Cookies Recipes

Eggless cookies | How to bake eggless cookies without using an oven | Nangatai recipe | No oven.
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hello guys a welcome and welcome back tohis kitchen today I’ll be showing youhow to make eggless cookies withoutusing an oven if you haven’t subscribedto my channel please PLEASE Kelly do saydidn’t give to miss any of my videoseach and every week then stay tuned toenjoy may receiveon today’s ingredients you’re going toneed two cups of self-raising flour thisis a flower that contains baking powderalready you’re also going to need onecup of icing sugar one cup of ghee oroil and lastly one teaspoon of vanillaessenceI start by mixing all the ingredientsthis is a flood that contains bakingpowder but if you don’t have this flouryou can use the normal wheat flour andadd one teaspoon of baking powder thenadd one teaspoon of vanilla essence andone cup of icing sugar and mixeverything welllastly add one cup of ghee or oil pour abeats per a bit while mixing tilleverything is well combined but you canable to make a small ballyouyour mixture of LA has to be exist thena mixture is ready then it’s high timeto share our cookiestake a small amount of the mixture makea small ball then squeeze in betweenyour palm as you can see in the video oryou can shape your cookies any how youlikecontinue shaping your cookiesarrange them on the trayyouafter 10 minutes I’m done shaping mycookies I’m going to preheat my oven andthe pan because I’m going to show youtwo techniques of baking the cookiesplace a stand in the pan and cover witha lid and preheatson a medium low heat for 10 minutesbefore baking the cookiesmeanwhile I’m going to decorate mycookies by putting a red spot at thecenter or you can use any color that shewantsyouI’m done decorating my cookies and it’shigh time to bake our cookiesafter ten minutes our pan is ready placea baking pan on a baking sheet at thebottom so that the cookies don’t stickand arranged the cookies and reduce theheat and bake at a low heat for 40minutesyoumake sure the heat is law so that thecookies don’t get burned at the bottomif you’re going to use an oven bake at170 degrees Celsius for 30 to 40 minutesand after 40 minutes our egglets cookiesalready as you can see in the videoremove them from the fire and lets themto hold on completely before servingthemyouin our soft eggless cookies already asyou can see in the video several plateswith a cup of tea or coffee and enjoyyour cookiesthank you for watching my video and hopeyou loved it and if you want to seeother esops I’ll put the links in thedescription box and if you have anyquestions you can comment down below oryou can follow me on my social mediaFacebook an Instagram for furtherquestions and thank you once again byebye

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