okay um I ampretty sure everyone almost everyonelikes chocolate chip cookies it’s okayyou know I mean like just I’ll besurprised cuz like they’re really good[Music]okay back to our baking showokay back to on the chip shy that’s theconsistency you should be looking likethis looked absolutely delicious getyour hand dirty girlum even where you’re gonna get yourselfit wouldn’t matter if you wore glovescuz it just make it more difficult umalmost get this stuff away from the edgeof the table once we’re done with thisokay next we have a pinch of kosher saltthis is sea salt uh I don’t think itmakes a differenceseriously what if you just use sugarinstead of salt right I can’t get mypinch out a pinch of salt made with loveokay put this over here and mix verywell I think I’m gonna mix that laterand now we need some I’m just like toomany chocolate chips in her chocolatechip cookie I think I can’t when youhave a little more time so I might endup doing part two or if I find theediting source then I’ll put it togetherlet’s hope this does not stop pleaseplease right now all you need to do isgood bunchand microwave and yeah like guys I’mgonna stop the video right here I’mnearly like I’m gonna continue doing itI’m really gonna post it all together Isaid I can’t put it together because Idon’t have a editing sauce so basicallynow what are you gonna do is I have thisright okay guys I’m gonna end the videoright here I’m gonna do like clearly abuddy right after this so I hope youguys like history and make sure to givea big thumbs up and subscribe and I’llsee you guys all in one second and we’reonly in one secondgoodbye

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