Join our 4-H Jr. Leader Vice-President, Lainie, to learn about how to make No Bake Cookies! This will be helpful for completing your Mini Foods projects for the fair!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
hi my name is Lanie Lawrence and todayI’m going to show you how to make peanutbutter no baked cookies to do thesecookies you are going to need two cookiesheets lined with parchment paper amedium saucepan 1/2 a cup of milk 1/2 acup of unsalted butter 2 cups of sugar 3and 1/2 cups of oats and a tip for whenyou’re measuring out your oats you haveto make sure that it’s mostly the levelso you just kind of shake it and levelit like that you’re gonna need one cupof peanut butter and then when you useyour peanut butter it’s kind of hard tomake it all level so you just grab a lotof it and I use like a spatula sometimesit takes them off but I really likepeanut butter so I may just put a littlebit extra and so when you do that youjust take like a little knife or aspatula and you take it out and plop itin your bowl and it’s gonna get reallymessy but it’s okay cuz peanut butter isamazingthere you go and then finally you’regonna need one teaspoon of vanillaextract so once you have all theseingredients plus a timer in case youneed it we’re gonna go over the stovetopand we’re gonna start cooking so firstyou’re gonna put your butter your milkand your sugar and your saucepan onmedium heat and when you’re handlingyour butter don’t forget to wash yourhands so you don’t catch any germs onthere since my butter is still a littlecold I’m gonna leave it here and let itmelt alone and then put these in laterbut if your butter is softened you canjust put it in all to see now that ourbutter is mostly melted I’m going to setmy spatula down and add in my sugar andthen add in the milk and we’re gonnastir this in and wait for it to boil nowthat I make sure starting to boil I’mgonna set my timer over here for twominutes and make sure to stir itconstantly so doesnow that my timer is gone off you got toturn off your heat and take it off theheat so I’m gonna put it on this nicelittle cork board or like a pot holderand you have to stir in your peanutbutter in your vanilla I’m gonna use aspatula get all my peanut butter inthere no screw be messywatch out don’t hurt yourself and Igotta get the rest of it and it mightget up your hands but it’s okay and thenit also needs to get in my vanilla andthen after that you’re just gonna stirit in and wait till it’s combined nowthat this is fully mixed in I’m gonnaadd in my three and a half cups of oatsand stir those in until they’re combinednow that they’re fully mixed in I havetwo spoons and I’m going to take atablespoon and I’m gonna carry it onover my parchment paper cookie sheet andstick it right there and that’s gonna bemy nice look cookie and I’m gonna dothis for the rest of time make sure toevenly space them out and make sure notto make a mess like I did space them outmaybe one to two inches and then I’lljust do this for your whole batter onyour two cookie sheetsnow I’ve spooned out all my batter andthis recipe is supposed to yield about40 cookies you’ll stick these in yourfridge for half an hour and you’ll haveeasy peanut butter no bake cookies thesecan be stored in an airtight containerfor up to four days and I hope you enjoyhave a great day