This shows you how to bake chocolate chip cookies from scratch
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
hi welcome to credible you today I’ll beteaching you how to bake chocolate chipcookiesyoufirst step is to have the bathing zoneand put it into the flour you need oneteaspoon next step is to stir make surethe oven to 375 this is good peoplebutter next you take off the packagingand put in a separate mixing bowl nextyou mix the brown sugar in the lightsugar with the butteryounasty pan tablespoon of vanilla extractadding the eggs and continued medicinenow you’ve been in your flower make sureand mix thoroughly make sure to only puthalf of it innow you put the other half in the flatof the flour mixture in a mixer holyonce again next to put in twotablespoons of milk next apply thechocolate chipsdon’t make this the mixer cause they’lldestroy all the chocolate chipif so mix with this feeling make sure tomix thoroughly now we’re ready totransfer the cookie dough off of thecookies right first do have a tablespoonfill it up up and dump it out with thetea suppose then we keep repeating makesure the cookies are roughly the same insize and the spell evenlyyouI even got some oven mitts and put thecookies into the oven[Music][Music]because I don’t wanna have a taste testand they’re good I hope you enjoy thefail I hope it was helpful if you likethat make sure the scribe and label butI can I’ll see you in another video[Music]