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In this video I will be showing you how to bake PRET’s chocolate chunk cookies at home, a very simple recipe and should only take around 20 minutes all together. Please see the Recipe at the bottom of this description.
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Hello everyone, we’re Chanel & Paolo! We are both 22 years old and have been in a relationship for 5 years (almost)😂. We enjoy cooking, joking with eachother, watching movies & going on holiday. ✈️
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110g Unsalted Butter
170g Caster Sugar
85g Light Brown Sugar
1 Whole Egg
190g Self-Raising Flour
3g Salt
120g Chocolate Buttons/Chips
You can find the full details here: https://www.pret.co.uk/en-gb/pret-recipes/dark-chocolate-chunk-cookie-recipe
🧡Key Words: Easy recipe Homemade, How-to, Home Cooking, Cooking youtube, Home baking, Easy baking, Homemade, Dark chocolate, Chocolate chip cookies, Bakery style cookies, Cafe cookie, Soft, Gooey, How to, Recipe, Tasty, Dessert, Chocolate (Food), Chocolate Chip (Food), Easy chocolate chip cookie recipe, Perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe, Best chocolate chip cookies, Make cookies in oven, Make cookies at home, Make cookies,Dessert recipe, Chocolate cookies, Baking chocolate chips, Making chocolate chip cookies, Best chocolate chip cookie recipe, Chocolate chip cookies from scratch, Chocolate chip cookies recipe, Chocolate chip cookies how it’s made, Easy chocolate chip cookie recipe, Perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe, Cafe cookie, Bakery style cookies, Soft, Gooey, How to, Dessert, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Recipe, Tasty, Homemade, Baking, Bake cookie dough, Bake cookies recipe, Bake cookies easy, Bake cookies at home, Bake cookies in oven, Bake cookies, Bake cookie,How to bake, Quarantine recipes, Easy recipes, Sweet dessert, Dessert recipes, Sweet tooth, Snack recipes, How to cook, Baking hacks, Baking videos, Baking recipes, Baking,Delicious, Food, Homemade cookies easy, Homemade cookies in oven, Homemade cookies recipe, Homemade cookies, Homemadecookies
Hashtags: #chanelandpaolo #howtobakecookies #baking
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Video Transcription
[Music]hi guys so in today’s video I’m gonnashow you how to make chocolate chunkcookies at home so the ingredients are apinch of salt 190 grams of self-raisingflour 170 grams of caster sugar 85 gramsof light brown sugar 110 grams ofunsalted butter one whole egg and 120grams of chocolate buttons or chips sofirst of all you just want to melt thebutter in the microwave you don’t wantit to be hot that you just want to mejust melt it so I’ve changed themicrowave heat down a bit you also justwant to preheat the oven while this isgoing on so as you can see I’m juststirring the bottle to make sure it’snot overheating so it should take about30 seconds[Music]so next you just want to pour the barinto a mixing bowl[Music]you don’t want to go ahead and add thelight brown sugar and the castor sugarand you want to mix this quite welluntil it’s fully combined[Music]so now you just want to go ahead and addthe egg and you want to make this forabout 10 to 15 seconds you don’t knowmix it too long because this will makethe dough sell so you don’t want to addthe flour and also a pinch of salt[Music]and again you just want to mix thisuntil it’s all combined together thenyou just want the dough to be like youdon’t want to be too firm[Music]so as you can see this turned into doughquite quickly so now we’re going to goahead and add the chocolate chips orbuttons if you’re using buttons thenmake sure you break them in half so thatthey’re a little bit smallerI’m just mix this with my hands[Music][Applause][Music]so now you just want to get a bakingtray with baking paper and you want tograb small chunks of dough and weld theminto a ball in your hand and then youwant to place them on the baking traymake sure you space them out otherwisethe cookies with it together as they’llspread when they’re in the oven so Imade quite large cookies and I managedto get eight cookies out of this but ifyou’re making smaller cookies then youcan go a lot more[Music]so now you’re gonna go ahead and placethem on the middle shelf in the oven[Music]so leave them in the oven for around 10to 12 minutes until the cookies lookedkind of puffed up and a little bitgolden but not too golden becauseotherwise they might be soft in themiddle[Music]so these are what the finished cookiesshould that work so thanks for watchingguysand comment below if you tried thisrecipe out and subscribe you can seemore thanks bye[Music]