Cookies Recipes


Hi guys! In this video I teach you guys how to make #cookies that will remind you of the beach! Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoy the video!

If you would like a chance for a shout out, comment below if you like to bake cookies!

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sister/The Bean Sims-
brother/Madden 1059-

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Video Transcription

hi guys what’s up and welcome back to
pesky pastries so today I’m going to be
showing you guys how to make some bee
gees but before we get started it
shoutout time so today to make this fair
I did draw names out of a hat
and I difficult are you doing this but
the video didn’t say don’t ya
anyway the shoutout it goes to kool Kat
0 9 sorry if I pronounced that wrong and
so if you would like a shout out in my
next video then comment below if you
like to make cookies or not so yeah and
that question has to do with this video
so keep on watching and I will see you
in about a few seconds hi guys what’s up
you don’t come back to pesky you Pig
screams and today as you can probably
tell we are back in the kitchen so today
we are going to making Beach cookies
let’s get started
already so what you mean for our Beach
cookies our cookies of this way some
needs and a paintbrush to get with this
and then you also need sleep frosting
and this runner so what so I was first
cookie it’s going to be like a little
waves so what you’re going to do is so
you want to put some I do believe I see
it in a piping bag and then you just
want to frost it um until about here
until about the Midway in the middle of
the puppy but you want to have it with a
little spikes like the ocean sighs if
you’re assembling waste all righty so I
am done of my ways and I’m trying to
like slam down a little bit yeah see now
I’m going to add like a little bit went
to the ways there Blair so I’m just
going to take some white frosting and
just kind of make a little later on each
side of the way like alrighty so I added
the player to it I don’t need your tips
I didn’t want to end into all month but
yeah that’s the first cookie it looks
let’s move on to the second last
yes hopefully
the umbrella will be like the main point
of it yeah let’s try so we’re gonna have
enough really because if you’ve ever
been to the beach usually they have like
umbrellas with chairs under it so I
bring your dog on an umbrella and yeah
yeah let’s get so the first step is to
put the ocean in its background so I’m
just gonna draw like a straight line for
this I’m not gonna do little waves I’m
just gonna draw a straight line my own
kind of straight and then just going to
put some icing down there um so we don’t
want to leave it just like that cuz yeah
that looks a little year so we want to
just spread it nice and straight
alrighty so um I made that and now we
are going to put so I’m going to put me
on boobarella off to the side here um so
let’s draw I’m going to draw a straight
line and then like an umbrella shape
alrighty so I have made my umbrella
shape and then I’m out – I’m like a tiny
tiny little circle off to the side over
here for a little each boss that’s it
yep now there’s a little beach ball just
apparently floating in the water
yeah um so now let’s get our paint app
you must work on it all right you sell a
dot my cake paint off and I have five
colors of cake paint I have yellow red
green blue and white I haven’t seen that
so clearly and white and then um also I
just added a little bit of yellow
sanding sugar that’s totally optional I
just thought it made it look a little
bit more like it was on land yeah yeah
and then as I said you will need a
paintbrush with these chickens or I’m
Smitha music kebab stick and see how
that works out
yeah so burnt my umbrella I knew like oh
let’s do it actually let’s do a red
beach ball wait let’s do a green
umbrella so you get like a shake shake I
shake it up
okay so carefully take those little
plastic thing on opened it before and
then it’s kind of made a little slip too
let’s do pokemon so I’m gonna just make
a little green polka dots on here so
there’s my table it looks interesting we
are going to work on our beach ball so
there is our final cookie yeah so thank
you guys so much for watching if you
like this video and if you like the
beach make sure to LIKE subscribe and
share and I will see you on your time

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