Bananas + oats = the easiest cookies EVER. Chocolate chips are optional, but encouraged. Watch Lisa bake ‘em up!
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hey there it is me Lisa Lillien alsoknown as Hungry Girl I am here live inmy kitchen from Los Angeles this is dayxxxxX of the quarantine what day are wewho knows I don’t know but I am backwith another very easy recipe demo foryou this time the recipes that’s Laurenwhen making a ruckus in the backgroundoh she decided to start shoveling asnack down her throat right about nowanyway I’m making a recipe right out ofthe pages of Hungry Girl Magazine incase you did not know there is a HungryGirl magazine that is sold at finesupermarkets Whole Foods targetsWalmart’splaces near you that you might frequentit’s a beautiful magazine and there’s norhyme or reason to when it comes out butusually there are several issues peryear this is our latest issue there’s arecipe that I’m making that is based ona recipe if not the same exact recipethat’s in the magazine it’s a littleslight rare variation so I’m giving awaya copy of this today if you want to winthe magazine I have two things to giveaway two things I’ve got this magazineand something else hold on tonight’ssticker animal is francois the frog thatI personally stuck with my own fingersand it says right here he’s got greatlegs but don’t eat them aren’t youexcited that you can actually read thishe’s got great legs but don’t eat them Ido not eat frogs legs but Francois isbeautiful he is a French frog not to beconfused with the French fry and my ovenhas been preheated this is exciting sofor tonight’s recipe by the way you canwin this frog just say I wanna winFrancois I love this recipe I love frogsI love Francois whatever you say commentand like if the more hearts and the morecomments the more likes the more youhave a chance to win this andFrancois is very adorable again you canwin the magazine and the Frog you couldsay whatever Lisa just give me a prizeand I want to win it yesoh you could buy the magazine online sothat’s great so Jamie just posted it sotonight I am making I know I promise theeasiest cookie Treat ever and boy is itgoing to be easy I am making these likethey’re practically two ingredients Imean there’s a little extra stuff inthere but it’s really two ingredientslook how beautiful they are I you canmake plain onesthere oak based you can add raisins youcan add chocolate chips but they’re funand easy and here is all you really needto make them okay you readyI would say get a pen and paper but Ithink you could actually memorize theingredients okay who’s ready you allright first main ingredient oats secondmain ingredient bananas and the key hereis to use very very very very very veryripe bananas there’s a banana trick ifyou put them in a paper bag they’llripen faster so you’re gonna use oatsand bananas those are your mainingredients by the way is it super hotout for you because it’s like fourhundred and seventy eight thousanddegrees in Los Angeles today I thinkofficially right is it hot by you it’sreally hot here so tonight this recipeis calling for wow this room is reallyfilling up overripe bananas that’s thekey and oats those are our two mainingredients yummy okay tomorrow night ifyou guys have these ingredients this iswhat you should make I don’t know if I’mgonna be online tomorrow but tomorrow ispicked in a blanket day so if you havemy favorite Hebrew national 97 percentfat free hot dogs and crescent rolldough you could make the world’s bestend best for you pigs in a blankettomorrow I don’t know why I justinterrupted the cookie recipe to giveyou a pigs-in-a-blanket plug but I feltcompelled okay now here’s what we’regonna do we are first going to take ourbananas we have two bananas they’remediasighs bananas nice these are perfectlyripe because they have brown spots onthem but there’s no brown spots on thebananas this is like hitting the bananalottery right here not kidding becauselooks like you know when your bananasreally ripe and the these brown spots onthe outside and then there’s brown spotson the inside too it’s not ideal butwhatever that’s so good for like bananarecipes and banana bread so we have twobananas they’re medium-sized which willget you about a cup of mashed banana sowe’ve got my bananas in a beautifulmixing bowl and I’m gonna mash thebananas in case I haven’t reminded youyour oven should be preheated to 350degrees that is gorgeous bakingtemperature all these bananas are beingmashed I am mashing these bananas like aprincess look at me go look at me mashcan you see them gorgeous so remember ifyou want Francoiswhile I match these bananas you send usmessages saying please give me Francoisthe Frog or if you want Hungry GirlMagazine who didn’t know there was aHungry Girl Magazine there’s a lot ofbooks toohow many books Jamie thirteen fourteenthere’s a lot of your own booksall right you thanks for the link thankyou for liking my shirt USA all right amessage and it smells very good I haveto say it’s it’s perfectly ripe andgorgeous you want to mash that up verynicelyhave you ever matched a banana beforevery satisfying okay now that you haveyour mashed banana the next ingredientwe want to add to this bowl your oatsMoshi Moshi Moshi I see it right thereyou want a cup of oats I have atremendous canister of oak’s here infront of me this is like the world’sbiggest oat canister you could live inthere it could be quarantined in thereokay a full cup of oats goes into mybowl and I’m getting rid of this becauseit’s like taking up the whole dangcounter all right in this bowl I’ve gotsome oatsI got banana now I’m adding a half cupof water that is not an officialingredient but you need waterassume that you have water in your houseone half cup goes in there now about aneighth of salt and about a half teaspoonof cinnamonthis is excellent cinnamon Watkins Ilove you about a half teaspoon I lovecinnamon if you put in a little extrait’s not going to hurt you cinnamon isanti-inflammatory it’s it does all goodthings for you you’re gonna mix that inthe bowl mix it like a princess you canuse a spoon you could use a fork I’mgonna use this spoon right here keepgoingremember is we want Francois the Frog orthe magazine comment send hearts sentlike tell us you subscribe to the dailyemails okay something interesting tellme about your day what’s going on outthere well I mix these up next bookcomes out in January usually they comeout in the spring just here I’m kind ofhappy it’s not in the spring yeah yepyep you could use a potato masher forthe berry it seems like overkill itseems excessive but if it’ll make youfeel bettermash away alright by the way each one ofthese cute cookies has like 43 caloriesthis one might have a little moreCosette has chips in it okay I feel youokay the magazine rocks it’s beautifulI’m gonna show you before I make thecookies just how nice the magazine isbecause I don’t want Francois the Frenchfrog to feel left out I’m going to showyou how nice he is to remember he hasgreat legs but don’t eat them andthere’s my signature all right this isHungry Girl Magazine it’s gorgeous it’slike the prettiest magazine you willever see am i doing is properly look atit it’s so prettyand lolli is usually in it and look atme on the back cover I don’t know it’s areally great mag okay so in this bowl torecap in case you have already forgottenbecause you were so distracted byFrancois Beauty we’ve got a cup of oatswe have two mashed bananas two mediumsized mashed bananas which totals abouta cup of mashed bananateaspoon of cinnamon 1/8 of salt and 1/2cup of watergood you got that this is gonna be aquiz later yes you need an appropriatelysized cookie sheet this one is like 35 Iused a large foam because yesterday Imade these I made my beauties yesterdayand they didn’t fit on my smaller cookiesheet so I was a little annoyed theygonna spray that with the tried-and-truePam who remembers the Pam commercials yoshe got a sistado you remember that anyway you don’tknow that Lawrence to go OK now Kelly hiyou can get the magazine at supermarketcheckout or Walmart or Target or I don’tknow if that one’s still on shelves butyou could order it Jamie posted a linkor Kelly I know you you could just sayhey Lisagive me a magazine and I’ll probablygive me one all right now we’re gonnamake how many cookies does this make Ithink it makes 12 Lauren do you have therecipe front of you it they can seethey’re 12 or 16 we’re gonna figure itout right now is it 12 holds on I’mgonna make it I’m forming these intolittle cookie balls okay we want 12 ofthese yesterday they made more I don’tknow why but you want to make 12 andthey’re prep their nice size cookies onetwo you’re gonna just watch me do thisare you bored do you have any questionswhile I do this 300 a.m. who’s askingyou that Jamie I do I have so muchenergy it’s because I drink your dailybright boost which is the hubby girlenergy drink mix then I’ll show you in aminute if you want but that is truly whyI have this much energy okayhungry hungry – girl calm / magazine andif you want to get my energy you can goto hungry – girl calm / bright is thatwhat it is I think Jamie’s gonna yell atme or she’ll help me one or the otherhello my rule this is like my biggestcookie sheet and I’m not gonna run outof room 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I gotta fit for more of these suckers onhere alright so they’re gonna be 43calories in okay but if I if you addlittle extras oh I left my coconut inthe pantry I was gonna do two coconutones maybe Lauren will get the coconutfor me well we could just leave thecoconutoh my things are crashing in my houseLaurence tries to be watchful yet Ithink she just broke everythingoh look I have some Baker’s coconut I’mgonna use this for another recipe verysoon alrightthis is these are twelve sizeable cookietreats okay can you see this what’shappening in front of me could you seethese beauties do you see these are theygorge all right who wants me to raiseyour hand if you think I should putchocolate chips on some all rightLauren’s raising our hands so somebodyput some chippy chips on here truck theydo yeah they do they they actually tastea lot like banana because there’s twoingredients do you guys like banana Ihope socuz if not you may not like these butyou know we can try to make these withother fruits that’s the thing like youknow what you guys are a lot of you arehome not everybody and if you want toexperiment you could say wow there’sanother fruit out there may be mashedmango would work or maybe if you cook upan apple and mash that up that’ll workI don’t know I also chopped up someraisins I like who likes alright let’shave a battleI like oatmeal raisin cookies betterthan chocolate chip cookies what do youguys think I think oatmeal raisin arelike the best cookies ever love them Ilike them more than chocolate chips butI like chocolate chips toowhat do you like more I can’t read hygenEnderlin I love you and I miss youterribly okay so now I’ve got thesesuckers on the trayso some I’m gonna leave some of themplain so I’ve got some can you see thisyou should sniff this they do smell verybanana ink doo doo doo dookid you everybody likes chocolate chipswell I guess we have to agree todisagree on that one I like chocolatechips but I like the raisins more allright you have your 12 cookies on thecookie sheet we’re gonna put this in theoven at 350 degrees here’s my oven we’regonna set a timer for 16 minutes we’regonna check them at 16 you want to cookthose 16 to 18 minutes and that is howyou will know whether or not they areready this is the easiest recipe of alltime while these bake I’m gonna show youwe’re not gonna stay the whole time butI’m gonna show you some things that youcan win tonight in case you forgottonight you have the chance to winFrancois the French frog who has greatlegs but don’t eat them and also youcould win a copy of Hungry Girl magazinewhich is a fantastic magazine Jen weshould give away some Hungry Girl bookstomorrow maybe we’ll give away a book ortwo I’ve got a lot of books but this isour Girl Magazine and you could win itbecause the magazine contains the recipeand I just make already yeah oops I feellike this is like QVCsorry suckers the magazine is sold out II guess I’ll give away more copies cuz Ialways I buy the magazine myself becauseI like it so much I buy them and andthen I give them away so you could alsomake some with coconut I made some ofchocolate chips I made some with raisinsthis is what they look like they areabsolutely gorgeous they’re not crunchycookies you know they’re bendable thisonly bananas and oats in here so don’tget all excited when when they’re justlike bendy chewy cookies but they’reincredible and they’re delicious theyonly have 43 calories so who doesn’tlove that thankyou for liking the magazine thank youfor loving all this stuff now rememberI’m here almost every night makingthings I am not sure if I’m gonna makepigs-in-a-blanket tomorrow night tell mewhat you want to see me do do you wantto see me throw stuff in the airfryer doyou want me to do more things in themicrowave I was thinking about microwaveFrench toast and a mug I was gonna dosomething for a blueberry blueberry daya blueberry pie day next weektomorrow is pigs-in-a-blanket day so youcould make some pigs in a blanket Imight be here making pigs of like it Inever know it just depends on how I feelso I love getting inspiration from youso if there’s anything you want to seeme do please let me know and I will tryto find a way to make that happen arethere any other questionshe just started watching Mary and Imight do want me to do the whole thingagain like do I have to do the wholething all like from start I can’t dothat Mary Ann anyway the cookies I’llgive you a recap just in case you forgotin case you don’t wanna watch this againcookies are a cup of oats – mashedbananas medium bananas half cups halfteaspoon of cinnamon quarter or no aneighth of salt and a half cup of watermix it together and you got to mash thebanana bake it at 350 16 to 18 minutesand then you have your gorgeous cookiesso my cookies won’t be ready probably wehaven’t set the timer we forgot oops butprobably for another 14 or 15 minutesthen I’m gonna take them out and that isthat so that is hi Sharon hi you missedyou missed the recipe sorry but youcould re watch this you want frenchtoast in a mug Betsy you got it we’regonna do it French toast in a mug allright do you have any other questionsbecause if not we’re gonna go for ournightly walk that’s itJamie said recap didn’t I just recapyeah oh okay I’ll recap again so tonightI made these cookies they have two mainingredients they have a cup of oats thatyou mix in with a cup of mashed bananathat’s about to medium bananas thatyou’ve mashed you mix the oats then youadd in a half teaspoon of cinnamon alittle bit of salt like 1/8 of salt ahalf cup of water you mix it all up andthen you dollop them onto a cookie sheetthat you have sprayed with Pam you bakeit at 350for 16 to 18 minutes and then voila youhave cookies that will impress anyonewith a face truly anyone that has a facewill like these cookies all right wellthat is it I think I’m gonna go as muchas I’m having a really fun time rememberto look for Francois the Frog say youwant him say you want the magazine butI’m gonna go walk now and I will be backvery soon hopefully tomorrow if not theday after but you stay safe stay homestay healthy sign up for Hungry Girldaily emails listen to the podcast pissthere’s a lot of great information thereand just be good I’m Lisa Lillien alsoknown as Hungry Girl until next timechoose the right thing