Cookies Recipes

How 2 NOT make cookies

stuff abut cookies

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Video Transcription

hello and I always have our cord introsokay so today I’m gonna be makingcookies cuz why not okay I got the doughhere and I don’t know what shapes Ishould make so what I’m gonna do is I’mjust gonna like plop it around me and mymom when I’m making cookies so might aswell take advantage of this moment andmake my own cookies so I’m just gonnagrab some random pieces yeah I gottapush it up into something whatever youcall this you slap it on there okay whatdo you think of my cookies you like yesdo you like yes or nothat’s your decision do why we’reawaiting and nothing to do exactly soI’m just gonna do more shapes watch thattake that slap it on there okayseriously guys I need ideas for videoslike I told you in that guitar video umI need you to go to my YouTube channelon a computer go to discussion andcomments what you want me to go wellI’ll just keep slapping this cookieforever so you make more shapes anothershape and two more shapes why not makethem smaller shapesstraight okay shape shape mix those twoshapes together school ship aroundSkoosh Skoosh I’m just gonna be doingthis throughout the video I don’t knowwhy okay instead of that this video isnot sponsored by what I’m gonna show youbut it’s really cool because I don’t I’msmall youtube chin I only have like 20subscribers anyways you might have heardof rubber bands if you don’t know whatrubber bands are I don’t know what youare okay but have you ever heard of tinyrubber bands I’m sure you have and Ihave to and I make bracelets like theone I’m wearing right now I’m justsaying these things are really cool tomake and easy once you get the hang ofit actually so look you just twist abracelet around into you just twist aband wrap around into an eight-ohcookies are done mommywookies okay and then you take this thebottom one and push it to the top meright and you work around and around andaround my technique is to put aconnector on right when you start sowhen you’re done you can easily justhook it to a bracelet if you don’t haveto make a braceletsaying but these things are sick I knowyou’re thinking why are you makingbracelets because I can okayso I’ll let go part 2 sound good okaypart 2 coming soon bye

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