In this video I am going to show you how fun it is to make a cookie ice cream sandwich. You can use any cookie or watch a previews view I made making a “Vanilla FUN cookie”
Enjoy and let us know how you like it.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everyone and we are back me andthe little guys so today I wanted tomake this video because if you’re seeingthe last video of how to make vanillacookie yes you will know how to makethem right nowtoday we just added instead of chocolatechip we added this kind we added thisthere pretty good that tastes prettygood and give them a fun pink and bluecolor so in the last video we spokeabout ice cream sandwiches YUM so that’swhat I wanted to show you guys today howto make ice cream sandwiches with funcookies with the vanilla 1 cup to showyou right so first you’re gonna grabwhichever flavor ice cream you likewhichever brand it doesn’t have to bethis cream okay it could be mintchocolate ice cream akiva now they couldbe charcoal they could be strawberry itcould be any kind um all you need is theice cream to be a little soft you see soif you could bring it down out of yourfreezer a few minutes before you createyou try to create your cookie okaylet me get home okay so you grab onelook how beautiful so you will grab yourcookie you will grab your ice creamscoop remember try to use an ice creamscoop the same size that you createdyour cookie this is the same size that Icreated the shape of my cookieyeah so you going to add your ice creamlike just like that you see is yoursauce you see so when you press theother cookiewell it’s turning into a baloney saidthe cookies are still kind of soft sothat’s what’s gonna happen so make surethat you your cookies are nice and andcool okay so then you’re going to grabeither B you’re going to crush somechocolates or mmm you could use yourfriend ready and are you gonna do thisjust like this there you have itice cream cookie sandwich yeah okay soreal quick I want hold on you’re sittingthere that I have over there in thefreezer if you don’t like ice cream Iknow if you people that don’t like icecream and you have frosting at home itcould be any kind of frosting it doesn’thave to be this bright it doesn’t haveto be that flavor you could grab thecookie right and you could grab yourfrosting make sure you mix it up niceyour frosting and you grab a nice amountand a spatula or a spoon and you spreadit all around and do the hokey-pokeyokay so you doing nice very nice Wowlike this it’s like painting no anythingyou just want to make sure you spread itnice and even okay it reminds meand now you grab the other cookie eggsmash them togethermash potatoes and now let’s use thisthis one and all you do is you go aroundyou could you say yeah you can add asmuch frosting as you like like it couldbe like a five-story building it surewhatever whatever you want and here yougo you got your cream and ice cream yeahyou got your frosted cookie sandwichright this is 10 you have one point meltyou have your ice cream ice cream cookieanother way to is you could ask if youare a child and you’re watching thisvideo you ask mommy or daddy or whoeveryou live with they could melt thischocolate and you could sprinkle youcould swirl the chocolate all around thecookie and now you’re gonna have abanana fun cookie with a swirl ofchocolate yes so thank you so much guysfor watchinghit the bag and shoes and choose the useice cream or did you use that thevanilla what so whatever they say guystry to do that please thank you so muchfor watching bye bye