Making Awesome Chocolate Chip Cookies – baking/cooking is a way to enrich yourself. Although you might be following a recipe, you add your own flair, creativity, and personality to the mix, literally. This video shows you how to make awesome chocolate chip cookies. It takes you step-by-step how to assemble the ingredients and then bake your cookies to perfection as well as suggestions of how you can make the recipe your own.
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welcome to another enrichment with thegift is got what I’m going to beteaching you today is how to makechocolate chip cookies but not just anychocolate chip cookies these are myawesome chocolate chip cookies that I’vebeen making in refining and for yearsand years until they have become afamily tradition and where people areasking for these because they are theystand out from regular chocolate chipcookies so a couple things first off ifyou’re going to attempt this make sureyou get permission from your parents touse the stove and other things in thekitchen or ask help from them so theycan help you with the stove and otherthings in the kitchen you may not knowwhere some of these ingredients are allthe ingredients that you need are prettycommon household ingredients the onlything that you may not have arechocolate chips so you would needwhatever flavor of chocolate chip thatyou want there’s your semi-sweet there’sdark chocolate there’s milk chocolatethere’s all sorts of different ones soyou would go and you would get the onesthat you enjoy the most other than thatmost of the ingredients which I’ll goover here shortlycan be found in your home so you don’thave to go out make a special trip toshop so what we’ll do is we I’m going toshow you the recipe for these cookiesand how I alter that recipe and thenI’ll take you through the whole bakingmethod for my cookies I use the originalNestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookierecipe that can be found on every bag ofNestle Tollhouse chips that you get andso you can see here the basics of it youneed two and a half cups of flour onetablespoon baking soda one tablespoonsalt one cup for two sticks of butter3/4 cup of granulated sugar 3/4 a cup ofpacked brown sugar one tablespoon ofvanilla extract 2 large eggs 2 cups ofNestle Tollhouse and one cup of choppednuts this is the recipe that I showedyou before and I do change a few thingsso one thing I change I do not use twoand a fourCup I raise mine to three cups I’m inthat I because what this does is makesit a little more fluffy and it makes itperk up a little bit more so I I do usethree cups instead of the two and afourth suggested the other couple thingsI alter is this calls for a teaspoon ofvanilla extract I actually use atablespoon and because I think vanillaadds a lot of flavor to it and so I havea bigger amount of vanilla instead ofthe two large eggs I’ll use three ofthese the reason being because I’madding more flour I need more wetingredients to mix up the dryingredients and so that one extra eggmakes a big difference and then downhere where it says two cups ofsemi-sweet I also and milk chocolatemorsels as well I think the combinationthe semi-sweet and the milk chocolate isreally good and then I do not includethe chopped nuts in mine because I donot like chopped nutsso I leave them out of mine so that’show I alter the recipe to me my awesomechocolate chip cookies you might findwhen you’re making your own that you mayalter here and there so to benefit yourown taste so some people don’t have likea ton of salt so they may you know onlydo half of a teaspoon for that it may bebut you like a lot of sugar so you’ll upyour 3/4 sugar of 3/4 cups of sugar to afull cup and so you just play with itand you find what works best for you foryour ingredients you definitely mighthave different types of morsels youmight have white chocolate you mighthave you might add my family and some ofmy family likes macadamia nuts andthey’ll add that to it as well and sothose are those are how you can kind ofalter the ingredients here are all theingredients that I’m going to need tomake my cookies all laid out the firstthing I’m going to want to do thatbefore I start messing with anythe ingredients so I want to make sureto preheat the oven because the logicbeing that the the oven needs time to beheated and so the time spending puttingall the materials together can be spentpreheating the oven so when you have theingredients together you can just stickthem in the oven so I’m gonna preheat myoven to 375 and get it started so theingredients that we’re looking at hereare our flour which we have right herewe have our baking soda which is in thissmall little container right here wehave our salts and our salt shaker wehave our butter now a couple thingsabout the butter when I know I’m gonnamake chocolate chip cookies I will taketwo sticks of butter out of which twosticks is equal to the one cup that youneed but I will take the sticks ofbutter out a few hours before I know I’mgonna make cookies and let it kind offall because it’s difficult to mix thebutter when it’s hard another option ifyou don’t have time to do that it’s justa microwave it the problem there is thatsometimes it you know it’s a fine linebetween melting the butter and andspelling everywhere and just trying tosoften the butter but there’s our butterI have the brown sugar which is rightthere I have the vanilla right herewhich is really important I have eggsover here and I have my chips now thething about your chocolate chips is it’stotally your call and what you want todo what I have found personally is thata mixture of semi-sweet and milkchocolate together make for a reallydelicious cookie sometimes I will add ina dark chocolate as well for that recipebut it’s the combination of these chipsthat kind ofmake that mr. tiara well I’m gonna stickwith our milk chocolate semi-sweetcombination the recipe also calls forchopped nuts but this is a personalpreference so I’m not a big chopped nutsfan and so as a result when I make mycookiesI don’t put chopped nut nuts in therebecause I don’t care for them as much asI do other ingredients in addition tothe ingredients you’re gonna need a fewtools that will help you make this thefirst is a mixer so this is a kind of aheavy duty duty KitchenAid mixer you cancertainly mix it by hand you can uselike a hand mixer as well this thismixer is just an example of one that canbe used you’re going to need a couple ofmeasuring cups so one is the 1 cup andthen you’re also going to need a 3/4 cupas well for smaller you’re going to needa piece this is the teaspoon one righthere and then you’re going to need atablespoon one here so in addition youhave the cookie sheets that the cookieswill go on when they bake in the ovenand then you have cooling racks so whenyou are done baking the cookies you canplace them on this for them to coolbecause they won’t need to cool inaddition you might want to wear an apronwhen you’re putting this all together sothat you don’t get your clothes dirtythat’s totally up to you but we’re gonnagive this a start so the first thingwe’re going to do is get the flour so asI said before I’m I altered this recipewhere it asks for 2 and 1/4 cups offlour I’d go with a full 3 cups and thereason being is that makes them reallyfluffy so I have 1to[Music]threethe flower goes in and it doesn’t matterwhat water you put these in this I justfollow the order that it gives it on therecipe the second thing it asks for is ateaspoon so the teaspoon is representedby the TSP that’s teaspoon so we’regonna take our baking soda baking sodajust helps it anything to rise so wejust do one teaspoon goes in there andthen that is followed by a teaspoon ofsalt so there’s my teaspoon of salt putthat in as well this is all called ourdry mix that we’re putting in first wealso have to put in so now I’m going totake my 3/4 cup I’m gonna use that toput my sugar in whenever you’re pouringmaterials it’s really helpful to pourthem over where they came from so theydon’t if they spoil they go right backin or over the sink so it doesn’t make amess here’s my 3/4 cup of sugar that inand then this will be followed by 3/4cup of brown sugar the brown sugar is alittle different in that it has to bepacked tightly so what that means is thebrown sugar itself is kind of so youhave to pack it down to make sure thatit all fits in there so shouldn’t be asloose as the sugar wasso you pack it all in put that in andthen we won’t need our 3/4 cup anymoreput that away and we’ll need our cup anymore of that in the same so now that wehave all of our dry ingredients we canstart adding our our are not dryingredients so one of those ingredientswould be eggs now the recipe call usfour to eight I’m these three eggs andthe reason being that the three eggs itjust makes for a less pout because we’veadded more flour we need to kind ofdivide that up a little bit I’m gonnacrack my eggs I’ll put the shells in thesink you want to make sure you don’t getany shell in your cookies because theydon’t taste goodso there are my eggs next wet ingredientis going to be the butter and the butteris not softened yet so I’m going to putin the microwave so that I can get alittle saltso while we’re waiting for that tohappen one of the last things we’ll haveto put in is the vanilla so each a fullstick of butter is represented thatrepresents a half a cup so I usually init usually sticks to it so you want tohave a spatula or something that you canmake sure you get all your butter withso see that a little bit sticking so youthen you take your spatula put the namemixand then our last is our vanilla therecipe calls for one table it’s oneteaspoon I uh put two one tablespoon Ithink the vanilla gives a little kick soI like to have mine so I’m pouring itover the actual bowl itself and that wayif it’s available then I can put mymeasuring in the sink so then what youdo is once you have these ingredients inthat you need you mix them up you wantto start out slow you start out too fastit’s going to spill everywhere but Ikind of start kind of slow I’ll let itmix a little bitthen we’ll text a little bit speed upthe last ingredient we have to add arethe chocolate chipsit calls for two cups of that I justkind of eyeball it in my opinioncan’t go wrong with having too manychocolate chips so this is what ourfinished cookie dough looks like and thecookie dough is delicious you want toresist the temptation to eat it withyour fingers or eat off of this and putit back in because you don’t want to youknow have other people who are eatingthese have to put up with that so thenwhat you do now is you take the cookiedough and you place it on the bakingsheet it recommends that you use a spoonto do thisand that you make them kind of small formy awesome cookies I actually make it alittle bit bigger and so I use ice creamscoop to help me get mine and I makemine a bit bigger than your typicalcookie so I’ll make them that big andthis is part of what makes them awesomeis their size it is important that youspread it out on the sheet as you cansee here because when it bakes it willflatten and so you want to make surethat when it flattens that they don’trun into one another because it’s hardto kind of get them apartit says the typical batch of cookies Ithink it says it makes five dozen ormine definitely does not mine barelymakes a dozen if they’re so there’s whatthat kind of looks like and so then whatyou do is with the oven is preheated andit is it is a signal that it is it ispreheated then whendo is I would put those in the oven Jyou can see I have them all spaced outon the cookie sheets with enoughdistance between them that when theyflatten out they’re not going to runinto one another now I’m ready to put itin the oven you want to be reallycareful here you can choose to use anoven mitt such as this when you’replacing them in to make sure that youdon’t burn yourself and so take the ovenmitt and you grab this and I put them inthe racks so there are two racks so Iput one on the bottom one on the top oneand I guess that the recipe calls fornine to eleven minutes I have it eventen minutes and it makes the cookies sothat they’re a little underdone that’show I kind of like to have it so as youcan see we’ve kind of made we’ve usedall of our utensils when you made messesso one of the most important parts tobaking cookies it’s making sure youclean up after yourselves so I have theeggs I’m gonna put them downgrinders upI’m gonna take my butter that I used andthrow that in a trash and then I takeall my items that I have here and youcan either hand wash them or put them inthe dishwasher but what you don’t wantto do is leave a dirty dish at sink fullof dirty dishes for someone else to haveto clean up all really good cooks cleanup after themselves so it’s reallyimportant that you make sure you do thatso that’s sound indicates that our timeis up so I’m gonna turn the timer offI’m gonna get my trusty oven mitt I’mgonna pull these outs like I said youcan see they’re not quite perfectlybrown they’re a little underdone whichis how my family and I have come to likethem they should certainly certainlyshouldn’t be liquidy but mine are alittle underdone if you like to do yoursa little crisper a lot of little lessmushy then you might want to set yourtimer for eleven minutes and then youkind of eyeball whether you think it’sdone or not so now what we’re gonna dois we’re just gonna let these cool forten minutes so I’m gonna turn the ovenoff not my oven I’ll give you thatanymore so but I need to let these coolso what I’m gonna do is I’m going to setthe timer for 10 minutes let them coolno 10 and you don’t have to set a timerfor the cooling you can just kind of geta feel for how much they have to coolwell I saw the timer Edition for myMcGee’s otherwise I tend to forget soonce your cookies have cooled then youneed to put them on your cooling racks Iknow that seems weird that you’reputting them on cooling racks are theycool but the thing about it is is youtry to take them off the baking pans tooquickly they break apart and they theydon’t work so a good rule of thumb thatyou have waited long enough isyou can touch the pans that you werebaking with without it being hot anymoreso then you just take that like you seehere and you just kind of work it outfrom underneath you place them oncooling racks this and then you separateit if they kind of if they did go to goto happen to go together those did andthen you will leave them on thesecooling racks until they cool even morebecause if you try to eat them nowthey’re just going to fall apart sowe’ll take a look at our finishedcookies when they are completely cooledhere you have the final result are thesethis plate full of delicious chocolatechip cookies and they’re quite awesomeyou can see how large they are so tomake sure that you ask parentspermission before you start to cook makesure you clean up after yourself andenjoy the cookiesyou