Cookies Recipes

How I make “Edible” Treats !!!!| Chocolate CHIP Cookies!!!

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hey guys welcome back to my channel sotoday’s video is gonna be a little bitdifferent I’m actually gonna show youguys how I make cannabis treats so whatI did was I started off with about anounce full of Kennedy’s already kind oflike not grind it down but kind of justbroken down into small buds and then Idid have to decarbonize and then extractthe THC for quite a few hours so afterdoing that I finally came up withcannabutter so cannabutter is basicallywhat you use to make any of your treatsI started off with a dry cookie dough Ionly use one egg and then I used about astick of Kenna butter so depending onhow strong you want your treats to beyou’ll use more or less Kenna betteralso the potency of your can of butterwill matter as well if you use a highergrade bird then obviously your Kennabutter is going to be a little bit morepotent I use a pretty good grade bookand of course I went through the wholethe carving and extraction process toget this nice green soft peanut butteranother tip is when making a treat youwant to make sure your Kenna butter isnice and softKenneth butter it has the tendency tonot really want to kind of like breakdown and cooperate with whatever you’retrying to mix it into so by alreadymaking it really soft how I have mine itmixes in with dry or what mixture is alot easier so I’m just adding this intomy dry cookie dough and giving it areally good mix so you really want totake your time with this part becauseagain can I better love to separate fromwhatever you’re trying to mix it into sopersonally I take like a little bit ofextra time and before I add any more wetingredients I literally try to mix thatcan of butter into every little bit ofraw material that I have because once Ireally get it you know all mixed in wellI want to make sure there’s a little bitof Kenna better in every single one ofmy trouthe so make sure you just setyour time and mix your candidate inreally good[Music]so once I feel like I mix it in as wellas I could as you guys can see my makesure they stood with you dry so I’ll goahead and add any little bit of butterthat I have left over I try to scrapeany of my containers pretty cleanbecause of course my money is literallyin every single drop of this butter soI’m trying to scrape this bow clean andthen what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna fillit up with a little bit of egg wash togive my dough kind of like that soft ohwe feel cuz right now as you guys cansee it is extremely[Music]so here I’ve already continued to mix mydough mixture until it has that nicedoughy field that I like and I’m takingmy mixing spoon in a tablespoon topretty much make tablespoon size dollarsonto my cookie sheet at this point youwant to have your oven set to preheat on375whenever making any type of treatespecially cannabis treat you want tomake sure your oven is already set topreheat otherwise it will make a verybig difference in the texture of yourtreat when it comes out because prettymuch the other will still be warming asit’s trying to cook your treat and itpretty much your treats will not becooking at a consistent temperaturewhich you don’t want so I’m just goingto go ahead and place my treat on mycookie tray and then when I’m all doneplace them in the oven for about 10 to12 minutes so at this point you waitokay you wait you don’t want to open theoven you want to let them do their thingbecause if you do not your treat I’mtelling you kenta butter is reallyreally funny to work with in terms ofcooking your treats will probably comeout a little bit gooey or undone andI’ve had that happen before definitelynot something you want so as soon as mytimer hits 10 to 12 minutes whatever Idecided to fit it on that day this ishow my cookies came out so they look alittle bit light on camera but I promiseyou they were the perfect golden coloras you guys can see and nice and softand chewy in the inside like a realcookie which is what we want so we didyou have enjoyed your treat if you’venever tried cannabis trees I wouldrecommend you start off with maybe halfa tree if you’re comfortable doing alittle bit more I would say take a wholetree but then after that it is very veryvery important that you just simply waitokay do not start to get anxious andfeel like it’s not working and it’s notthe same as smoking cannabis okay yourbody has to have time to look at eyes ifyou choose not to eat before indulgingin a tree it will start to take a secsoonerso you just definitely want to make sureyou give your body time toyou know basically let it sit yeah I’mtelling you because once it starts tosneak up on you you’re gonna notice thatyour thoughts just start to wander mepersonally I’ve realized that I start tothink about things way deeper than whatI probably probably should be thinkingabout them in that time though that isstarting to take effect you don’t knowhow high you’re gonna get into youbasically peak and when you think it’spretty much over from there there’s nostopping it once you feel it youdefinitely feeling okay I’m notresponsible for anything stupid orimpulsive that you tend to do from thetreats that you may decide to make foryourself or your friends and family justbe aware that you know you may becomeyou know a person that you would rathernot be I’m what indulge in these treatsbut just realize that it is just a nicelittle high okay you will eventuallycome back down even when it feels likeyou’re not so I hope you guys enjoyedthis video if you guys want to see morevideos like this let me know and ofcourse the medicate safely and I hopeyou guys enjoy happy land make sure yousubscribe before you go and I will seeyou guys in the next video

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