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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi I’m cookie right sir you would needhalf a cup of chocolate chips half a cupof sugar one and a half cups of flourtwo cups of corn flakes one teaspoon ofbaking powder 150 grams of butter wannaeat and 1 teaspoon of[Music]before you start like this and repeatBuckner’s too much so we’re going to putour almond on bait and set it to 180degrees now you want to get the butterand cut it into 150 grams instead ofusing a saucepan you can use a microwaveinstead after all now Ted sit aside onplace to cocoa mix the other ingredientswhile hot mixture is cool it revealsyour peepsso thank you and good luck[Music]make sure your mixture is cold beforeyou add your ingredients[Music][Music]I’ve been trying them to the oven to seethem to 11 minutes or until the bottomof the cookies at Brown[Music]one circle to put them onto a bicycle[Music]once they colda Tanner joy[Music]